At what point is it okay to review a game?
Can you do it after you finish the story on normal or do you have to have 100% completion,play every difficulty and earn the platinum?
At what point is it okay to review a game?
Depends on the game
You can review it whenever you want, provided you specify to your readers clearly and immediately exactly how much of it you played so they can dismiss your opinion when they see you haven't finished it.
literally any amount as long as you disclose it
After finishing the tutorial.
You can review a game at any point as long as you clearly state where you stopped and why. It obviously has to be past the beginning stages and tutorials though.
When you git gud at all its mechanics. For some games it could be completing the tutorial, for some it would take multiple playthroughs.
I'd say 10 hours into it.
There will always be the spergs who cry about how if you didn't 100% the game on the hardest difficulty without a guide with a blindfold and your hands tied behind your back then you're not allowed to talk or have an opinion about the game, those morons can go fuck themselves. Play 10 solid hours of content. If in 10 hours the reviewer doesn't find anything fun with the game then he is quite welcome to trash it and give it a score of 0.5 out of 10 as far as I'm concerned. People who go "B-bu-but what about *Insert game here that only gets good at the end*" can also go fuck themselves. Price should also come into play here, whether we like it or not gaming is not a cheap hobby, if I have to pay $60 for a game that only lasts 4 hours then points should be taken out because the publishers are being cheap bastards.
What if the tutorial is bullshit and I can't get through it because the directions suck?
Exactly 10 hours on NORMAL difficulty if available.
What if the game is a 100 hour jrpg and your only at the tutorial section
Like many people have said, it's acceptable to stop at any point and review a game. Just as long as that information is disclosed within the review.
I actually gave up on the game here and returned it
>playing more than 10 hours of any videogame
Depends, for example, something like Dark Souls can be "reviewed" after finishing it. And then you can make a more thorough analysis after some 100 hours of multiple play throughs and 100%ing it.
Generally, for me, reviews that come out right after a games release aren't worth a grain of salt.
Reviewers and ratings should be genre specific, you review and only review one kind of game
It's not my problem if you cannot bother to cram some fun into your 20-Hour tutorial, Mr. Final Fantasy XIII, That's on the devs.
The reviewer is suppose to get the game a week before release and waits to put up the review
When is the next Plinkett review
>Generally, for me, reviews that come out right after a games release aren't worth a grain of salt.
But reviewers get games early for the most part.
And they can't even do a proper job with such a headstart.