Tell me, General Kenobi, if the Republic was so great how come there are no good Clone Wars games.
Tell me, General Kenobi, if the Republic was so great how come there are no good Clone Wars games
Republic Commander took place in the Clone Wars, didn't it?
Are there any BAD Clone Wars games?
To this day, I regret not going back for Sev
I recently played this. It holds up pretty damned well - too much corridor crawling, but the core gameplay is fun and not overly complicated.
I've never seen this one before. It actually looks great.
>Bullet sponges: the game
Which is a shame since I still had fun with it. Would never replay it again though.
This game was incredibly average, but the mates and I spend a stupid amount of fun in that dumb Geonosian arena mode.
>yfw no kotor 3
Kenobi was OP in this game
>EA does nothing with the SW license besides 2 Battlefront games that are worse than the originals in every way
>Doesn't really matter since the ST is just a less interesting OT
This. BTFO.
Tell me, OP. If Star Wars is so great, why do you have to copy Trek memes?
>but the mates and I spend a stupid amount of fun in that dumb Geonosian arena mode.
Same, my dude. I would always pick the little two legged walker with the OP shield.
That game, to me, was the pinnacle 7/10 game. It was so average and unambitious, but I put so many hours into it. So many hours.
>Prequel releases
>PT video games everywhere
>NuWars releases
>nuBF and shitty mobile games
Disney is a stupid ass nigga.
And the current console libraries are so damn poor as well, they could just do a repeat of 6th gen and it'd make a killing. No need to plunge hundreds of millions in marketing either, just churn out 3 AA games a year and let the brand alone sell it.
*clicking intensifie*
General Dukat!
>Could have had awesome game where you journey to the sith empire as the exile with T3 and HK, finding Revan and facing off against sith Lords with cool and interesting powers
Instead got a shitty novel were Revan jobs to the emperor and Exile gets unceremoniously stabbed in the back by some faggot sith
T-Thanks Drew.
One thing that baffles me is they made it exclusive publishing with EA. I know they want loads of shekels, but locking it behind with one of the most retarded companies is height of stupidity.
Now it's biting them in the ass with nuBF2 under performing.
I think they should stop making novels out of self insert faceless/custom PC decides to do shit. It's the players who makes the story. At best they should be reference like what KOTOR2 did.
it's the Episode3 game, by the way
appearently, disney really considers to cancel the exclusive deal with EA, especially since EA only made two Star Wars games so far
Yeah, although it makes me curious how they would have handled Revan in kotor 3 when/if the Exile finally met him. It could have been really interesting but instead Bioware just shit out TOR, which from what I've heard only lightside Sith warrior and Imperial agent are actually good.
who dis sexy sumbitch?