Have you deleted all your Nia bullying memes yet Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


No. I still like them for old time's sake.

when did things go so right bros

Yes, but I kept these.

Best timeline.


>stick your dick in
>it instantly becomes 15 years younger

Post the push

the writer explained in some blog, right?

So tiny and prepubescent?

>Melia is cucked out of her cuck buddy
Takahashi just wants Melia to suffer.

I've loved playing through this game, I'm nearly done, just at the final boss now.
But answer me this, Who is Onthos, The Third Aegis? Is he somehow connected to XBC 1?

More like post the bush.

Prevailing theory is that it's Alvis.

>NG+ Ending
what does this mean? what changes in NG+?

no, not canon

He's Alvis from XC1, also known as the MONADO


>TFW Zero refractory period

Rex is gonna die from fluid loss


It's fine, Nia's water element.

Nothing. The only difference is that NG+ extends the ending to make it clear that Pyra invites Nia into Rex's harem too, exactly as most people suspected.

I can't fucking beat Giga Rosa and I'm too lazy to grind, what should I do.

Do some sidequests.

Level up at the inn.

Get gud.

>He's Alvis from XC1, also known as the MONADO

Prevailing theory is that it's Alvis.

I had a feeling it was the Monado. Odd that Malos also used the same "Monado"
moves when fighting him after he's "complete"

Do you have a Tank in your party? IIRC it removes one of your characters around then for the story, but you can put them back by pressing X on them in the party screen. You're meant to fight with 3 people.

Otherwise yeah, use the Inn to level up.

I bought this game but haven't played it.
should I?

extended title screen is canon, nothing in the NG+ changes anyway.

it's not really odd malos, mythra, and alvis are all "monados" who draw their power from the zohar/conduit, it's how they do monado arts/foresight

>TFW when Shulk is Alvis's Driver

Yes. YES.

I'm already level 41 and Zack is level 47 but I just can't beat it, it gets impossible at some point.

Malos isn't complete, only Ontos is.
Both Logos and Pneuma have skills Ontos have, the monado arts with Logos and being able to see the future with Pneuma


I meant to say I already leveled up at the inn.


the scene with alvis teaching him monado buster now makes sense.

*pokes your water-balloon tits with a needle*

>Should I play the best JRPG in the last decade, which I've already paid for


When does the story gets good? I have lost the will to keep playing, 30 hours in. It was way more fun at the begining than now.

After chapter 4.

>Sequel makes the first game better and make more sense
Can't wait for XC3 to make 2 better.

what's new about NG+ besides the Torna blades and the title screen?

change that filename, it baits shitposter that are trying to disprove this extended titles screen.

uh about chapter 5?

deleveling at inns, traveling bard exchanging stuff for bonus EXP like overdrive protocols, new heart to hearts with torna blades,

Nia bullying makes me laugh

I can't remember what level Giga Rosa is but it sounds like you should be well overlevelled for it if you're lv41/47 and you're using 3 party members (if you're not using 3 people, there's your problem, make sure you have 3 people in your party).

Then just play like normal, put orbs up on her and chain attack. She's apparently weak to Lightning, so that's a good starting point. You can always throw on some Machine Hunter Aux Cores if you really need more damage.

Are you using Blade Specials and Blade Combos? Stacking orbs on things and using Chain Attack?


>Are you using Blade Specials and Blade Combos? Stacking orbs on things and using Chain Attack?
Honestly I don't know what any of that means, I'm looking at a video now to see what I missed.

Is Hikari the most fertile blade?

Refund for XV instead.

you better learn your shit quick or the bosses coming up will shit on you

I used to have a really good guide written up for this stuff, I'll try summarise it in a second, but for now, just have a look at this picture and see if it makes sense.

There's also two good FAQs that're worth reading

Spoiler Free


I just could not get into this game much but this does not change the fact Nia is absolutely precious.

I don't know if I fully buy into that yet, don't they talk about him being created in the first game?

Probably a close second behind the bunny girl.

>Honestly I don't know what any of that means, I'm looking at a video now to see what I missed.

user, I learned to use Blade Combos nearly just before the first Akhos and Malos fight. It took me that long to even understand what the fuck I was doing.
After you get it, it's all smooth as butter.


Watch this cutscene again and tell me this fucker isn't a blade.

Where's his core crystal?

Use Auto-Attacks to build up Arts
Time Arts correctly to build up Specials
Combo elemental Specials with each other to perform Blade Combos
Use Chain Attacks after using lots of different-element Blade Combos to melt the enemy
Throw in some Driver Combos to deal more damage (Break > Topple > Launch > Smash)

This is the basic format for all tough battles from midgame onwards, so get good at it quick

No, this is Sup Forums, we don't play video games there, and if you do you need to fuck off

he turned it into a key

Yes, all three versions of her

The key is actually his core.

Cursed image
Do not open

which one produces the most milk to ensure her blade babies grow up big and strong

I'm getting goosebumps anons.

"XC: Alvis — “I am the administrative computer of a phase transition experiment facility.”

"XC2: Klaus on Malos — “Remember, at heart he is but an information processing unit.”

Pneuma, since she is the most "whole" of the three


mommy as fuck Tbh

Stop lewding my sister.


Can I lewd your brother instead?

Sorry, Alvis, but I want to give you many nephews and nieces


>We will never be able to play XC2 with Malos' and Mytha's roles reversed
Why even fucking live?

It would've made a lot of sense than the blade romance shit.

How long is the gestation period of the average blade girl

Okay, so let's start at the beginning and I'll walk you through. There's only a few things you really need to get a handle on. But if you don't understand this stuff, then it's probably taking you FOREVER to kill anything, so if you've wondered about that, this is why. So the relevant terminology is as follows:


This is when you use an ability to cancel THE ANIMATION of any of your abilities. Basically just use your skills after your ability does damage, during the recovery animation. You get more damage and more bar towards your Blade Specials.

>Driver Arts

This is the abilities you can use on your Drivers (Rex, Nia, Zeke, etc), you charge these up by doing autoattacks.

>Driver Combo

This is the Break -> Topple -> Launch -> Smash combo. You don't need to use this, but each step does a lot of damage, adds a lot of time to your Blade Combo's duration and gives you healing potions, so it helps.

>Blade Art+Battle Skills

This is the passive abilities your Blades add during battle, things like how Pyra increases your accuracy and such.

>Blade Specials

These are the major abilities your Blades perform. They're the stage I, II, III and IV abilities you get from pressing the A button when you've built up enough bar.

Pyra's are Flame Nova (I), Prominance Revolt (II), Blazing End (III) and Burning Sword (IV)
Mythra's are Ray of Punishment (I), Photon Edge (II), Lightning Buster (III) and Sacred Arrow (IV)

However long she wants

>Blade Combos

These are going to be your most important sources of damage for most of the game. This is where when you add a Blade Special to an enemy you can follow it up with another Special as indicated by the Chart that appears in the top right of your screen, following a flowchart.

Each are 3 part Combo's with the most damage coming from the final part, and each step needs to a higher ranked special to activate. So the first part can be applied with any level I, II, III or IV special. The second part only with levels II, III or IV, and the third part only with levels III or IV.

You'll see a prompt down the bottom centre of your screen telling you when you can begin or add to a Blade Combo, and you'll have the same prompts from your party on the Left and Right bumper.

So looking at the chart I linked before, you can follow the flowchart through as, for example, starting with Fire

Fire -> Fire -> Fire (Adds Fire Orb)
Fire -> Fire -> Light (Adds Light Orb)
Fire -> Water -> Fire (Adds Fire Orb)
Fire -> Water -> Ice (Adds Ice Orb)

This is why your screen will say things like Steam Bomb or such, since that's the name of that stage of the combo. So for example, walking through one

Fire (Heat) -> Water (Steam Bomb) -> Fire (Steam Explosion)

Play around with these until they make sense, these are very important.

>Chain Attack

When you've got some Orbs up, press Start. Using opposite elemental orbs will weaken/destroy the relevant ones and you'll do a shittone of damage. ie. Fire v Water, Dark v Light, Ice v Wind, Earth v Lightning.

Hope that helps.

You have 10 seconds to justify her dmg output
Hint: you can't

Don't forget that you can only chain attack when the party gauge is full

Blade Girls probably can't get pregnant, but Aegis's are modelled after humans so probably 9 months. Flesh Eaters have taken in humans, so probably exactly the same too.

I think I got it, I've been doing cancelling for a while, I was missing on the orb stacking for doing decent chain attacks.

I'm still getting one hit killer by fucking Giga Rosa at some point and the worst part is after a chain attack I lost all that bar from up left and I can't revive anyone.

give your team food. preferably art recharge

Oh, and cancelling is more effective the further into an attack you are. For example, Rex slashes, then does a downward cut, then stabs. The special builds up the fastest on if you cancel after the stab

looks cool but would have been better if it was just the digimon

Check your character abilities/items/pouch, blade affinity, and blade weapon levels. Try to keep specific blade types to your character you don't main since they prioritize combos. Also don't be stationary, move around too



i just got this game recently

is the total updates sans expansion content really only 900+mg? I saw on siliconera all this new content coming and it seems rather small for what theyre bringing. Im to used to the big ass dota2 updates im guessing

is the expansion pass worth it?

It's just a single player game

they should've just done this for ng+
It'd be the tightest shit

The way she turns back is cute

Okay I fucking nailed it, what an overkill, I managed to stack 2 orbs twice and finally beat it, thank so much guys.

This is cute, makes me want to play the game even though it looks fucking boring

>TFW you thought it was just a throwaway cliche anime style line

The absolute madman

Im confused is OP real?

Do we get to fuck kitty?

it added 7 new blades which means adding a lot of sound files

>is the expansion pass worth it?
no, it won't be until the Fall DLC and even that's up in the air