Which is the best game? Which is the worst one?

Which is the best game? Which is the worst one?

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darksouls, or bloodbourne

I don't see Lords of the Fallen on there.

Haven't played any of the old games but Dark Souls 3 is the best one

bloodborne sucks, can't believe from made such a kusoge

Shush, dumb weeb.

>Best: Dark Soul 1
>Worst: Demon's Souls

While I definitely feel like DS2 had the weakest campaign, I have to give it credit for being the best game in the series for PVP interactions. If only Bloodborne and DS3 hadn't taken such huge steps backwards...

Demon's Souls is thus the weakest game just by virtue of it's age. A lot of the mechanics made things unnecessarily tedious (carry weight, the world tendency system) and it just didn't have the same magic as the later games for me.

You have no right casting your opinion in with those of us who played them all, cuck. Remove yourself from this thread before you anger the GOD! THE GOLDEN GOD! I AM UNTETHERED AND MY RAGE KNOWS NO BOUNDS!

DS2 the best, easily the most replayable
DS3 the worst, full of pandering fan references
DeS the most original, it invented basically every mechanic in the series


>Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 2 had a unique world and feeling to it. Like you're walking through the mythological world of unreliable narrator.
>HURR DURR The flow of time is convoluted
>Suddenly it's not oaky when both TIME and SPACE are convoluted in 2
Dark Souls 3 is Literally Dark Souls 1: Again. Boring rehash

ah, more cancer

Best is BloodBorne, worst is DaS2. You're allowed to think DeS or the first half of DaS is the best. If you think DaS2 is the best, you're a PCock who got into the series with all the prepare die bullshit and helped ruin the series. Your opinion is worthless and you should kill yourself.


>no ps4 detected


>got into the series with all the prepare die bullshit
actually DS2 haters are usually xbox 360 players who started with DS1 and wanted a copycat sequel like DS3. People who've played King's Field and Demon's Souls understand that From likes to switch things up with sequels and can see the true value of DS2 as its own unique thing


>Unique automatically means good!
No you fucking idiot, DaS2 was complete irredeemable shit that only retards like. Stop pretending you'd even heard of KF before you bought DaS after the prepare to die campaign.

Bloodborne is a fun enough game but thanks to this survey I can now say that it has the worst fanbase. Dark Souls 2 is great.

Best = Dark Souls 1
Worst = (by far) Dark Souls 3

bet you never even played the (fantastic) DLC

Only people with double digit IQs and absolutely no understanding of game design think DaS2 is better than DaS3.

>The decent DLC makes the rest of the game not complete fucking garbage!
Nice meme.

BB = DeS > DkS1 > DkS3 > DkS2

but BB is a japanese game...

hey are you the dsg footfag?

>Noooooo people are saying that Bloodborne isn't the best soulslike!
>T-They m-m-must all be jelly PCûcks who haven't even p-played the game!
Pathetic. As expected of peasants like you.

I'll never understand how people complain about Dark Souls 3 pandering while praising Dark Souls 2 in the same sentence. Did you forget that 2's whole plot is "member dark souls 1? well bro it's gonna happen again forever!" And then you have shit like the Ornstein copy-paste, Gargoyles and pic related.

Dark Souls 3 has plenty of flaws (like too many swamps), but the fan service is such a shallow one.

missing the real best game of the series

>Best: Dark Souls 2 / Worst: Demon's Souls
>1 vote

Why are you all such faggots

Each game does more than one thing better than the last. Pretty much a constant thing among them.

There's literally zero reason to be such a queer about it.

How come every time someone talks about good game design in a videogame, the game is always bland and unfun as fuck, with only minor touches like these that are its saving grace?

Only people with single digit IQs and absolutely no understanding of game design think DaS3 isn't dead last on the Souls tier list.

Actually, I'd say I've come to associate "good game design" with "doing it by the numbers instead of taking risks in creating something unique" thanks to all these fucking youtubers.

not him, but I imported DeS, bought a copy of DaS for each console on release, and the PC port a year later. DeS still gets top billing, but SotFS>PtDE>DaS>DaS2

DS1>BB>DS3>DS2. Never played DeS. I think DS3 is an underrated game on Sup Forums. PvP is terrible but I think it did a great job in other areas.

I love all the games in the series, but it's annoying that they fix something in each game but also add a new problem.

Explain what you think DaS3 did the worst, keeping in mind DaS2 tried just as hard with the "remember DaS" shit.

You're either lying or honest to God have brain damage.

Explain what you think DaS3 did the worst, keeping in mind DaS2 tried just as hard with the "remember DaS" shit.

You're either lying or honest to God have brain damage.

There are only 2 correct answers and you know it

Best is probably Dark Souls tho my favourite is still Demon's soul

nah, just DaS1's abysmal back half went completely untouched other than a few dragon asses getting patched out, even with PtDE; pretty much every boss being an abject failure of design aside from artorias and kalameet (O&S is just waiting for RNG to give a safe opening, Sif is literally stand-underneath-and-win, etc, Gwyn would've been decent if not for parry cheesing)

crystal caverns doesn't exist as an actual location despite having one of the more interesting aesthetics, drake valley is a glorified hallway that only serves to link otherwise unconnected zones, darkroot forest is pretty much copy-pasted trees forever and one of the worst PvP hotspots in any of the games, demon ruins and lost izalith are some of the worst levels designed in any videogame i've ever seen, boy I sure like fighting thirty taurus demons with the most hilariously broken tether ranges this side of FFXIV, or fight three of the worst bosses in the entire series back to back to back, or screech at million dragon asses while burning my eyes out on the surface of the fucking sun

DaS1 had its good moments, but fuck if I'm giving any game that dares to use Lost Izalith as an actual level the top spot.

>Explain what you think DaS3 did the worst

>as linear as a AAA western title
>world is colorless and bland,
>most bosses are DeS-gimmick-tier
>pvp is a shit show with prioritized ganking, instant estus, infinite rolling, insta-covenant swapping, passworded summons, and no poise, all of this tacked on the series' bad netcode and hitboxes
>regular mobs and bosses have attacks that have no charge up and are instantaneous, forcing you to get hit no matter what, player can even taking MULTIPLE blows instantly due to instant flurry attacks and no poise
>Luck / Hollowing are useless
>no changes to NG+
>bringing back mana when there was absolutely nothing wrong with set casts
>Weapon Arts using mana
>incredibly boring and restrictive early-game, forcing players to play the exact same builds until late mid-point
>more copy-pasted characters than DS2, and for no reason
>armor sets are all uninteresting to look at, save for a couple, fashion is little to non-existent
>longswords have longer hitboxes than spears
>hitting anyone with a spear one handed just bounces the spear off of them for literally no reason at all, despite having the requirements for said spear
>magic is restricted to Soul Dart and melee disguised as magic
>faith is awful
>no good hexes at all
>weapons that make no common sense (Cleric's Candlestick casts sorceries instead of miracles; Scholar's Candlesticks can't cast sorceries, even though enemies can)
>only 2 out of the 6 DLC bosses are fun to fight and aren't just input-reading NPCs, or giant HP sponges
>DLC does nothing for the story
Should I go on? I'm sure I might remember something else later.

I don't understand people who put DaS on the top. Are you fucking blind? Lowest replayability. Half of the locations are a fucking chore. Some of them are incomplete and raw as fuck. Couple of viable builds. Every other weapon sucks ass. 30 fps lock. You wanna 60 fps or more? Well say goodbye to your jump ability. PvP is a sticky backstab mess. AotA is boring, excluding bosses. Painted world is too small. Oh, did i mentioned hitboxes? You can spam DaS2 "bad" hitbox videos all of the day, bro. But DaS's boxes are absolutely fucking worst. The only thing done better is interconnection. And thats fucking it.

Don't forget that it spawned the fucking melanoma that is sunfaggots.

how do I make myself go through DaS2, it's so fucking shit after playing DaS1 for a while.
I just wanted some good pvp

So next time that you have an infection you're going to try bloodletting, right? Since I'm assuming that you haven't tried it before there's no possible way that you could know that modern methods are superior, and as such you cannot state that modern medical techniques are better at treating infections than the old methods since you haven't tried both personally.

Shut up, Dark Souls 2 is flawless.

what the fuck is an MMO tier design?

any design that doesn't strictly follow Miura's aesthetic and tone :^)

cartoony generic dwarves and ice tiger mounts

tfw i picked best DS2 and worst BB

Worst: you can probably guess
Best: BB

This poll is trash just make 2 separate poll for worst and best

>Laughably incorrect, Matthewmatosis' video praising DeS' bosses proves this. If anything, DaS3 has a shortage of gimmick bosses.
>Probably has the best invasions in the series despite these factors, although infinite rolling is a negative. Hyperarmor in DaS3 is a much better mechanic than DaS' poise, as it consistently rewards risk/reward with investment.
>Wrong, many moves are telegraphed; some moves are even deliberately telegraphed delayed. Even "combo" moves are telegraphed very visibly, even with basic enemies like the cross beasts or Pontiff beasts.
>How can this be the "worst" when RES and ADP exist?
>The Ashen Estus system is actually great and makes caster's a more enjoyable in both PVE and PVP
>Being limited by mana (read: estus) makes sense, I'd argue WA NEED to be limited due to their variety and OP potential
>Fair, High Wall to Cathedral sucks
>A whopping THREE returning characters not counting Patches (Karla, Siegmeyer, and Andre), none of which contradicts the governing logic of the series' world
>While Farron Dart, Soul Arrow, Lightning, and the trinity of CBV/GCO/Black Flame govern their respective magic schools, this is so far from true I feel like you've never played a spell-casting character in PVE or PVP. However, many spells are locked behind progression.
>Wrong, the DLC is a nice meta-commentary on the end of the Souls series, but also elaborates a little bit on the lore of the DaS3 world

I don't know why I responded to this, perhaps I'm bothered by the lack of critical thought that goes into a lot of criticisms of Dark Souls 3. It isn't a perfect game, in fact it has many huge flaws. Yet the Souls games seem flawed by design, all of them, and DaS3 is seemingly held to a higher standard despite this, and despite the fact that both good and bad gameplay elements are rarely carried from game to game.

i enjoyed bloodborne and all but jesus is it overrated

the only reason i can think of why its so heavily favored is because its way easier than any of the souls games and the casuals were able to enjoy it more

Dark Souls 2 feels like I'm playing a well made Chinese knockoff

demon souls = dragonball
dark souls = dragonball z
dark souls 2 = dragonball gt
dark souls 3 = dragonball super

if you dont pick
you arem ill and need help

its K I N O

setting is toppest of tiers, weapons are some of the best-feeling in the series - only DaS2's bone fists really match up in comparison, level design hearkens back to DeS intricacy.

So According to Sup Forums its

Time and space being convoluted in Dark Souls 2 is a bullshit narrative retroactively applied to a bad game by people too insecure to admit they like a bad game.

From DaS2 design works:
>Tanimura: The idea is that the lake of magma is actually on the upper strata, like a caldera lake on a plateau. However, looking down from the top it was far too wide, that and the fact that there isn’t an adequate transition between locations meant we didn’t really communicate the idea as well as we could have.
It's farcical that people continue to force the narrative that the transition from Earthen Peak to Iron Keep (or Shaded Woods to Drangleic Castle) represent meta-narrative formalism, when it is word of god, "We, uh, decided to do that."


Best: Blodborne
Worst: Dark Souls 2

oh, and the combat is the best-in-class and has the best zoning in the series. tight, fast-paced, but you still had to commit to your attacks.

Consider the following:
>BB is overrated, but amazing
>DaS1 is overrated, but amazing
>Das3 is underrated
>DeS is underrated
>DaS2 is in the Chinese knock-off dumpster where it belongs because of the critical discourse surrounding it
Despite this, I don't think it changes the boundaries of the ranking, but rather the level of quality within its boundaries. I feel like BB, DaS1, and DaS3 are much closer in quality than people realize, but both BB and DeS are essentially different games.

shit taste confirmed

i was listing what the poll said.
in my view its

>Laughably incorrect, because a youtuber praises gimmick bosses
What the absolute fuck did he mean by this
>invasions consistently reward risk/reward with investment
If by "investment" you mean slap on your straight sword and spam R1, then yeah I guess you can invest two minutes into becoming "good" at invasions.
>Wrong, many moves are telegraphed; some moves are even deliberately telegraphed delayed.
And the others...?
>How can this be the "worst" when RES and ADP exist?
Never said LCK / Hollowing was the "worst". Also who the fuck thing ADP is a bad stat?
>The Ashen Estus system is actually great and makes caster's a more enjoyable in both PVE and PVP
How the hell does splitting your total estus while also limiting your movement while casting spells make playing as sorcerer "more enjoyable" in both PvE/PvP?
>not counting Patches
There's a reason FROM didn't include Patches in 2. Because a character living that long would be fucking retarded. You also forgot Creighton and Alva. I'll give Karla a pass since her character wasn't in the Dark universe until 3.
It happens.
>While Farron Dart, Soul Arrow, Lightning, and the trinity of CBV/GCO/Black Flame govern their respective magic schools, this is so far from true I feel like you've never played a spell-casting character in PVE or PVP.
The only reason you'll see anyone using Soul Arrow or its variants is because they're in early game and haven't gotten Soul Spear yet. The only lightning miracle anyone ever uses is Lightning Arrow because it allows the players to hold it. Lightning / Sun Spear are much too choreographed to use. Three pyros that literally every single pyro uses because they are literally the only ones worth using due to their cast speed and damage output. You can see where 3's PvP gets repetitive, no?
It's stupid, and there is literally no point in those two weapons being the way they are.
>the DLC is a nice meta-commentary on the end of the Souls series
I'll see you in DS4.

But BloodBorne is the best one?

Keep going. Also which 2 dlc bosses are you referring to?

not gonna lie, I can't stand 3 because positioning and zoning means fuck-all against half or more of the enemies

Demons and Gael.

You'll say
>Demons and Gael
>not HP sponges
but I feel their appearance and settings make them feel like Dark Souls 1 bosses.

how will ds3 fgs ever recover??

in the end its all down to personal preference
i like music, bosses,and scenery
thats why my choices are what they are.

some of those enemy designs are from King's Field. You should really try the KF games, they're good

>>most bosses are DeS-gimmick-tier

Ancient Wyvern

4 out of 25 somehow equals most in that peanut brain of yours.

please explain

>BB is gooder than the others
First of all -10 points of gooderness for being a console exclusive
Second of all -10 points for being the easiest souls game.
BB is pandering to console plebs AND casuals at the same time. Ha-ha!

haha bloodborne is the best

I really like deacons tbqh. Mob boss done right.

still the best
also u mad?

Will Soulsfags ever get over their mediocre series?

lol user got btfo
how will casual souls 3 fags ever recover?

Haha no! Sony pleb right here! Go play some zelda dumbass!

that's what pisses me off so much
other than the linearity and the literally rehashed areas and luck returning as a stat for some reason, everything is nailed down pretty well in 3. I like the boss designs, I like the atmosphere

and then the combat is two giant fucking steps backwards from BB; and exploration is worth dick so you hardly get anything useful, while DaS2 despite having far less interesting designs rewards you with useful loot pretty much at every corner

Dark souls 1 the best, dark souls 2 the worst.

triggered as fuck lmao

I agree, the only gimmick bosses i disliked are Wolnir and Ancient Wyvern.

I feel if Ancient Wyvern was just a part of the level (and invadeable) people would have really enjoyed it, it just feels like filler with the health bar.

lol u mad cuz bb best

Same. It's not challenging or anything but I had fun with the fight. The arena is cool as fuck too.

sony wins a-FUCKING-GAIN
how will soulsfags ever recover? or rather the casuals still playing Bloodborne: Lite (DS3)? with it's halfassed DLC?

>out of 5 games he took half-cooked mess with 2 or 3 viable builds and worst pvp
Nice job, my man. Keep it up.

memes aside BB is the easiest.

not trying to meme here but
user. how much of that is nostalgia for your first run through the first half.
an how much are you trying to block out all of the jankyness
the broken combat
the unfinished levels
the bed of chaos

To me, one of the most important aspects of a souls game is level design. In that respect none of the other souls games beat dark souls 1’a level design and inter connectivity. It makes you feel as if you’re exploring a living breathing world as opposed to a video game.

>There's a reason FROM didn't include Patches in 2. Because a character living that long would be fucking retarded.


Bloodborne > 2 > 1 > Demon > 3

BB was the easiest, sure, but the whole PREPARE TO DIE bullshit didn't happen until bandai namco got their claws in. DeS was almost always challenging but fair, it's on you if you screw up, etc.
annoys the shit out of me that everyone memes about the series being SO xXxHARDCORExXx

Dude. You literally meet Patches in first location in DaS2. What the fuck. You didn't even played it, right?