Holds technology back with consoles

>holds technology back with consoles
>encourages mobage cancer
>has unironically shit taste in vidya
Are the Japanese killing video games?

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>holds technology back with consoles

sorry to hear you're a brainlet who thinks graphics are the only important thing in video games


I think the discovery of formulas that sell with the lowest common denominator mixed with the complete ignorance of said target market is killing games.

Whito piggu, go home

whito piggu go home

but they make me wee wee hard


>holds technology back with business model
>encourages lootbox cancer
>has unironically shit taste in vidya
>doesnt like women
Is the west killing video games?

>holds technology back with consoles
Microsoft does far more to hold gaming back with Direct3D than Japan has ever done.

The Switch even uses Vulkan as its native API which tracks hardware and in the PC space can be updated along with your GPU.
As opposed to Direct3D which only upgrades when the Xbox needs it, and you can only get it by 'upgrading' to Windows 10.

Half of those protags are from shitty SoL anime, but no go ahead and compare them to the hardcore action anime of the past to make yourself feel better

>mobage cancer
I genuinely spend more time playing these instead of console games. Just easier to digest in small increments and they're FUN

>Anime protags now
>doesn't have Jack
All those guys on the left bar Bobobo have nothing on Jack. Come back only when you've fixed this image faglord.

Correction. Bar Bobobo and Lupin



Nothing wrong with Oreki.

Samurai Champloo was pretty good.

>not based Depp
shaking my head, fampai

>no Kyon
Surprising. He's always on those lists.

I bought Nier Automata twice, both on ps4 and PC and i spent the last 12 hours playing Persona 5.
You're fucking retarded. Go back and play Crysis. It looks like shit by today's standards, sure. But name 1 other game that has it's level of graphical fidelity for it's time while also having massive enviroments and this level of enviromental interactivity and AI.
THAT's where consoles are really hurting games.

Implying the bathhouse owner isn't the best

Hes not on it because he made the right choice


Nagato spinoff sucked.

>Whito piggu, go home
Whito piggu, go home

ホワイト ピッグ ゴー ホーム

But thats Disappearance

Is it that time again?

yeah but anime cute


Madoka is better than any video game this decade

Meanwhile in the west

>muh toxicity
>that's sexist racist homophobic!!
>have some lootboxes, goy, don't forget to buy the DLC
>innovation? what's that?


The movie? It's been a while and guess I don't remember the ending. Your post implied that he picked Nagato but I thought he did end up choosing to correct the time, which meant he didn't choose her.

Whito piggu, go home


Anyone who's actually seen the movie wouln't forget that scene you fucking pleb

It's funny that you think the west isn't full of mobile garbage either.

I love the fact that this tries to make the West look better by appearing intellectual when all it is, is pretentious. Jap narratives win due to the fun factor. Good luck having fun with the left when its so far up its own ass the longest horse dildo can't even touch it.

Another Japan vs the rest of the world thread?

I think that's the joke.

yes but the average protags "then" are still different from the average protags "now". even in your action anime you still have megafags like deku in the spotlight.

>he's a pc gamer

I ran out of images to piss off weebs with, post more

Its hard to tell sometimes user. I think its a bad case of Poe's Law.

it wouldn't be barely hanging on today you dumb korean dog


It was years ago you fuck. I remember they were on the inclined street and there was the whole revelation that she was the one who changed time to become normal or some shit. Forget the ending. Pretty sure she got consumed with a bright light flash and then he woke up at home because he chose haruhi.

>yakuza is the poster child of Japanese console gaming, never to come to PC
>Atlus sent a C&D to RSPC3 devs and will never bring P5 to PC
>only the shitty MGS games came to PC
>Bloodborne is FS's bretrayal of PC
>Gravity Rush was the best game of 2017
>DQ11, nor any other DQ, will come to PC
>ditto with Ace Attorney
>ubisoft and bioware release their games for PC
>lootcrates were pioneered by PC games
>phil spencer gave the decision for Xbox games to be shared with PC
>microtrans, games as service, and always online apply to PC games
>the Gods of Us the only non-PC western game

>tfw you fell for the PC meme

>censors (actual MANDATORY government censor) porn because of the west
>banned CP because of the west
>will censor a lot of shit in the olympics because of the west
>now self censoring games because of retarded western sensibilities

>b-but Japan doesn't give a shit about what the west has to say!! Based Japan!!!

Why do people continue to say this shit?

They literally told the UN to fuck off last time they asked for censorship.

pre op: western rpg character
post op: nip rpg character

Pic related.


Lol i would've laughed my ass off at those dumb nips

>this is a concern while people in Syria are getting bombed.

Cunts don't care about helping people only claiming they are helping people. In other news water is still in fact wet.

Japan makes great single player games

West makes great multiplayer games

Explain to me why I should give a fuck about some sandnigger getting blasted in the desert in a country I will never visit or have any relationship with whatsoever?
I have a right to jack off to whatever fucked up shit I want and I will have that right.

name one (1) great multiplayer game besides chess





Did you even read the letter in the post you replied to you dumb cunt.

*btfos you*

that's chinkshit tho

>black always wins: the game

Japan is the only thing keeping the industry from going completely in the shitter. Hopefully Western devs will get the hint that we want shit like that and stop being so fucking gay with art games and Jew shit

>unironically shit taste in vidya
What does this even mean. Are you really going to imply the west also doesn't have shit taste because they definitely do.

>Being indoctrinated by your childhood videogames into associating Japan with the joy you had when playing those videogames, turning you into a fanatic and making you more susceptible to becoming a weeb
>Most japanese games are developed by a Japan-based corporation thus most people who prefer japanese games over western games are also sonyfags


The west does make good games from time to time. At least Rockstar did before they started whoring out GTAO, but RDR2 may turn out stellar. And just like Japanese games, they are made first and foremost (if not only) for consoles, while PC is a mere afterthought.

Wait a sec...

Why doesn't Japan, or at least Sega, show more love to PC? It's not fucking fair!

Because the japanese PC market is for niche interests.

>holds technology back with consoles
Like any normie is going to bother setting up a fucking PC.
>encourages mobage cancer
And the West doesn't?
>has unironically shit taste in vidya
Nah, OP objectively always has the shittiest tastes.

Yakuza is hot garbage with shitty cinematic "gameplay"

B-b-b-but a tiny number of Japanese publishers release their games for PC!

Western devs taking over the console game industry was a mistake, it's been all downhill since the early/mid 90s.

personally I blame idiots that claim graphics is literally everything in video games

japs don't need extremely good graphics for their big budgets games to be good they instead use their big budget to make the game itself big and full of fun stuff

what was the last western game that had a lot of depth/fun mechanics in it ?

And you can thank Sega for that.

>shit shit, Nintendo has all the Japanese developers to their side, what do?
>let's cater to disloyal western developers because they occasionally make technologically impressive games
>let's also bend over backwards for EA and allow them to circumvent our lockout system in exchange for Madden
>surely that won't backfire

Its not even the Japanese publisher its the localiser 90% of the time.


Circumvent our lockout system? I vaguely remember this. What was it?

The property holders still need to agree to it.

If the japanese are hurting games, then the business wasn't strong to begin with. Typical westerners blaming others for their own faults

FFXII Imperials were soo good

Sega's lockout system was fucking retardedly easy to circumvent. The console looked for a logo loader to verify the games, EA decided to make their own logo to display instead of Sega's. It's also the same reason why EA games never have a Sega logo.

Basically EA threatened to leak this method to other third parties, and wanted to get away with continuing this. Sega reluctantly agreed since their best sellers were EA games, namely Madden.

Madoka seemed over rated. I tried watching it but nothing about it really screamed "great"

90% of the popularity was just from shaft's usual style and designs by the hidamari sketch artist.

Wow that's insane. EA was always the sleaziest publisher.

By contrast, Nintendo's lockout systems were a little more complicated to crack. The NES' lockout chip was only cracked because Atari/Tengen went to court and claimed that Nintendo was suing them over bypassing the lockout chip, and requested access to the CIC's coding to verify they weren't cheating. They instead copied the code completely to develop the "Rabbit chip". For the SNES era, publishers didn't bother with the SNES since 1) it was harder to crack and 2) the Genesis was more popular in the west. There was only one unlicensed game for the SNES, and that worked by piggybacking a licensed SNES cartridge to fake the lockout chip.

Also Accolade (Bubsy devs) where the only other developers to bypass Sega's lockout.

At least be genre consistent.
You could have a flawless argument.

Western developers didn't start taking over consoles til the mid 2000s. PS1, Saturn, N64, most of their top sellers were the legacy Nip franchises. Even more so if you consider handhelds as consoles. Shit got desperate in the PS3/360 era, but Wii sold like gangbusters.

So really, this gen were seeing a return to form for Japanese games from the dark days of PS360?

No. They're making it a thriving zombie by pumping out so many shitty games that newcomers who don't know any better adopt Japan's shit taste.


Does this not look good enough for you?

Madoka is fucking great

Fujoshits happened.