Do you think Cosmo is still in there somewhere?
What is it about speedrunning video games that turns people into psychotic trannies?
Why hasn’t Twitch banned him permanately? He breaks their TOS multiple times a day.
Do you think Cosmo is still in there somewhere?
What is it about speedrunning video games that turns people into psychotic trannies?
Why hasn’t Twitch banned him permanately? He breaks their TOS multiple times a day.
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>Do you think Cosmo is still in there somewhere?
>Why hasn’t Twitch banned him permanately? He breaks their TOS multiple times a day.
they did, but not permanently
Trannies are pretty entertaining though, I’ll give them that!
>play the same single player game, the same exact way, for at least 8 hours every day, for years straight
you have to be insane to want to do this
Him getting cucked is what lead to his transition.
I don’t understand why Cosmo doesn’t just take control of his shit and change. He whines and cries on stream all day and looks like a bulimic crackhead. If he changed back his popularity would rise again and he could probably have a better income. What an idiot.
>John fucking Numbers
>get cucked by your gf
>fell for the tranny meme
Jesus christ
eceleb cancer is not video games
Cosmo had a full on psychotic break and modern society applauds it as courageous. I'm not some Sup Forumsack saying all transsexuals are crazy, but in this case it wasn't just an image change his entire personality did too. I'm sure if he wasn't a raving lunatic a good chunk of his old viewerbase would have stayed around. Cosmo seriously needs to see a therapist but the people near him are only making it worse.
>come home one day
>this ghoul has broken into your house
>is naked bent over your bed
>kind of horny
>can hear it snarling
>turned on and disgusted all at once
Would you?
What's going on with his right thigh? Is that just weird lighting?
Why is his right leg trying to escape him?
Agreed, he needs professional help, not people telling him it's alright to completely lose his mind and keep going down that path.
Soylent, not even once.
Just give me lube and a paper bag.
Narci is cute!
Why does degeneracy run rampant in the speedrunning community?
>That hairline
Doesn't bode well for his tranny ideals
>Cosmo seriously needs to see a therapist but the people near him are only making it worse.
This is the worst part about it. Like most trannies on the internet they block out anything they don't want to hear. Leaving them with a hugbox of similarly mentally ill enablers who will only encourage their destructive behavior even more.
remember when he cried when watching berserk because of the rape
My guess is that it's like a "non-competitive" kind of competition and it attracts weak/insecure people
In a MP game, it's settled instantly, there's a winner and a loser and it's trivial to settle who is better at the game
In speedrunning there are no visible losers, even against a guy with a very dominant time you can take as long as you need to beat or match his WR
>Why does degeneracy run rampant in the speedrunning community?
t. rwhitegoose
Serious answer though it doesn't. The worst examples you commonly see are cherry picked example. Especially GDQ which has a problem of gross over representation of trannies who actually make up a very small amount of the community. Most of the trannies at GDQ's are literally who's that no one has ever heard of picked by protomagicalboy to push his agenda.
>What is it about speedrunning video games that turns people into psychotic trannies?
everything is fine
>is sensitive to rape
>watches berserk
>I'm not some Sup Forumsack saying all transsexuals are crazy
>believes they're a different gender
>not crazy
That's actually kinda sad
A hole is a hole
My fav person to watch troon out is Narci. Truly never gets old.
>Cosmo Wright
>Narcissa Wright
>not Wanda Wright
one job
I reckon it's all the soylent cosmo drank for years then got fooled by the tranny meme
I don't think he actions have resulted in the happiness expected
You feel bad for the guy, but at some point personal responsibility has to be a thing. When you fill your community with delusional enablers, what else did you expect?
The problem is that those faggots are feeding his insanity by supporting him monthly, if he got kicked out and had to move back in with his parents or something he'd be in therapy within a week.
He's absolutely fucked his life up, but maybe he could make something out of the pieces.
Did Cosmo cut his dick off? Or is there still hope.
>is berserk really that bad?
the weed clearly doesn't help either
It’s currently on stream passed out. It has been for hours and hasn’t moved. Quite the sight to behold. Let’s all report the channel.
look out, read his twitch bio! he wants to vent and whine!
praying for sudden arrhythmic death syndrome live on stream
Not trying to defend him here, but once you go down a bad road it can be very hard to go anywhere else when you are surrounded by people telling you it's okay to be where you are. Even more so, since as you said, people are even financially supporting him being where he is. I do hope he gets back on track some day, but it's gonna be pretty tough to break out of where he is.
Not saying "Poor Cosmo", I'm saying he got himself in a very hopeless spot that's gonna be tough to revert from anything but spiraling down into even more madness.
Wasn't that the scene with Griffith raping Casca? I bet he cried and got triggered with his cuck relationship.
You have to be extremely retarded to speedrun in the first place. It doesn't take much to make extra step.
fuck off Griffith
u know she wanted that d
>tranny gollum had a gf
>I haven't
twitch tv/narcissawright
I love women to death and struggle not to find beauty in most of them but shit like this don't make me feel too bad for being on basically no gf status.
People make fun of cosmo but I feel for the guy. He got burned bad and that scar was open and vulnerable allowing this to happen.
I wonder how the other more "normal" trans people see him. If I were trans I'd probably hate him, since the faggot gives an even worse rep to an already hated kind.
>42 people watching a passed out person
Are we all just hoping something more interesting will happen eventually?
That looks like the scene of Guts climbing up the giant bony hill right before Griffith goes Femto
>[tranny] seriously needs to see a therapist but the people near him are only making it worse
This isn't a cosmo specific thing. I feel so sorry for these people; living in a world where conditions like schizophrenia, bpd, anxiety, panic attacks and depression are all treated professionally and seriously, but some motherfucker that has one or more of these conditions but ALSO gender dysphoria gets putting on fucking hormones, sliced up by a cosmetic surgeon and sent on their merry way to that consistent 40% suicide rate
is the bridge troll sleeping?
>I love women to death and struggle not to find beauty in most of them
I agree with everything you say but jesus man, did you have to open up with such a creepy statement?
Amazing content. Loving the stream.
he lived a hard life
don't forget, it's okay when bridge goblins do it
Stop pretending trannies arent mentally ill.
The weed will probably make shit worse due to the mental instability but guaranteed that herb is keeping this dude alive. It seems most trans people have to drug abuse to deal with the depression and other mental problems.
That leader board is for a made up BOTW run by him that doesn’t even exist and only 2 others run it. LOL
>Content featuring (1) other people in private spaces or (2) private content from others’ social media profiles, without their consent.
Unattended content like sleeping on stream, 24/7 city/house cams, baby or pet cams.
report the stream
Don’t you guys have anything better to do than harass a clearly mentally ill trans woman? It’s kind of pathetic even for us.
I know it's 2018 but finding women beautiful is ok. Also I probably fucked up on the wording but I wanted to clarify I'm not r9k status
report the stream
cosmo is breaking the rules by sleeping while streaming
he does this every fucking stream
it's intentional not accidental
Why though? Why do some of you seem to want to make Cosmo even more miserable?
It's a trainwreck that can be interesting to watch sometimes, but it's a bit scary to see you wanna run up there and make it even worse. Don't think it's gonna get even more entertaining, just a bit more sad.
Faggots used to be considered mentally ill as well, but they're okayish now.
twitch enables them
if they were kicked off twitch they'd get their shit together rather than having a bunch of people tell him NOT to get help and keep self medicating
Twitch won’t ban him because they know there would be a back lash over being TRANSPHOBIC
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with being attracted to women but have you ever heard anyone say "I find women beautiful, I love women to death!" not be a complete and total creep?
Like really, it's the kinda thing you see on stereotypical "nice guy" chats saying "I respect all women and if anything I'll be the one in the kitchen!" Just giving you a heads up that your wording is a little weird, not criticizing you for being straight.
What's the requirements for this run?
report cosmo's stream
What a sad and pathetic sight.
The wind waker and OoT streams were maximum comfy unlike anything else on twitch.
This being isn't cosmo, cosmo is dead. He was murdered.
When i grow up i want to be a speedrunner they are so cool and i want to be just like cosmo breaking records and making history
At this point, his stream is either keeping him alive and firmly in the condition he's in currently, or keeping him from killing himself
Not having the stream can only be a positive thing
Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness, gay men don't want to cut off their dicks, they just want to put it in other men.
You have to go deeper. Probably it's just his insecurities, the girl was ok and he didn't handle the situation like an adult the moment all her attention wasn't focused on him.
Cosmo needs some Jordan Peterson to sort himself out.
>She wanted to have a more open relantionship
Why didn't he just fucking break up or why didn't he just say, "No I don't want to be a cuck. Let's try something else."
Can you faggots go back to Sup Forums or kiwifarms or wherever the fuck you crawled out of?
I do have to wonder if it's a lack of female attention that causes this. I've got some rather average looking female friends that get a lot more attention than the average looking male friends.
I've recently discovered one of my nerdiest male friends has a Tumblr where he cross dresses and states how he wishes he was a woman, struggles to get to grips with his sexuality, and makes a lot of posts that imply a deep depression. It's peculiar: he's a decent looking dude - he's dated some very attractive women in his time - and yet from some of the posts he seems desperate for any form of sexual attention. I guess it has been a while since he's dated someone, but I think he might be having an out-of-town affair with an equally confused dude, judging from a couple of photos and things he's said. I really don't know how to bring it up with him, what to say or do... I couldn't care less whether he transitioned or not, but I know that the suicide rates are ridiculous... Although I'm worried he's going to do something drastic even if he doesn't transition.
From what I can tell, for my friend's situation at least, is that he thinks women are attractive, he feels that they are more romantically and sexually successful, and he's jealous. I also think he sees that there are plenty of unattractive women out there that don't get the attention he craves, and he's worried that if he transitions, he's gonna end up in an even worse position. I think most people that do transition don't acknowledge that last part beforehand.
What the fuck is kiwi farms
I don't know, can your dick grow back?
This is never, ever a good sign. Your partner is basically asking "Can I cheat, but with your word that you won't be mad at me for it?". If you want a serious relationship, go for it, if you just wanna fool around with this person and maybe others, don't call it a relationship at all.
Its a site that collects info on lolcows.
>forcing someone off social media
>ever a bad thing
I am so glad I am not in the public eye, this is some fucking dystopian shit
There is no way in hell having dozens of faceless voices hugboxing you in chat while you're having a public breakdown going DON'T QUESTION HER JUST SUPPORT HER ITS GOING TO BE OK
Just in what mindset do you have to live to sit there bawling instead of instantly turning off the stream and collecting yourself or better yet get some support from an actual person in your actual life, it terrifies me
>He fell for the open relationship meme
Never even once
>Why hasn’t Twitch banned him permanately? He breaks their TOS multiple times a day.
Why the fuck do you care faggot? You some sort of bitch ass snitch or something? Cause that is straight up some faggy ass shit faggier than mentally unstable nerds taking drag way to fucking seriously.
Like shit man seriously so ironic to see dumb ass fags such as OP not even coming close to realizing just how much like punk ass bitch faggots they actually be acting like.
Sometimes it's surprisingly easy to fall in a dark place, user. And it's much easier to fall than it is to pick yourself back up. You add a bunch of people telling you it's okay to stay down and even helping you in not getting up, you might just stay there forever.
>"No I don't want to be a cuck. Let's try something else."
Are you dense lad
When a woman asks that she will cheat, it's just asking him if he's ok with it or not
He's going to kill himself within two decades, guarantee it.
What even is going on here? How long until he goes from "random mental breakdowns" to just straight up rolling on the floor mumbling incoherent nonsense?