This game fucking sucks

This game fucking sucks.
>Terrible hit registration
>RNG based weapons
>Laggy servers
>Grinding is necessary to be in the top 20

You know what else sucks? Your mom. Like a vacuum cleaner, too.





fucking destroyed

>playing normie f2p shit
You brought this upon yourself.

Holy mother of all samefag

I just want to be able to play a the character I want, not randomized every game

t. op

Spotted the normalfag

not op, I don't even play battle royale games or whatever they're called

Sounds like the ujderaged Fornite fanbase.

>not op
t. op


>t. plays fortnite, league of legends, rainbow six siege, pubg

>shitting on best alive MP shooter

>playing normie shit
>playing multiplayer shit
>thinking any online FPS is good
>thinking AAA shit is good
Holy fuck the current state of nu-Sup Forumseddit


>I'm here only to shitpost, i don't even play games - the post
The absolute state of this board

Sorry, I play a wide variety of games, just not normie shit. Apologies if that baffles or offends you.

Indie Hipster megafaggot

>like save the world
>BR comes out
>BR gets Fortnite some much needed attention that's cool
>BR takes over Fortnite's development


This game went to shit when they added mini-shields. Now every bad player constantly have 50 shield + 10 other mini-shields in inventory. Fortnite literally pandered to bad players. I remember that they got a shitton of complaints from players that said it was unfair and that shields (was only 50 hp shields) was rare and rng to find. Yet somehow every game anywhere you could get a regular shield. I will never understand players like that. They literally begged for mini-shields and called regular shields too overpowered and that it was rare to find.

>Fortnite was a game about building forts and shooting+trapping zombies
>now all the BR kiddies fill global with "trade?"
>a lot of people don't even know StW exists
I hate the absolute state of the game but playing Constructor and using the build system gives me a boner.

What the fuck are you whining about? Truely? And to all the haters of fortnite, don’t play the game that doesn’t make you spend a dime. I’ll keep squadding yo with my friends and having a blast fucking around and winning a couple matches here and there. It’s pretty satisfying to be the last one standing too. It doesn’t take itself too seriously either, which is kind of refreshing anyway. I’m done shilling, keep having your austistic tantrums everyone.

>now all the BR kiddies fill global with "trade?"

this actually makes me madder than anything else

>underage and cant read
get out

hi normie, back to reddo


too bad

The devs said Save the World would be free in 2018, yet we're 3 months into 2018 with no results. Have they just given up on developing any further content for it in favour of BR?

>takes pride in being an autist

you know there's 12 months in a year

Is this game actually decent?
I kinda want to try the battle royale genre; PUBG looks like unoptimized shit, this one is free but the building aspect seems kind of autistic.

Building is actually good, it's very fast paced and not "muh structures"

Give it a download and try, it's free after all

Even with some of the more groundbreaking changes, they still never touched the (near) endgame territory or made changes to the base game. Plankerton onward's tilesets are still Stonewood's, still no actual quests- not even actual writing- for Canny onward. The llamas and RNG involved for people supposedly "testing" their game isn't just shady, it's just mocking retards who think it's actually Early Access (or Open Beta if you're on a console). The only reason I was retarded enough to buy into it was because there was some novelty to the pve. BR didn't even exist and /vg/ even had typical generals whining about RNG and shit updates. There's so much nothing I haven't seen a general in ages. All the signs point to the same grief-ridden path Paragon is going through. Maybe someone will take their idea for a game and do it better and actually put effort into development. As it stands it's just shit all the way through. Save the World is going to die a quiet death because Battle Royale is the face of Fortnite now. There is no way their shitty systems can handle two f2p games of the same type without some different and/or improved infrastructure, because there are login delays occasionally, especially around events that this game circles around, and at the moment BR and STW share the same login queue for some reason. There's no punishment for fags who afk/leech missions even in the far more controlled environment, once accounts are totally free the idea of having a functioning report system are gonna go through the window. If Epic doesn't pull the plug on the game, all the subhuman players will make it unplayable. We're probably better off just walking away.

I actually enjoy the game when playing with friends, but solo stresses me out too much to be fun

>trivializing making structures by saying "muh"

Great point fucking retard, it's so much smarter to use an entire building function just to spam shields in front of you.

What was Plankerton's visuals supposed to be? I know that Canny is basically a Mojave desert area and I figure Twine Peaks is mountainous.

Autumn, like the stormshield. The stormshields are the only hint of what we're missing.

It is, every time a faggot comes under fire they don't take cover or duck, no, they build a fucking wall because building>actual skill

I'd love to crouch but that's something you can only do in BR

>complaining about balance in a game where you can die because you dropped right next to someone else but they landed 1 inch closer to a weapon than you so you die before you can fight back
maybe they thought it would be fun

As well as that melee does 0 damage, if you can kill armed people with your pickaxe it'd be doable but it does so little damage that even if you catch them off guard they will have plenty of time to respond.

All battle royale games fucking suck.

you know you can see the weapons while falling

>Terrible hit registration
>RNG based weapons
>Laggy servers
That's just you.
>Grinding is necessary to be in the top 20
I think you mean farming. Kind of-ish, get 100 wood, kill someone, take their materials.

Play Metal Gear Survive instead.

>unironically playing BR games at all and on top of that taking them seriously

they have all the same face also eat me captcha i ain't looking for bicycles

So the newest Battlepass has this nice suit outfit. How does that work? Does your random character just get a suit or is it a set appearance?

just play planetside 2 already you casuals

I only play Save the world so I don't care

Everything is 'normie shit' now on this board apparently.


Posting on Sup Forums in 2018 makes you a normie/norman/normalfag by definition

no you're mom has the big gay

it's a character skin, not just a suit. it's supposed to resemble john wick.

too bad. here have the spring questline.

The proliferation of mini-shields just raises the average time-to-kill across the board. This is not a bad thing.

>Yet somehow every game anywhere you could get a regular shield.

False. Before mini-shields were added, players were punished for playing aggressively if they couldn't find shields after every skirmish. Now it's expected that most players will drop mini-shields, which rewards aggression.

You are the only idiot who has a problem with mini-shields and everyone will ignore you.

Are they still updating base fortnite or is all attention on the BR mode?

still better than pubg

the answer is: kind of

They recently changed the entire musical design to the game with an orchestrated soundtrack and added the hoverboard for energy free movement, and of course event stuff, but the main game has still pretty much been the same as it's been since forever. No content past Plankerton.

Hows those lag exploits user? You finding those pixel kills good?

>Grinding is necessary to be in the top 20
i usually end up in top 20 or less, you just have to be careful to land far away from others

>>Grinding is necessary to be in the top 20
you could literally sit on top of a tree the whole game and probably make it to the top 10 withou much issue