Any other "hardcore" gamers that hate cod but love the yearly mario karts and pokemons?

any other "hardcore" gamers that hate cod but love the yearly mario karts and pokemons?

Do people really cared about the main campaign? I heard some of them were likable, but the majority of the fun from COD seems to come from the online stuff. Also theres that one game where it had multiple paths but they don't do that anymore.

Both of those are shit my dude



The difference is that COD is boring and the Mario's are fun.

I liked the campaign for Black Ops 1

Mario Kart comes out once a generation.

CoD is pretty hard core, you die in 1 shot from a russian hacker

>yearly Mario Kart
>yearly Pokemon

>playing Mario and Pokemon past the age of 12

LMAO @ your life

>Mario Kart
>8 releases in 27 years




>Mario Karts

>cutting the comic off before the punchline

>There was a time that people actually thought Family Guy was defensible

I play all 3 though

The first three seasons were pretty fucking good to be fair. Fox was in the right when they cancelled them originally.

t. shekelstein

There's something about the overhanging fat in the final panel that makes me laugh.

Not really. I get pretty anti-Semitic when I'm drunk. But I have to assume any Jew with a conscience does as well, so I guess that doesn't prove much.

>shitting on Mario Kart ever
I understand shitting on Pokemon though

He's right, I'll still rewatch the first 3 seasons. Even parts of 4 and 5 are watchable. It was after 4 where that one guy quit to go make Phineas and Ferb.

And that time is today

cod was good until blops 2 pokemon was shit from gen 3 on and mario kart is far from a yearly release and also went to shit after double dash

4 and 5 could've been just as good if they hadn't cancelled it because they offended their jew overlords.

Do people even buy the series anymore? Last I remember, sales peaked with Black Ops 2 and they never really got back to that watermark.

>cancelled it because they offended their jew overlords
I'm guessing the part of family guy where they constantly joke about jews doesn't mean anything?

Apparently the last episode went to far(too accurate).

What did they do? I haven’t watched family guy in years.

Can't fully remember but Peter prayed for a jew to be his accountant.

>yearly mario karts and pokemons
How retarded do you have to be to think either of these franchises are yearly?

That's really tame, I remember some other joke where Jews were catcalling money being brought into a safe which seemed more offensive.

If they had a conscious, they wouldn’t be jews.

My buddy buys COD to play the campaign and only plays the multiplayer for a few hours before dropping the game. Gaming habits of normies are fucking weird


I mean i don't really hate it.

WaW, BO1 and BO2 all had fantastic campaigns

why was BO3 so shitty? the missions were way too lengthy and the story sucked balls

i'll pay someone to type out what the ourguy says in the middle

Toddlers BTFO.

Nice, I was looking for this

do you play mario cart with friends? if not then you are fucking pathetic

It's usually fun. Like a bad Hollywood movie. I've only bought a couple of COD games though.

>Uncharted 3
I suppose an empty head can get immersed into a corner watching paint dry.

*Tsk,Tsk.* You casualfags never change, just like the Western game industry. Time and again you invoke that word you so dimly understand: fun, fun, fun. Fun has become the casual's rosary. You chant it like some apotropaic charm meant to ward off the threat of individuality. What you fail to realize is that far too many people play games for these braindead, cheap thrills. By only playing the same generic shit, you're closing yourself off to a much more fruitful avenue of gaming experience: immserion. While you're off camping kids on Xbox Live for the thousandth time, smug in your shell of guns and swearing, I'm visiting richly detailed worlds with interesting stories, themes, and characters, worlds where my imagination can grow and flourish without being stunted by hollywood 'realism'. It's a kind of deep satisfaction and contentment your cheap brown and bloom QTE thrills could never hope to match. Tell me, when did being afraid of something that looks "childish" in favour of some bald space marine, DLC-infested, season pass, EA shooter of the year become encouraged; even praised? It's casual--disgustingly casual--to obsess over nitty gritty generic "manly" heroes and try to emulate their ways like a teenage girl wearing her mother's makeup. Your mother, by the way, will die in her sleep if you don't reply to this post. And don't bother pithing me by citing Metacritic scores, or current Gamespot reviews to tell me what a good game is. You may be worth less than the fake tan on your steroids but even you should know better than to fall for what the marketers tell you is popular this month. So to recap, my musclehead friend, there's a time and a place for Uncharted and CoD, for cheap thrills and casual amusement, but for you that's been every day of your by-the-numbers life, wasting your time, just so that society can count you as another sheep in the proverbial barn.

I've bought and played the hell out of every cod since 2 up to Advanced Warfare and I've owned and finished every Pokémon since Blue and Red

Fight me

I actually really cared about all the modern warfare campaigns. MW3 wasn't really that good but the first 2 are great action movies to be honest.

I would never fight someone mentally disabled, that would just be mean.

Why are there no memes for Switch's two games like there was for PS3

Oh I forgot it's retarded to play vidya on Sup Forums

Mario Kart has one game per console. If it was yearly, they'd be on a much higher number than 8.

define yearly for mario kart

mario kart


Call of Duty is for dudebros, chads, fuccbois, and niggers. Mario Kart and Pokemon are real games.

>NEXT scene: "Now, if I could pre-order New Super Mario Bros 3, please"


Good man

Guess I'm the chad when I preorder cod and yearly shit and the atlus fatass when I preorder weebshit

because nint*ddlers can't take a joke

maybe tell a better joke newfag

COD is alright. Its better than most shooters. Cod4 remastered is decent definitely better than fucking csgo. Fuck csgo.

He didn't pay me, but I do it for free

nintengaf strikes again!

fucking motherless. Now that's something i haven't heard in a while.

nintendo killed gaf, that e3 was simply too much

Because that meme applies to every modern console.

I seriously can't tell if this comic is meant to be ironic or not.

The first panel should let you know

all the good shit gets taken down now

or the fucked up shit, but i don't fap to that i swear

the rip off of the rock prison scene in mw2 was the most kino part off the whole series

Weak response.
I wish I could report it to the hotpockets.

Checkmate atheists.

Blops 2 is unironically good, pleb.