Why Hyrulean princess has an ass like this?

Why Hyrulean princess has an ass like this?

Great doujin

Good genetics

Why doesnt she wear dress, like a proper lady?

Hylian genetics.

Gamon promised not to destroy Hyrule in exchange for making Zelda sit on his face with sweaty yoga pants whenever he wants


Yeah Gamon you know, that Tauren from WoW

Gross. Why do fanartists always have to exaggerate every feature to ridiculous proportions? Nobody likes gigantic nigger asses.

Its ganon, not fucking normie virgin retard


is this the designated fart thread?

>these faggots ACTUALLY fell for the ass meme


The master sword is pretty big, needs a big sheath to rest in




Literally me, just with 3ds instead of switch and less hair

Because it’s the only way to make a boring character like Zelda interesting

Literally me but no big belly

Zelda's such a bitch. shes like "thanks link for saving the world but, you're gona have ta put that fucking super death sword back."

Can confirm

Paya would’ve let you keep the sword. Paya would’ve cheered you on unlike Zelda. Paya > Zelda, it’s that not hard people.