Your proudest achievement

your proudest achievement

Pure Bladestone

after i carried him in monster hunter

Platinum both for binding of isaac and gungeon
Also all 3 crash games

>all 3 crash games
my man

Since souls games are "lol so hard" people automatically think getting platinum in them is hard. Hardest trophy in a hard game has to be hard to get right? Fuck no. Souls trophies are always related to grinding for something. They never make you do something in a limited amount of time or without taking damage. Getting plat in souls is easy as hell. Getting plat in SotC in the Ico HD collection is a nightmare in comparison.

this is true. if you can beat a souls game then you can platinum it as well.

>getting plat in SotC in the Ico HD collection is a nightmare in comparison.

The only trophy hard to get in those two games are the time limit ones, like the finished the game in less than 2 hours in ico and grinding is part of many trophies on many games not just the souls series


Have all the achievements in REmake, Zero, 4, 5, 6, Revelations 1 and Revelations 2. Currently working on RE7 now; not the hardest games to 100% but definitely my proudest.

Getting my Master's in EE

I know your pain.



Iam legit amazed good job user

Why do you even bother to have plat in the Isaac? Isn't it all about RNG? Fucking the lost and cubes of meat

Based 10 days

Lightning trilogy. Glad i gave them a chance

No its not you just gutta git gud
Also i played it with a friend so we just had a shitton of fun 100%ing the game

How is this even a special achievement? Pretty much everyone who played past the first 10 minutes seems to have gotten it?

>cubes of meat
There is now an item in the game that gives you meat cubes for 1 health
Also book of revelations

Got the "Yes, I'm the real Garry" achievement on Gmod for playing on a server with him yesterday. Other than that any of the highest difficulty shit i unlocked in Men of War: Assault Squad because I'm complete trash at RTS games.

There are too many games to play when you're a trophy Hunter.

This game deserved a platinum