Am I the only one afraid to play Bayo in handheld mode due to the risk of shattering the Switch when playing this...

Am I the only one afraid to play Bayo in handheld mode due to the risk of shattering the Switch when playing this hellish game?


I cant play it handheld cause it makes my hands cramp up, and the joysticks will probably wear out

I prefer the pro controller because ZR isn't so damn clicky, but otherwise I don't see the problem. Are you mashing randomly? You shouldn't be doing that.

>Bayonetta 2
I suck at video games and breezed through it. Just abuse the fuck out of witch time, game wants you to do it. First game is a different story if you've never played it before.

>fat autist with hamhands thinks he'll break his system

I don't know about that, but I don't play in handheld because handheld mode drops frames like nobody's business

It's really not that bad in handheld mode. Even the stick wiggle parts are easy.

Nah, I feel you, OP.

Bayo gets my blood boiling like nothing else. You try to anticipate an attack, only to get slapped in the back of the head by someone else off screen. Or you're fighting a giant and while you flitter about like a gnat, desperately trying to hurt him, he keeps swatting you away, lopping off 1/8th of your lifebar.

Soooo fun.

It doesn't, though. It runs just fine.

I've shattered my hand to her a couple of times

I think you're just bad at the game

In handheld it runs at around 45-50 fps most of the time.

I think you're right. But I want to get better.

Hey guys how did I do on my first ever run of Bayo 2?

Bayonetta 2 is the better game than one.

try using Rakshasa or Salamandra if you have a hard time killing enemies with Love is Blue

I'm still playing one. I told myself to not touch 2 until I beat one.

>getting salty in a singleplayer game

This is objectively true

>not a single platinum/pure platinum
You did fine... I guess