Why doesn't Japan make an authentic medieval game like Kingdom Come, Deliverance?
Why doesn't Japan make an authentic medieval game like Kingdom Come, Deliverance?
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Japanese people don't actually know much about the west. Compare what we know about Japan, only much, much less.
Hmm, I believe it conisdering the stupid shit they do with it.
Why is there only air filters on the left side?
Because in a combat stance of a right handed person, that's the side that's facing away from the enemy.
What culture has the biggest influence in the world as a whole? East or West?
we are living in a post-british world, where anything we think of as developed has followed the british
so west
Japanese have a hard on for medieval europe if you didn't notice by now.
West. You enjoying that Computer? Product from west enginuity.
They do
Back then 1000 year old teenagers grouped together to kill god all the time
>Played Dark Souls once
>Assumes all of japan loves medieval europe
Japan can't into realistic open world games (with some exceptions)
The closest you can get to a medieval japanese game is the Way of the Samurai series or that Yakuza Samurai game that never got released on the west.
What a manlet.
Isn't that what Genji days of the blade was?
What are you fags on about?
yes, in semi-mythological, semi-urban legend sort of way
the same way old-school weebs have hardon on ninjas and kung-fu
>realistic feudal japan simulator
Ronin: No Gods or Masters would be a fun mercenary sim
Because japs only like cute stuff, moe shit and fan service not realism
Yeah man, it's just dark souls, japan hasn't made about a thousands games set in a vaguely medieval western europe for the better part of three decades. Nope, just dark souls. Japanese games with knights and european longswords and western armour, in big stone western castles, Dark Souls invented that.
>xbox hueg paddle sword
>le edgy fantasy setting
>big bobs because why not XD
New scanlations fucking when?
Why even bother adding Crossguards or pommels if there's no clinches or bashing when the majority of combat is preforming retarded anime sword moves.
The site I use says NEVER EVER
Better than the western take on the same material.
I'll take edgy Japanese fantasy and big boobs over American armour design.
>uses American Warcraft
Lol strawman harder, cuck.
>last scanlations were only a few months away
I won't giv up hope so easily.
>3 volumes
It's a rushed ending, isn't it?
Cause Japanese medieval history only consists of getting cucked and fighting their own people cause "muh clans"
They aren't even capable of taking their own history seriously anymore
Don't make fun of that old woman, she did nothing wrong.
>muttland game
lmao look at this weeb
Leave boring realism to the Poles, Nips can keep making fun games.
You were saying?
>Female "knight"
even fucking worse.
you know, I sometimes want to get into full plate/mail 14c armor and walk central street of my city
I wonder how many policemen will stop me
Canceled as it should be. Based publisher.
This stuff is the "Dark Souls" of the west you retarded weeb. Nice Strawmanning.
>Born retarded.
They only care about it in a fantastical sense. Would you genuinely expect Bethesda or CDPR to make an Edo period simulator?
Besides, they like good gameplay and all midieval shit has objectively terrible FPS-derivative gameplay with trash-tier melee.
If American "football" """armour""" wasn't pervasive across all nearly all mainstream western games you might actually have a point. Be alas this shit is everywhere.
Y'know, I'd totally fucking kill for a KCD esque game set in Japan thinking about it.
How else is a high school girl supposed to get to school without being molested then?
The mangaka was a newcomer, from what I remember, so it wouldn't be surprised that the deal with the publisher was initially to publish a short story. Either way, I'm enjoying this manga.
Oh shit.
The plot would have to besomething stupid involving HONIRABRU because Japan didn't hsve foreign invaders, only dumb clans killing eachother over stupid shit.
small hard on who cares
Seriously, it's even hitting Spain
The cancer of american football armour must be stopped before it spreads even further.
>still using American strawmans like Warcraft
And Warhammer is meant to be outrageous so neck yourself you retarded nigger.
I think you mean cherrypicking
>it's meant to be terrible
>that's the point
Warhammer really has the worst fanbase.
I mean. A handful of Mongolians did make it and slapped a bunch of shit around before being stopped. This is what really made them reconsider combat tactics.
That aside, the story doesn't need to be the same and given how other clans were completely different. Just let me be a ronin wandering Japan.
>MercurySteam designed Samus
What? I'll agree though that giant shoulderpads look stupid on medieval/knight armor but I don't mind it in sci-fi like Metroid and W40K because that stuff isn't supposed to be realistic in the first place.
Name some, faggot.
They already made Dark Souls which wasn't a jank piece of shit and had good combat.
>Warcraft past 2
>Medieval Fantasy
Nigga you stupid.
Ut is a jank piece of shit, looks like shit and playa horrible you cuck
>MercurySteam designed Samus
You're not very smart are you?
>B-but Warhammer is MEANT to be absolute dogshit in terms of narrative and aesthetic!
Let's do a rundown
>Trains, Cars, and Planes?
>The Internet?
>cute girls wearing cute plate
>never ever
we will get 5 season more of GuP first
Keep crying bitch nigger. People will continue to like Warhammer and you'll still be mad.
Boy, you can't even type. Might wanna tone it back with calling people cucks.
Not him but
>Black Templars
You are a potato.
You should really learn to read the reply chain before you reply to people.
Coprophiliacs won't go away either. Merely existing isn't something you should be proud of.
I'm not the you were arguing with, but the moment you dropped cuck in that reply I'm pretty sure you lost anyway.
I actually want this, they'd get so much shit wrong it'd be funny as fuck.
you don't really know how that happen do you?
first invasion 25k storm survivors - got routed in
a mere days by provincial garrison
second invasion 50k survivors - got routed by local provincial force yet again
no take of arms of whole country happen jsut local fending off, reason for whole invasion was hilarious as well look it up
they lucked out from bigger war thanks to storms, proves how retarded mongolians were if not for their unity, setting off at the same season twice in a row
they got scared of third one and economical collapse happened due to inability to prepare for something unknown leading to change of shogunates
(c)Cambridge history of japan volume 3
I love whenever anime tries to depict or comment on race in the west in anyway. I totally agree, historical medieval europe as depicted by japan would be nothing but hilarious.
>Compare what we know about Japan, only much, much less.
In my experience, people know absolutely fuck all about Asian history. Japanese or otherwise.
I'm not into japanese games, but I don't think they like realism.
The only game I can think of without scifi/fantasy shit is gran turismo.
I know there was a guy named Nobunaga and he had a lot of ambition and tried to conquer Japan, but died and became a Demon and his buddy Tokugawa Ieyasu sided with the Demons and took over Japan. And then a Samurai killed a giant snake demon and saved the world.
That's Japanese history right?
I'm just imagining KC:D except it being really accurate its completely off the other end and its beautiful.
>medieval == """"fantasy""""
at least post good western fantasy game you, weebtardo.
Recently KCD
Medeival 2
For Honor doesn't count.
Mike Turk might as well be a gears of war character.
Quick anons, post wacky helmets !
That's Turkish. Turkey is an Asian country.
>Turkey is an Asian country
to be honest, Warhammer fantasy aesthethic is /fa/ yet sensible unlike weebshit that is.
one of the rare helmets with survived paint, believe it or not everyone painted over their armor to scare enemy/fashion
that's just 16th century clothes though
Greece please try to accept reality
wouldn't be as big if fucking soviets didn't let them genocide armenia
>When the feudalism hits right
yes and?
not a design.
literally 100% of civilization comes from the west
bait better
You mean the Middle East. Which then civilised and gave religion to the barbarians who would become the western civilisation.
Sorry it came from sand land you cave dwelling barbarian.
Western people were exiled from Africa and the middle east and settled in Europe's caves till they were civilized by jews in the form of Christianity.
No problem, as long they look cool AND sensible.
you should ask why Japan doesn't make realistic games at all first
Answer: because they are boring (compared to all the creativity you can do with fiction)
On the other hand... ˇˇ
Japan is the only country that actually thinks euro-medieval armors and their proportions actually looked cool enough to even take up the competence with fantasy armors.
The west only uses medieval armor proportions when they are restricted by the realistic, simulator-like themes of the games (like with chivalry or kingdom come), but once they have even a bit of freedom in designing armors (like For Honor or AssCreed) they instantly go into these warcraft-esque directions where they start to make the armor "more badass" with big pauldrons, big chest plates, no bulging tummy/crotch protectors, etc...
Despite Japan not caring about realism at all, they still love the interesting structure and little details that were going on in the medieval warfare, even more so than the west.
Shame this game is never coming out.
M8 themes don't choose themselves. I think some people in the West and in Japan just care for realism and some don't.