She looks like an adult but it's okay because she's actually 3000 years old

>she looks like an adult but it's okay because she's actually 3000 years old

I want to look at Tiki's titis.

I am ok with this. Adult dragons > Loli dragons.

>You will never be her Mar-Mar


Warriors Tiki is really fun once you get her gimmick down. Just god help her if and when Chrom shows up.

Loli Tiki was so much better. Awakening ruined everything

If you got Minerva then give her Iote's shield as a skill, as that nullifies effective weapons.

Also I find her pretty bad for regular battles, and only really use her for timed onslaught/kill x00s

Shut your mouth, that's my wife you're talking about!


seething mommyfag

Hoshido is shit, Camilla is also shit. Only true waifu is mymridon Elice

being a pedo isn t something to be proud of

>L!Tiki killing a man with her fist

>world where lolis a strongest

Does the original tiki count as a "looks like a child but actually really old" trope? If I remember correctly she's only been awake for a few years because she was sealed away or something. How old is she supposed to be?

I love how Hinoka is just as obsessed with Corrin as Camilla is, but since she doesn't have breasts nobody seems to get upset by it.

Flat /sjw bias

During FE1-3 she's around a 1000, give or take. She was born about 100 years before the events of FE4.

well to be fair, people don't even remember hinoka exists so they really couldn't get upset by her if they tried.

>looks like your sister
>is actually your wife

Doesn't have much to do with anything but Camilla > Sakura > Hinoka and Elise

>people still think Adult Tiki is better than Loli Tiki just because of breasts
As much as I like seeing lolis growing up, Tiki isn't one of them that fits that criteria ever. Tiddies are nice, is just that it doesn't fit on Tiki at all.

What are the implications here?