Do you play as a girl or a female in video games when given the choice?

Do you play as a girl or a female in video games when given the choice?

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either loli or alpha male

Female, it's my only interaction with them anyway.

Whenever possible

I prefer playing as a old guy but when I can't I play as a cute girl


Whatever i think suits the story best.

Either loli or bara, if I have the option of both, I flip a coin.

I play as whoever seems canon. for example dawn and hilda seems canon in pokemon, while gold and red seems canon in gen 1-2.

Why is r63 shirou so hot?

>a girl or a female
I don't know. Depends on the game. Sometimes I play as a girl, but other times, I just use the female.

Of course!

Only if i can romance female NPC's.

It depends entirely on whether or not I can make my character look like MC Ride

sometimes, depends on the concept that pops into my head.

>a girl or a female
What did he mean by this?


>as a girl or a female

>Everyone but me
Which one is NOT a girl? Not pictured?

*They're all boys

I mean which character of those 5 is not a girl. I realize they're all boys, but according to the text, one of them is playing as a boy.

Only if the game allows me to be raped by horses, as with Skyrim.

each of them is a boy thinking that the others are all girls, but in reality they are all boys pretending to be girls.
reading comprehension, mate

They're all thinking it. They think the others are girls.

why you don't check it:

I always play as a girl unless the game focuses on romance than I play as a guy.

Only if I can be a loli.

If the game will let me /u/, then yes of course.

This desu

playing as the opposite gender just doesn't feel right


Gotcha, I thought it was a bunch of people who knew each other, and one of them thought "everyone but me is playing as a girl"

Give me that sauce.

That's the fucking title.

Stop being a self-inserting autist.

yes and yes.

It doesn't really matter to me. I don't roleplay as player characters because I'm neither a small child or an insecure faggot. If I'm using female characters in an RPG, it doesn't bother me.
If the game involves combat or something, I'll customize a man because it's the only realistic option.

I never understood this. Do you people have no family? No little cousins or something? Or are they scared of you/you are an edgy teen that hides in their room or something?

I think about it but I always end up self inserting first time through.

Usually a guy for online games, but sometimes I'll pick a girl in games especially if dialogue changes.

No, that's for faggots.


I pick the sluttiest option regardless of gender.

Sauce pls

Of course. If there's a loli option then that's even better

>he unironically perceives the interaction with his mother as the same as the interaxtion with females you can actually stare and dream about life together
I know is bait but this is a whole new level

Depends on the game. But I usually make a girl.
Probably like 75% girl characters 25% boys.

You must be some kind of special needs kid

Only if the boy can't wear cute dresses.

I never mentioned my mother, I mentioned cousins and shit. You must be underage anyway, oldfags imagine daughterfus.

Depends on the game and the waifu potential. A heavily modded Skyrim? You bet your ass I will. Dark Souls 3? Yup. Anything else? Probably not.

Spotted the fag that wants to be Hilda!

If it's a custom character like in an RPG, I play a male. If it's picking between 2 pre-made characters, I'll pick female.

male, bald with a beard, I don't need to waste long time on customization and have a good self insert

It depends on the outfits.

I like playing as girls because it's unrealistic.


Absolutely atrocious.

>using normal as an insult

I'd like to see a game where playing as a female makes leveling strength take longer but you get a charisma and flexibility bonus.

And can make bank as a prostitute.

reminder Sup Forums prefers rosa because they are underage and black 2 was their first pokemon game.


you're right. this is best girl

This shit was fucking hilarious. If you're the guy who posted the imgur link in the thread a few weeks ago, thank you.

no, I always play as me. i usually play dress up with female avatars, though.

Male, female when bored

Never if I'm given a choice. Last time I played as a girl was probably Bayonetta but I didn't have a choice.

>tfw no eggplant gf

Girl always. Both the thought of a competent woman growing to be powerful and a powerful woman being defeated sends blood straight to my dick.

>role-playing makes me insecure
does it?

Play 1st ed AD&D.

Absolutely this, glad someone else follows my reasoning.

I like the power fantasy side of playing as a big muscular Conan-esque guy, but I also like to play dressup with cute girls.

Only if the game doesn't railroad me into a relationship with a male.

The girl (male) of course!

I'd need people who actually play that to play with.


Female characters are cooler than their distaff counterparts.

Literally mentally ill

Girl has always better dress options, always best love interests, good voice acting.

Really? I don't find women as "cool" they're good for other things but for a "cool" action star I'd almost always cast a dude. John Wick wouldn't be nearly as cool if keanu was a chick.

Male, but as shota-looking as possible.

Do you still have the link?


>first playthrough is a male good guy
>second is also male, greedy bastard and fucks over whomever possible
>third a woman, choosing whatever options I've not chosen yet
Over the course of 3-ish years, it's the perfect approach to games with character creation.

>all those loli replies
Okay faggots, name ten games where you can play as a loli. Oh wait, you can't. There aren't any.

>but muh VNs
not games
>but muh TLoU
not loli
>but muh Dragon's Dogma
no midgets please

I just prefer her because she's hotter

>First playthrough do self insertish male performing actions I would do
>Second playthrough meta gaming hard as a male doin everything I missed
>Third playthrough female modded to hell and is basically a porn game
Thats how I do it.



>No Arcana Heart
What's wrong Sup Forums? Bad at fighters?

>first attempt is basic bitch male character that does good things or whatever
>usually lose steam or hit a big hurdle partway and stop playing
>try again using some kind of WOW WACKY ideas for my guy
>end up doing the same shit again and stop playing in mere hours
>come back to the game with the express goal of finishing it, make female, use what i know from last attempts to ensure success
>beat the game and almost never look back

this process has plagued me for a long time

>artsy indie shit
I don't know man. Any of them actually good, outside of the obvious ones? How's Fortune Summoners and Fairy Bloom Freesia?

yes always

Stop being a roleplaying faggot taking dicks in the vagina you'll never have

Only if there's a loli. Lolis are hot.

In-during excuses
>girl has better options
>girl has better clothes
>girl has better stats
lol insecure faggots

Sometimes, if the the girl is really good and the story isn't too romancy.


whats the sauce you autist virgin