Like fucking clockwork

Like fucking clockwork

What the fuck, there's a new Fear Effect?
I'm guessing they made it an agenda pushing mess then?


Huh you'd think they wouldn't have wanted to imitate the No Man's Sky devs, like how in anyway does that seem like a good idea?

Also I've never heard of this game in my life.

>that cheap pirate looking disk

that gave the 30 extra points for no man sky

Wait, that's out? I didn't even know it was coming out this early

so both are fucking shit?

>that old guy in the bottom picture

The point difference rounds closer to 20

releases in 14 hours or so

They should probably make sure their game is good before they post celebratory selfies

What the fuck is wrong with his eyes? The guy holding the disc. There's barely any white in them, he looks like he's being possessed by a demon.

>an adult surrounded by millenial children
I feel bad for him

Which one?

Literally none of them are making the face so what the fuck is the issue



why did you link a bunch of posts that aren't talking about what you're talking about

he can't be enjoying himself
I bet he just wants to go home

He wants the (You)s

The celebration is that the project is considered complete and ready to ship. The disk is the gold source code.


what the fuck are you talking about

What are the two people pointing at? And why do they feel the need to point it out?

So everyone reads my post

Post images that trigger nu/v/

Right, that's the point. They're still celebrating over having finished a turd which makes them look pretty idiotic.


I'm well aware that you'd like that

All the more reason to continue

Are you dense? He's saying that they shouldn't finishing it if it's complete fucking shit. Just like your parents didn't celebrate when you were born.

>All white
Really makes you think


What are you talking about


yup, considered complete

>Ban the guy spamming lasers on Sup Forums
>Not the guy spamming soyboy images
>Not the console warriors

I can only assume this is a shitposter trying to game the system.

>the dudebeerlmao in both


is that guy on bottom left CGI?

All soy images will be assimilated. You cannot stop it.

Just like the ones that try to get threads sent to /vg/

It's a fucking mobile game

This is fantastic



>Where da hood at
This one never gets old.


you're just as annoying and pathetic as the soyposters

They create problems, and then beg mods to get rid of "problems" that don't actually exist. That's some twin towers level of falseflagging.

If you don't come into obvious thinly veiled soy threads you won't have to deal with either of us 90% of the time.

>Voice acting, sound design and combat getting the worst of the criticism, especially the combat
Combat getting torn down is not a good sign. It seemed weird to me on the demo, sounds like it's not any better. Out of everything this was alwaysthe one thing I was worried about.

>Reviewers also complaining about puzzle difficulty and death scenes you get from failing puzzles
This is just nitpicking, considering they all go on about how Sushee is trying to be faithful to FE1 and FE2 and does an okay job at it. Death scenes from failed puzzles is an FE staple. I remember failing to get Deke across the Chinese whorehouse rooftop over and over again like a retard.

fear effect was only good for one thing anyway

what the fuck is this. why did this fucking meme get revived? you're making me feel old

You just out yourself as being a soyposter when you say shit like this.


They're legitimate insane people who think they're waging a war to save masculinity by spamming an overdone meme.

Is the soy face meme really having a big enough effect that it's discouraging people from doing it now?



Even fucking worse, what fuck is wrong with them?


The funny thing is, they look exactly like the people they're memeing about.


God, I'd want them to stop doing it just to kill this shitty meme.

The only one triggered here is you, buddy

Over the course of the last few weeks I've seen several cases of people admitting they changed their appearance over this meme.
So yeah, it's literally self hating funboys.

>using an obvious falseflag as an example

Is the joke that they are not doing the soy face anymore because it's a meme now?


>'Oh nice, a Fear Effect thread for once'
>fucking lazer spam for no reason

I've never missed this shit meme, why the fuck is it back and why is it in this thread

This one especially makes no sense though, the open mouth ones have the better reviews.

It's trying to irritate the retarded soyposters with an even dumber meme.

Shitendo Shitch.

how about read the fucking thread before posting you mongoloid

>I'm too new to spot a thinly veiled Shitposting thread
My sides

Typical sonyygger face. Why do nu males do this?

and failing miserably


literally one soyboy post set them off like autistics

It's shitposting specifically directed at the soy posters

So now no one can have facial hair. Or be white.

>Posted an "images that trigger nu/v/ thread" earlier today with a shoop as the OP
>Bombed with soyposters instantly
>Failing miserably
Sure thing pal.

More like they lost 30 points for muh diversity

Seems to be doing the trick

>the old guy

Is he the custodian just happens upon the selfie while trying to make his way to their trash receptacle?

>bunch of shoop shitposting and crying about soyboy faces
Apart from the shoop posting, there's nothing else that's telling to me. I'm not on Sup Forums 24/7 you autist, I don't want to keep up with your shit memes

Oh I know it's shitposting, metacritic threads always are, but I hoped there'd at least shitposting about FE and not about memes. Is it wrong to want to talk about a series I like?

>OP filename is literally "openmouth"
>This totally wasn't us trying to hide our soy thread as an on topic one, guys
My sides are in fucking orbit


That was never going to happen. If you wanted a Fear Effect thread, then make one. Waiting for dipshits like OP is a guaranteed to lead you nowhere.


Do you piss yourself every time you see a woman anywhere? That's gotta be exhausting.


>He likes women
What are you? A faggot?


Sorry for party rocking




I just wanted to let you know you guys doing this are the heroes this board needs

>spam is really annoying
>i know, let's post spam, that'll show them
>i'm totally not a hypocrite
that's healthy

>No stop you're posting the wrong kind of spam