>yfw Zelgius wins because they don't leave Same hell until the last hour
Yfw Zelgius wins because they don't leave Same hell until the last hour
Who cares, Evil Celica is going to win anyways because of nerds who want to be dominated by their pure waifu being a bad naughty girl.
What did you waste your orbs on?
I used it on the legendary banner and got -spd to everyone I summoned
Robin gonna win.
I hope he wins, I want those feathers.
Legendary banner, only got a Mia.
Takumibros are fighting hard to stop that
why its only 500 feathers. Who cares about 500 feathers when you get more for score
Got a dupe Summer Corrin.
>nerds who want to be dominated by their pure waifu
a mind broken slut isn't for domination, it's for dominating
>Grima and Zelgius still in same hell
Sorry he just lost right now.
After Shanna's sudden surge last time I wouldn't be surprised if Taco did the same
Doesn't Celica have far more support than Takumi? I don't think an additional .1 multiplier will be enough to save his ass.
But I'm gay and I chose her.
Bandwaggoners won't be in the last hour blasting their flags, I'd bet Tacofags are surging up while they sleep on their lead
One hour left and Celica has a 7.4x to fight a small gap. If she doesn't win, it'll be close.
Where are the new heroes? Who are the new heroes.
Why are these still a thing? It's just waiting around for feathers, people don't even bother to shitpost about popularity anymore
At least is the mode that gives us the most Sacred Coins. 135 by the end of the gauntlet is a really good reward.
This, no point breaking something otherwise
Reinhardt! The cutest bride!
Memes builds are a mistake.
Narcian Infernal armor is fucking worse bullshit than Takumi Infernal.
Fuck I think my IQ to low to understand this.
gg Zelgius bros
Wew, guess Celica loses.
I'll be joining Grima I guess, I like Evil Takumi but not the regular one.
This needs to be updated.
Did someone say meme builts
And here I thought I was going to roll for her for the next round.
She's not gonna lost just you watch.
Grima I'm at 2 orbs now and will probably waste any more I get on the children of awakening banner coming soon
>draconic aura
Villain banner, still nothing. At 4% after 3 awful off banner breakers. Only 2 orbs.
I did get Legend Ephraim with great IVs though so I'm not that upset, they already give out a free villain anyway (Empty Vessel Takumi).
what does any of this even mean
Is this a decent build for my Sister with Special Needs?
>Getting caught by the cops
No chance whatsoever
I've been trying to do Fliers infernal, it just fucking sucks that I need to grind up Spring Mommy a metric fuckton of SP so she can have all the skills she needs to beat the archers and blue cav on turns 1 and 2.
This is what my team is currently:
Spring Mommy:
+Spd -HP
TA+Raven set that I'm grinding SP for so she can have Vantage and either memebow or glimmer.
Supported by Valter
Valter +2 merge
Luna, Darting Blow, Lance Breaker, Goad flyers
Elincia +2 merge
+Atk -HP
Death Blow, Despiration, Goad flyers, Heavy Blade
Summer Corrin +1 merge
+Res -HP
Sealife Tome +Spd
Iceberg, Swift Strike, Swordbreaker, Fortify Fliers, Hone Atk seal.
Who's a good/bad driver and who gets caught by the cops.
Its pretty good, Draconic Aura might be better than Memebow on her though.
Its a XC2 reference. Drivers are people that use Blades to fight. It's a running gag in one of the cities called Indol where there's a quest to run away from the local police after saving some refugees.
Got a +Atk -Hp Rein and 2 kleins out of 60 orbs, so maybe it wasn't so bad.
Wouldn't Glimmer be better than DA?
>save for thracia
>banner piques my interest
>get greedy and spend all my orbs
>save for thracia again
>banner piques my interest
>get greedy and spend all my orbs
Will a Thracia banner ever come out? Please make the cycle end I just want Leif
You could simply use Drag Back Elincia to kill the nearest unit, then Repo her back to safety. Narcian fliers is the easiest one.
I need SP to get swap skills on a single ally to tank the first turn, instead I use the free stamina trying again. I refuse to grind until double SP. Basically I'm hitting my head against Infernal armor brick wall. Not even Winter Tharja can tank the asshole cav blue mage on turn 1.
>a red can't tank a blue
woah....really makes you think
They need to do a Xenoblade cross over to at least have something unique.
Just solo autobattle special maps
Post your armor team and sets.
what do, aside from turning on attack animations
I'm at 5.5% still nothing.
End of the week
>Wouldn't Glimmer be better than DA?
Glimmer has its faults. It works best on characters that have natural effectiveness's against unit types. Which usually come from weapons. Bows, Kagero's weapon, Halloween Sakura, etc.
DA works best on units with 50+ ATK.
Think her weapon gives her that 50+. So DA is better.
Yeah I know that feeling, was at 6% on the Love Abounds banner and got pity broken by Delthea.
Did the same at 4.5% congrats user. But he needs bold fighter and a breath skill to be good
Well I do have Christmas Lissa, but she's -HP +Spd and is currently in a build of 39 spd unbuffed, so I can't get rid of her. Also that Umiu Geso art, too good.
Lots of Adult Tiki I was saving for a +10 though, maybe I'll burn one of those. I'm sure Expiration will suffice for now though.
Takumi deserves better.
I had a W Lissa it she was -atk so I did it and by breath I meant steady or warding
He doesn't "need" Boldbreath to be good, Vengeful Fighter is perfect as it is since the former option is too expensive. You can give him Steady/Stance or Distant/Close Def as A skill instead.
i can't wait for grima to lose vs celica because shitters won't stop putting green units as their support unit
>Did the same at 4.5% congrats user. But he needs bold fighter and a breath skill to be good
If +atk you might want to invest on a good A
If +def you can get away with Earth Boost
If +spd/hp/res don't bother he fodder.
Ah ok, well I have two Vanguard Ikes, should I boot the -Def +Res one and keep the neutral one?
He couldn't even win with the final bonus? Wew.
Sticking with Celica then, although I didn't roll her I'm happy with what I have.
He's +HP -Def, but I'm not foddering him. Just threw Def+3 on him as a temporary measure, I couldn't give less of a shit as long as he isn't -Atk like the Katarina before him that broke the prior rate.
It’s not decided yet, user. I have faith in the taco
What if I do indeed have the fodder for him? I have a spare bike and Hardin with bad IVs, does he make good use of steady fighter or do other dragons make better use of it (assuming just steady aether instead of steady fighter aether)
Dude he already lost. If you don't get the 500 winner feathers after the round ends, it's over.
>Not decided
>When I've already gotten my victory feathers
It's over user.
nah I threw Fury 3 and DD 3 Seal on him and he's a fucking monster. Also switched his special to glimmer, that sweet 65 attack compliments it very well.
I wasn't paying attention to how many feather I got
Did Zelgius win or naw?
>He's +HP -Def, but I'm not foddering him. Just threw Def+3 on him as a temporary measure, I couldn't give less of a shit as long as he isn't -Atk like the Katarina before him that broke the prior rate.
If you don't want to fodder him that's fine. Just don't invest so heavy on him. If anything you can try going vengeance on him.
>don't like Celica
>Grima's art is dogshit
Well who do I go for now?
I'm still going to invest a good deal into him, but if by "heavy" you mean Steady Breath, Bold Fighter, and Armor March, then no, I haven't ever foddered a 5* exclusive unit so far while playing and have little desire to, even with duplicates. At most I do 20k feather fodder, like Setsuna to feed to Jakob.
Let go, user.
>Grima's art is dogshit
Agreed, but it was worth rolling for him just for fug, so go with Grima.
Grima for the bonuses. Celica is going to win.
Grima's first round numbers were double celica's tho
>I'm still going to invest a good deal into him, but if by "heavy" you mean Steady Breath, Bold Fighter, and Armor March, then no, I haven't ever foddered a 5* exclusive unit so far while playing and have little desire to, even with duplicates. At most I do 20k feather fodder, like Setsuna to feed to Jakob.
Well that's basically what I mean. Just build around what you have and use 4* for him. That way if you ever get his 5* version with better optimal IV's down the line you can merge your current into that one and have a better overall unit.
>tfw don't have either Grima or F!Celica
>don't really like either one
I might just not even bother. The game shits out feathers lately anyway
Well that's what I do with all my units so nothing to worry about there.
Thanks user. I'm thinking because +HP maybe Earth Boost or something, I have a lot of Boey.
+spd isn't that bad, with fury it vastly decreases who can double him, while still allowing him to double back from vengeful. Though something like +spd/-atk is pretty shit, I think he's one of the few characters who can be built around any IV.
I have a 300k feathers now and should I use them to get a +10 unit or use them to make over 15 5* units?
From now onwards I am avoiding legendary banners unless there is a legendary hero that has appeared for the third time that I want
If you want to stay in tier 20, you'll probably want a +10. If you don't care, promote and build a few units
Build the ultimate Stahl, user. It's your destiny.
I can get to tier 19 quite easy without any +10 units and since I really only care about the orbs I guess I will sit on the feathers and see what new units we are getting next banner if nothing good I will promote some 4*'s
I would if I had 11 4/3*'s of him but for some reason this game hate giving him to me. I only have 5 of him counting both stars
Will the day ever come when we can +10 a GHB or TT unit? Really want Arvis for a good red mage but he's pretty mediocre without some merges.
>54 attack with 40+10
It's not that bad.
Some units don't even hit 50.
Marthcina will probably be the first one.
I hope TT and GHB units end up being rewards for the new 10 units mode, but from reading the description it looks like its only going to be for blessings
Anyone got any idea when this new mode is going to go live?
true, i mean look at odin.
is there any way to make odin viable?
You wait for his alternate self