Reminder that elves are the worst part of Warcraft

Reminder that elves are the worst part of Warcraft

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i just altavista'd Vulpera and those guys look pretty cool.
not a furry btw

Night elf arabs are the worst yes
Blood elf prostitutes are great

Furries please leave.

Reminder that Dwarves are the best part of WarCraft

Dwarves are always the best.
Name one series where dwarves aren’t the best, I can’t think of any.

hopefully we get wild hammers so alliance can have the 3 best playable races

I want Wildhammer on the off-chance they get to be Druids. Alliance only has TWO Druid choices, and the next rumored one is the fat people from Kul'Tiras. I want a Dwarf Druid.

>TFW every character I made was a Blood Elf
>Blood Elves had the comfiest and best starting area to me.
>Blood Elves looked fashionable in armor/robes/gear in general.

>Blood Elf music was the best part of TBC
>Void Elves happen
>Their music is the best music in BFA so far

unironically kill all furries, then you can complain about mary sue elves

dun morogh is objectively the comfiest starting zone
only by a little, eversong is still top tier

i'll take a dozen elves over a single furfag

hell even gnomes are better than the fucking furries

my one wish this expac is dwarf druids with forms that blow dinoshitters out the water

>WoW gearing up to add those fox things instead of making these guys playable
Why even bother

t. Elf

You fags ruin everything

>already have two mammal beast races
>add in a third

there is no justice

It doesn't matter anymore. The game is already fucked in terms of artstyle and just wants to be a Pixar movie. Someone post the reskinned hyena

They are all right though, ignoring the furfag worgen.

Reminder that this was still the best post-RTS story expansion and anyone who disagrees is a bandwagoner who never gave it a chance because of a Jack Black movie, even though Samwise had been drawing Pandaren since the 90s.

WORGEN are the worst part of Warcraft you fucking idiots.

MoP's only flaws were
1. The final patch lasting too long
and two
2. Complete assassination of Garrosh's previously established character

Elves must be removed

I'll never not be mad about how much Warlocks have been fucked ever since MoP, all because Xelnath said he wasn't happy about design choices they had planned for WoD.

t. Dogknotslut-MoonGuard

Blizzard would rather not let us play neat races instead of just making certain armor slots like the helmet being invisible.

I fucking hate wow pandas even more than elves


Dungeons were lackluster
Everything was locked behind dailies
The battlegrounds were also awful
This is personal preference but I disliked the new talent system and the fact that they started locking abilities behind specs


You'd think at some point in WoW's development, they would had enough money to just make the armor slots work in a unique manner on races like this, kinda like how hooved characters don't wear actual shoes. Why the fuck couldn't naga just get some weird lower armor and tail ring designs that use leg/boot armor? Why not spend some money adjusting doors in some way for ogres and shit? So many fucking races they could add and they never did because it'd take effort.
And they look so cool in motion, why can't we have nice things?

Actually you're right MoP had more problems than initially remembered.
New talent system and MoP's class design was good tho

Best to worst starting zones:

Eversong Woods > Dun Morogh > Elwynn Forest > Durotar > Tirisfal Glades > Teldrassil > Mulgore > Azuremyst Isle

Why can’t humans and elves just put aside their differences and unite against the real issue: the greenskin menace.

>roleplaying imaginary racism

they went too far

Elwynn > Durotar = Dun Morogh > Tirisfal Glade = Azuremyst Isle = Eversong Woods > Mulgore > Teldrassil

I think it's pretty funny how HotS gets crazygood models for their characters, yet we're stuck with what we have.

Because Blizzard doesn't really care about WoW. The telling thing that we aren't getting Sethrak is that there's no indication of male or female with them.

yeah yeah, fox furries and elve shitters

But what about the Chadalari?

Wow that's a place I haven't heard of in many years.

>bloodelf talking about other races ruining the horde

it's always a Male Blood Elf Demon Hunter with special characters in their name that act like they're "proud Horde members"