>game pushes its definition of good and evil onto the player
Game pushes its definition of good and evil onto the player
>reddit pushes its definition of funny onto Sup Forums
you're the one mentioning reddit
>American company (or game company with many stakes in the US market) shoves their superficial social problem solutions on me
Case in point:
>CoD ww2
>Wolfenstein TNC
>Ass Creed since Ass Creed Revelations
>final battle of tumblr and pol
>tumblr cracks the mask of pol revealing the empty void of reddit
>game shows religion in a bad light
>It's always the Christian Church
what else would the west relate to
how many games can you name set in the middle east
Wasn't C&C generals set in the middle east?
Anyway, it is a good point that none of the other religions (especially the religion of peace) never get their fair share of attention.
>when the developers turn a good faction into an evil fascist group that wants to kill everyone because of their own stupid perceptions of what is good and what is evil
>When a game developer mixes in good rethoric with bad intentions (aka utilitarianism and population control) in order to make the arguments 'feel' bad, brainwashing another generation.
and you're the redditor
FFTA thread?
>being on Sup Forums
lol found the redditor
>any GTA game
>r/Sup Forums/
What the fuck, why? Am I being kept in some fucking zoo for the amusement of retards?
Did not really see this in GTA 5 Though, there were many scenes that made fun of contemporary vapid hedonism. Like Casey
>when the game tells you that putting feral ghouls out of their misery is murder and evil
>when not trusting synths and killing them is evil but sacrificing humans for them and allowing them to kill people is good
>yfw you turn the mascot of the franchise into evil murderers because you see their isolationism, dedication and desire to save the human race and dislike of mutated humans as racist so you have to wipe them all out along with their children
Maxson dindu nuffin wrong, he was a good boy.
No, but seriously, the Brotherhood was never designed to be evil. Stubborn and isolationist and not being concerned with other groups, yes, but never evil. That was the Enclave, the BoS were meant to be a force for good. Thanks Todd Howard, it just worked.
Essentially yes. But considering we also mock them I'd say it's tit for tat.
Make your own fucking game then and stop buying theirs. Sounds like the other games with good vs evil you don’t complain about are just ones that suit you. At least give examples.
>But that's true.
I've never trusted ghouls since Tenpenny Tower.
wait, conservatism isn't evil?
>conservative governments until 20th century
>barely any technologicall progress
>liberal governments for approx 100 years
>we're putting people on fucking mars already
You are jewish.
is this a meme?
when the game tells you that putting feral ghouls out of their misery is murder and evil
It doesn't though, Clarke is presented as a gigantic fucking idiot for acting the way he does and if you let him run he gets his dumb ass killed trying to be nice to ferals
>when not trusting synths and killing them is evil but sacrificing humans for them and allowing them to kill people is good
Give me one example where a human is sacrificed against their will for the sake of a synth
>yfw you turn the mascot of the franchise into evil murderers because you see their isolationism, dedication and desire to save the human race and dislike of mutated humans as racist so you have to wipe them all out along with their children
How is disliking synths and non-feral ghouls NOT racist when neither of those groups are inherent threats to humanity?
You are jewish.
You are jewish.
You are retarded :o)
You are jewish.
Same thing.
>muh correlation
Neck yourself
if the world was still ruled by the likes of hitler you wouldn't even have vidya to play. not that you poltards even play games
>cancerous frogposters
>leftists think Pepe is a symbol of hate
>capture war criminal noted for massive attacks against civilian populations
>he asks you to let him go with no promise that he'll stop
>kill him
>dark side
>vote for Trump
>dark side
There's nothing wrong with non-feral ghouls and the vast majority of Gen 3 synths (bar the Coursers) aren't threats
Brotherhood are just raiders who got bumped up a tech level and try to have a code
>they talked about normal ghouls and ferals like they were the same thing
>we're in the wasteland where people can barely survive outside of major cities, what's the best thing we can do? help a handful of synths
>I guess they all volunteered, but they still sacrificed a lot of people for each synth. and let's not forget the synth turned bandit of libertaria who killed probably hundreds of people. that's a lot of lives lost for synths who for all you know don;t even have a conscious mind
>Synths are dangerous, Far Harbour proved Maxson's paranoia
>There's nothing wrong with not liking ghouls. The Brotherhood isn't interested in killing them, unlike the Brotherhood of Elder Lyon who's Knights shot ghouls on sight.
Bethesda also made the Brotherhood evil and the Railroad good. When in fact the Brotherhood shouldn't have been turned into such an evil group, the Railroad were not innocent either. They are guilty of deadly ignorance.
Not Jewish, just sarcastic.
You're looking for reddit. It's two doors down the hall.
>righty-tightys think leftists hate guns
you don't?
>Game has morality alignments that let you be good or evil
>But all the gameplay bonuses come in for either being a puppy raping demon cultist or a pure and perfect saint
>If you're lucky there are bonuses for being neutral, but only for being absolute true middle-of-the-road faggotry.
They didn't make the Railroad good. Their shortcomings are acknowledged in game.
The only outright good faction with minimal bullshit are the Minutemen.
we're taking over this place, nothing you can do about it. infinite proxies
>game comes from a series with plenty of sides to choose from that are as evil or good as your opinion wants them to be (with a bias towards neutrality, whatever that means)
>it doesn't offer the option to side with the main antagonist, denying the opportunity to make other choices seem more meaningful for having rejected another
>it also has a friendship route where all your companions decide to temporarily kill God because some guy in a wheelchair asked them to
>shortcomings are acknowledged
barely. you have to wipe them out if you want to be brotherhood though, showing that the brotherhood are evil.
minutemen are basically you, they're irrelevant
>nothing wrong with non-feral ghouls
that's what I thought until Tenpenny Tower. Anyway, the Brotherhood is not and was never concerned with them.
>I agree, Gen 3s are cool but the Brotherhood has a mission; to secure technology. They could be a perfectly good faction who do everything right, or you could have a cool game with a badass group who are assholes but still good. Synths are like Guns, they are peaceful most of the time but given the chance and they have a potential to be extremely dangerous. That's what makes this game interesting, the shades of grey. But Bethesda had to fuck it up because they're not very creative when it comes to fallout dilemmas, so they made it easier on them and made the BoS into monsters.
>Brotherhood are just raiders who got bumped up a tech level
Is that President Eden talking? They are nothing but "common criminals with access to well developed weaponry" or something like that
The decisions of the Minutemen are basically the protagonist's so they are completely irrelevant as a group
>story and theme has nuanced representation of morality
>mechanics include a binary morality/reputation system
You are jewish.
You are jewish.
You are jewish
>Evil bad guy who kicks puppies and eats babies for fun and kills millions throughout the game
>You finally beat them up and are about to kill them
>That one party member jumps in with NO WE CAN'T KILL THEM IF WE DO WE'LL BE JUST AS BAD AS THEM
>Party lets them go
I'll show you jewish
>pic related
100% israeli
>pepes on sale
>game pushes moral relativism and other post-modern drivel
t. brainlet who couldn't understand spec ops the line
>spec ops the line
Ah, the cop-out game with cheap "are we the baddies?" rhetoric and with a reveal being seen from miles away.
You are jewish
this is news to me. do i have to pray and wear one of those little hats?
>game has morally ambiguous choices
>pragmatic choice is always the wrong one
>every party member gives you shit when you don't pick the idealistic option except for the brute
But user, /r/Sup Forums doesn't mock Sup Forums. It's a subreddit for redditors who also go on Sup Forums. It's the hive of our tumour.
i actually hate you
>OP of the thread you're posting on is a dumb frogposter
>Game rarely ever offers you a choice between good and evil, rather it lets you choose between two paths that both are too good and/or too evil.
Who am I?
ok here's the answer: skyrim
almost all quests end up shitty even if you make the good choice.
heck sometimes you try to be evil but you can't because the evil option ends up having great consequences.
>eradicating hostile alien scum harmful to every other living creature is evil
>punching a pushy reporter is such an evil that it will make your character look like a demon from hell
Am I Jewish?
>user's world view is different from most people's
>he makes a thread about it on Sup Forums
>eradicating hostile alien scum harmful to every other living creature is evil
who are you to make the call to snuff out an entire race
>nothing wrong with humans
that's what I thought until Raiders
literally Hitler