Want to immerse myself in a game

>want to immerse myself in a game
how do you overcome this frustration?


for once I agree with Anita...

Fug you soygoyl

dude weed


Unironically this.

Do you think she lacks all self awareness or is merely just a disingenuous cunt?


based anita

It's just standard American ideology. Gratuitous displays of violence are fine. Gratuitous displays of sexuality are not.

I thought her entire shtick was that video games can negatively affect the thoughts and behaviors of the players and therefore needed to be changed to fit her vision?

She's the dumbest smart woman alive. She knows that being a retarded online will only give her more attention, which gives her more reasons to do her
>muh gg hate womyn and minorities

>video games cause muh misogyny and contribute to violence against women
>trump says video games cause violence

We're reaching levels of cognitive dissonance that shouldn't be possible.

>makes a career out of turning games into scapegoats for muh sexism
>suddenly its bad when Trump does it

The fact that Sarkeesian was always compared to Jack Thompson makes this shit even funnier.

She complained that DOOM was too violent towards demons, the whole "well if Trump is for it then I'M against it." shit is so stupid.

i play good games. try playing immersive sims

>Do you think video games cause violence?
>Anita: No
>Well then what makes you think video games cause sexism?

Wait, I thought video games made me sexualise womyn and they had to be stopped?

So Sup Forums is now for blaming gun violence on video games?

I can't believe Trump made fucking Anita sound right for once. This is how low the bar is in the US right now.


>It's really troubling they are enthusiastically cheering for bodies being ripped apart.
>*Encourages sexual reassignment surgery*

I'd inseminate her.

>twitter screencap
it only needed 1 to report this garbage

>disingenuous cunt
This applies to a lot of people who lean to the left, a lot of lefties that argue here are are VERY disingenuous, and will refuse to make connections to things that any child would be able to perceive as common sense, and when pressed, will just shout about Sup Forums for the rest of the thread.

Isn't she just complaining about violence while Trump wants to censor games?

why is there bleach on their hair

I want to ____ Anita!

At least Anita is just some literally who with a Twitter account, Trump is actually in a position of power and a danger to society.

This is what I mean about the disingenuous thing.
The obvious progression for someone being an activist against something (Which Anita is) would imply she's doing it to reach an end goal
Her ultimate goal is to censor games that depict violence and "Not depicting women "PROPERLY""
However, this guy would claim that she's doing all this bitching and whining with ultimately no end goal in mind, which is just fucking stupid to say. However, being as intellectually dishonest as he is, he doesn't give a fuck, and anyone saying otherwise is just a trumpshill.

I guess she had to say something that wasn't entirely retarded EVENTUALLY.

>Videogames make men lose respect for woman turning them into harassers!
>Videogames can't possibly make people violent

>Implying anita and her ilk didn't continuously pressure game companies to censor the tiddies and violence

>believing this
Stop browsing this fucking board so much, jesus christ.

Not only has Anita been ranting about muh misogyny, she actively attacked nu-Doom on reveal for muh violence.

What a huge hypocrite, to absolutely no one's surprise.

>using games as a scapegoat is uncool now that BLONARLD GRUMPFELDURF is doing it


>Being THIS intellectually dishonest to make it seem like Anita didn't just flip tracks so she didn't have to side with DRUMPF.
God damn retard.

what are good dude weed games?

Subnautica was great, but I got bored of that game now.

DOOM was too intense.

you have to be dense to think this isn't happening.

>American are fucking retarded hypocrites
More news at 11

It is, but she can't possibly agree with Trump on any issues. It'd offend the mental invalids that give her money.

I learned through thunderfoots new video that this Times top100 person of the year barely scrapes 5k views on her videos these days, amazing how she fell of the map without the media promotion machine behind her.

wtf I love anita now

Leftists are insane. Nothing new to see.

oh god the ironing

Reminder that hating sjw is normieshit and mainstream now. We should do the opposite


how many views does a thunderfoot video get these days though? 6k?

violence is the new sexism


>Anita shill won't reply to me

normies are still on the side of SJWs though

>Sup Forums and resetera are now on the same anti-vidya side


She's a business woman before anything else; her opinion is the most profitable opinion.

since he lost his mind over brexit passing and donald trump winning? roughly 10k

Trump won tho




Did you have a stroke user?

we need to teach Sup Forums that them doing shit like this isn't welcome in video games.





can't wait to play the latest call of duty starring a black wheelchair bound tranny

No it's that since Trump is against violence in video games she's now for violence in video games. Based Trump defeated Anita.

City normalfags*

>games dont make you voilent


really REALLY gets my almonds activated

>Implying daddy trump will let you play a violent game

Anita's right though she's a hypocrite deluxe. If the game doesn't immerse you it's the game's fault, not yours.

Her ultimate goal is to swindle gullible idiots out of as much money as possible. Look at her stupid tropes against women series, she got upwards of 200k to make youtube videos and never bothered finishing it before moving onto another product. This is after her laughable thesis on video games and their representation of women. IIRC, she could only think of 3 or 4 positive qualities that are typical seen as feminine, while the 'negative' qualities had things like competency and professionalism in the list.

Lmao so he's irreverent now?

Does anyone have the greentext of Colbert as an Ork? It's my favorite.

Nothing should be done about games, but for anyone under 18, mandatory physiological evaluation. If you fail, off to the loony bin with you.

Honestly the only reason he ever got as big as he did was because of his "creationists are dumb" series or whatever it was called. His science experiment videos were interesting but were never the main draw to his channel, and now that he's exposed himself as a hard left goofball it's alienated a lot of the conservative leaning atheist/agnostics that gave him views.

>right wing tries to ruin video games
>left wing tries to ruin videos
>left and right wing both try to ruin video games but pretend that only the other side is ruining video games