I start
ITT: Overrated garbage
op here btw image not related
Thanks for confirming you have shit taste OP
It is a little overrated and unfinished.
It's the 4th best fallout.
This, but unironically.
You mean second.
If it was completed it would be 3rd. But the game is unfinished.
They really fucked up the combat on this one, didnt they?
The only joy I get from this game is walking around and fighting bandit or two before getting bored.
I wish I could play New Vegas on my Switch
It's extremely underrated everywhere outside of Sup Forums actually. How many normies do you know that rave about this game?
Time to get over it
Exactly, it's overrated on Sup Forums. It's Fallout 3 with better writing. 4th overall in the series.
First three are?
New Vegas is as good as FO2, which means it's the best fallout along with 2. Deal with it.
ITT: Shit bait
fight me
Fallout 4
the only good game in the entire franchise is tactics
anybody know that really long fallout 3 review which was pretty much just a let's play?
completely forgot the name
I agree on this one. Excellent fucking writing for a star wars game though.
Top lelz
Not garbage, but definitely overrated imo. Game is very short and exploration is hampered by invisible walls. Combat is just as shit as FO3. I unironically like FO4 more than 3 or NV. Ya it's barely an RPG, but the gameplay was a lot more satisfying.
Real overrated garbage would be Undertale. Awful gameplay made even worse through repetitive random encounters. Shitty meme writing and humor (random does not equal funny, you autists). Fanbase is has piles of furry trash.
Overrated sure
Garbage ehhh not so much.
It is a serviceable game.
hate the art style of tactics
Which part of my comment struck a nerve? The FO4 part or the Undertale part? Not even baiting. These are my genuine opinions.
which is your fav fallout?
hbomberguy i think?
every single hack n slash
Of the fps ones, FO4. I have yet to play the older titles. You may now proceed to berrate me for this transgression. Too many games to play. Original Fallouts are games I just haven't gotten around to.
>dark souls [spoiler not garbage but not great spoiler]
>just cause 2 and 3
i agree with this user
your opinion.
>wow im retarded
Te dijo que el juego Fallout es bueno maldito.
this is garbage, it's literally the early '90s meme game because of "muh nostalgia" but it's just difficult for the sake of being difficult without the fun
Ya, both this and the others are pretty bad imo. Can't wait for an actually competent dev to make a good game in this genre.
you probably play them as a fps first, in that case fo4 had the best fps mechanics
older ones have god tier atmosphere and writing but..
>misses a melee attack from point blank range
>how to get tons of (You)'s: the thread
Sup Forums and NMA are the only places that talk about this game. Everyone else is sucking 3 and 4's dick. It's still the third best fallout despite being an unfinished mess.
>Everyone else is sucking 3 and 4's dick
Examples. I mean you mention specific sites that talk about the best game ever made (new vegas) can you name two sites that rave about fallout 4 or 3 (lol)?
nexus doesnt count since everyone raves about everything there.
not him but for starters, reddit
they talk about how emotional was fo3's story
Mostly yes. However, I played NV almost entirely as peaceful (until leading my robot army) and talked my way through or avoided most encounters. Part of that was because of how much I hated the combat and part of it was because the writing was its strongest aspect. This made the game very short for me though. I think I beat it in about 12 hours on my first playthrough. I was shocked that I had finished the game instead of just the first act if a story where it was going to be me rebuilding California with my robots.
Bullshit. Reddit loves NV and hates 4. I know you guys love to think Sup Forums is a unique snowflake compared to leddit, but in this, you agree.
yeah i never said they liked 4, it seems no one liked it beside the critics
Literally nobody sucks 3 or 4's dick. Fallout 3 is barely mentioned outside of Sup Forums and Fallout 4, when mentioned, is shat upon. This even applies to normalfags outside of the Internet.
I liked it as a fps/exploration game. Moment to moment gameplay was way better than NV or 3. Story actually had a lot of potential if they hadn't forced the character background on you and made all kinds of shit writing decisions. I think I actually hate its story more than 3 (which was just boring) because my brain was coming up with all these awesome possibilities and then it just shit the bed.
r/games and r/gaming here. We despise Bethesda's shitty game philosophy and scummy practices. New Vegas is in our hall of fame alongside Witcher 3 for best RPGs of all time.
The amount of people you just triggered over that Witcher 3 mention...
>New Vegas is in our hall of fame alongside Witcher 3 for best RPGs of all time.
They're unironically the best rpg's of this decade. I can't think of anything else thats as good.
divinity, deus ex 3 and md, souls, smt4, persona 5
unironically kys
ARPGs aren't RPGs
>Action Role Playing Game
>Role Playing Game
both are rpgs its about execution e.g: me1