Was Cuphead just a flavor of the month game?

Was Cuphead just a flavor of the month game?

It's a great game and I already finished it
Do you have a problem?

You don't hear about it here anymore because it didn't have DLC, microtransactions, or intrusive DRM. It had an artstyle that you don't see much of in anything else anymore instead of the standard pixelshit that's popular in indie games.
It was hard enough to not be accused of being casual.
There is simply nothing for Sup Forums to bitch about

shitty old outdated gameplay with some gimmick art

no thanks

Any game ever is a flavor of the month game.

its a good game that takes about a month to beat, so, sure, i guess that is what it is

>Half-assed boss rush where the only real gimmick is the artstyle
I mean, nice as the artwork and all was, the game itself is fucking trash, newgrounds tier garbage.

>every game must have more than a month's worth of gameplay

Is this bait or are you one of those open world retards?


Unless a game has threads every single day on Sup Forums, it's clearly a flop



yes. also it was obviously shilled here and Sup Forums ate it up.

>a month to beat


>occasionally jump and spam shoot
>just spam for 10+ fucking minutes on some bosses

b-b-b-but the art style is so pretty!

Finally someone who speaks truth

It was a short indie title, man. I loved the fuck out of it and have, like 30 hours in it but there's not much else to say. It had its moment to shine for a few months but that's all she wrote. I'd love to have another Cuphead thread at the moment, though. It's been a long time since I've seen one.

>i'm just pretending to be retarded

nigga i got every cheevoe in a week

I mean you're not wrong but thats what people who were gonna buy this game wanted.

Sequel is confirmed isn't it?
>Watermelon eating boss

we're just waiting for the expansion. we probably won't see it until at least late 2018.

I'd be very surprised if they weren't thinking about one. Granted, we wouldn't see it for probably another five years but if the Cuphead sales are anything to go by then people will gladly wait.

It just has poor replayability. Once you've got all achievements, there's no point to play anymore except with friends in local coop from time to time.

If niggers on Xbone hadn't pressured them to add more platforming sections we might have seen more bosses
I guess poor replayability kind of comes with the territory of a highly crafted gane, the only game I can think of with a good artstyle and lots of replayability is TF2 and that was saddled with a TEN YEAR development time

I still find it pretty fun to fire up every now and then. Just a short 10-minute or so session of my favorite bosses is really enjoyable.

Yes. Kinda sad because years of effort were put into a game that everyone forgot about in a month. At least it's not Lawbreakers

>not tumblr tier art and reddit gameplay

Eh, it still made a bank for devs, so it's fine.

I wouldn't say forgotten about, we're having this thread, aren't we?
And it won two (2) users' Steam Awards good months after its release, including beating fucking undertale, and presumably other awards too, and the creators definitely got paid, so I'd say it did pretty well for itself

Nigga the discussion came and went. It's a game you play and finish. After that there's nothing left to talk about except waifus if you're a degenerate. It was my 2017 GOTY by a country mile.

This but unironically

Forgotten, hell no. Its time is merely over. It's become an incredibly fond memory for lots of people and something great to go back to every once and a while. Also it pissed off a lot of game journalists, so that's pretty great.

Based fucking truth. There's a reason nobody is debating these posts.

>It was my 2017 GOTY by a country mile
Stop falling for marketing.

OK user what was your 2017 goty

>Stop falling for marketing.

Just because you don't agree with my choice doesn't mean it's marketing, dumbass. It was a finely crafted, challenging experience that I loved from start to finish. I can't say the same for Zelda, Mario, or Nier, as great as they were. All of those games lost steam long before they were over.

he's pretty clearly baiting, i just want to see what he says his 2017 GOTY was

something other than shithead which is more than you can say

This and A Hat in time are my favorite games of these past years, gave me some hope in modern gaming

most games are flavour of the month games


So what is it?

cuphead should be higher

Split between Nioh and Persona 5.


