>a literal God gives you a great artifact after completing a grand quest for them
>you can enchant a better item
A literal God gives you a great artifact after completing a grand quest for them
>NPC gives a lvl20 quest
>the reward is lvl10 item
Daedra are more like Hindu gods. They aren't really that great.
>reward is a mace that lowers enemy's stamina
>the effect is broken and doesn't work
>gives you an option to get the best weapon in game by sacrificing your sister
>you get the same weapon in the NEXT quest anyway
If you don't craft chameleon enchantment for your armor you're playing it wrong
>villain offers you to join him
>you can accept his offer
>it's not a trap
They're basically the equivalent of a grandma buying you a videogame
>Yeah mortals like this shit, I hope they like it
There's a better option. Invest in willpower and illusion. By level 10 you can cast 30 seconds invisibility and the mana restores in like 5 seconds, enchant armour with something actually useful
It's worse because the second sword was added with the DLC. Could've made it something different, but nope.
Yes. Here's something about fable 3
>melee weapons can only target 1 enemy at a time, can be blocked
>magic is target or aoe, has much higher dps, especially at later levels, can't be blocked by anything. Also is ranged, so enemies die before they have a chance to even get close
>you can forge the soul of an almighty being into a weapon
>your starting sword is better
Magic was always broken in Fable. I played the first half of the game trying to be a scrappy swordsman and it was a slog. Then tried a few spells and suddenly the game was piss easy.
>new quest: find [object] in this room
>[object] is marked on your screen
>Have a weapon
>Enchant a sword with an elemental attribute or magical effect
>the sword's damage becomes weaker to balance it having an additional effect like fire
>you now have a shitty sword that's only effective against 10% of all enemies you see
Can game developers stop this garbage? seriously.
I can understand if your elemental damage is negated when you attack an enemy who is resistant to said element, but it does not make any sense that the steel under that magical effect would suddenly be weak as well
Like, if you blast someone with a frozen cannonball, how would the cannonball's force or density be any weaker due to the fact that it's frozen instead of just normal?
come the fuck on
Well it makes sense since you are a Shezzarine and eventually the strongest Daedric Prince.
I wish Daedric artifacts all just had unique enchantments, like the Wabbajack, fun as fuck and is unique so I keep it with me.
Mehrunes Razor is cool but the chance of it working is way too low to bother.
enchanting is OP as hell, I can enchant a hat that makes me a perfect blacksmith, improve a sword to do like 300 damage, then enchant it to do 100 fire damage and 100 shock damage so I have a sword that does 500 damage a hit, and more to those with elemental weakness.
Like I need your shitty dawnbreaker or mace.
>everything except a handful of historical milestones are non-canon because muh CHIM and muh you're not holding the elder scroll right
>you can do ANYTHING but NOTHING matters
There needs to be a dedicated role in all video game nutshacks: rewards checker.
SO many fucking games, good and bad give out completely and utterly pointless rewards for completing a quest. Witcher 3 is a recent one that just loves doling out swords and armour that is likely to be vastly inferior to what 99% of users will already have.
It makes me physically sick to say, but at least the assassass creed series generally will give a viable and tangible reward for your quest, and will even often "preview" the reward so you know what you're working towards. Then again, there were those fucking feathers in AC2. At least the cape was unique and for completion's sake.
The bottom line is that bad rewards are only viable if they're used for story-telling purposes, and are an oversight that the entire game "industry" makes.
>Sidequest is functionally impossible to finish when you get it due to high level mobs or missing skills
>Go back in 10 levels
>quest gives no exp because you outlevel it, the gold reward is trash, and item reward is useless now
Wasn't even an MMO, either.
>A weapon is powered by the soul of one of the strongest beings in the setting
>a simple longsword is better than it
Fucking Dark Souls 3.
Anyone else glad Skyrim removed spellmaking and streamlined enchanting? In theory, freedom and customization are always good, but a fucking sword with absorb health/elemental damage/magic res etc. for one second is ridiculous and this kind of shit shouldn't be so min-maxable with objectively right and wrong things to do.
Streamlining is not always a bad thing.
I don't know user Vivec might have been a pussy but if he did have a rock-solid high-impact violence death insurance policy.
That, and all he has to do to kill 99% of people is shove a bracer on their wrist and watch the life to ebb away.
Even Amexalickia was a dab hand with a sword. That's a wrist that's adept at repetitive high-speed movements.
Sotha-sil? I don't know he probably had a handjob robot or something. I wonder if Vivec used his chimer hand or his dunmer hand?
No, Skyrim desperatley needs spellcrafting because its spells SUCK
Being a mage is pretty much impossible at high levels because of how much spells cost without enchanting to make them free.
It would be nice to make better spells to make a mage build viable.
(you) get (you)r sword after its broken on (you) by previous (you), the sword is also (you)
Later on, (you) fight (you) wielding (you) with (you) . Slightly later on, (you) kill (you) using (you), which nearly kills (you) but (you) stop (you)rself.
Frankly time is fed up with this shit.
>One of the best weapons in the game is one you start with.
>Bonus: its part of your fucking body.
why quote industry? it's one, just a shitty one.
crafting was almost as broken in skyrim as it was in morrowind, only reason it wasn't as bad is because attributes didn't exist in skyrim.
the real problem is being able to boost your crafting abilities through crafting, the loophole's right there
deadric princes arent gods and they definitely arent Gods
>rock-solid high-impact violence death insurance policy
I think the biggest problem is how weapon damage greatly benefits from crafting but destruction doesn't at all.
Even with zero magicka cost, a full destromage on legendary difficulty without any weapons or conjuration is just masochistic to me, it's not "challenging" or "satisfying".
I have semantic trouble with using the word industry to describe a product that is now almost entirely a service and even likely intangible. However that's just a personal beef and I haven't made any shitty paint comics commanding everyone uses my personal understanding of the English language wrongly just to satisfy my existence. Xou understand xe of xourse.
I would say that this is as close to a common consensus as people can get on the internet. The sky is various colours, various people may have done 9/11, but the magic system in Skyrim is essentially inferior to any other combat system, and a pale shadow of its former games.
Especially Oblivion, all you needed with 25 destruction and you could craft a drain 100 (3 sec) 1-2 points of any element damage (1 sec) and you had a peanuts spell that would slay anything from levels 1-10.
In ten levels all you had to do was scale it up with your mysteriously trained magic skill. Oh and money, but I think that spell only cost a couple of hundred gold.
I liked it in dark souls.
The idea that a straight upgraded claymore will beat a flame claymore because of the damage resistance was pretty cool because the one with the highest damage will win, that's dark souls.
>hard endgame quest with 5 gold as the reward
>think its going to be a fakeout and completing it in a certain way gets you a better reward
>it doesn't
Speaking of which I think people who complain about the level scaling being too hard just don't know all about enchanting/spellmaking. Even if you don't do perfect level ups it's still OP.
>When it does
money was easy to make in oblivion anyawy, with all the marauder in daedric armor and bandits in glass.
even low level, all you needed was a lucky enchanted jewelry drop from a chest and you were padded for a while
There's a fucking difficulty slider. There is no punishment barring your lack of testicles for using it. The only legimate complaints for scaling centre around its general laziness and the impact it has on the nature and threat of exploration on a map, as well as general excitement in the game.
If you find it too easy, scale it up, if you find it too hard, scale it down. If you just don't like that everyone fights roughly the same way in the same gear me too
better than having bandits in daedric armor, just as stupid
>more options are bad
>I am glad I don't have to think too much
>muh balance
You can still one shot dragons with smithing, but now it is completely boring.
Good job retard.
You must have a sad fucking life if you need TES of all games to demonstrate your mad hardcore xxxnoscopezxxx skills.
>the only reason to want a game to be complex is to brag
wow you must be really retarded
>the state of Sup Forums shitposts
At least try next time. Choosing random words from a dictionary would be better than what you're doing.
Not an argument.