Life isn't just about passing on your genes. We can leave behind much more than just DNA. Through speech, music...

>Life isn't just about passing on your genes. We can leave behind much more than just DNA. Through speech, music, literature and movies... what we've seen, heard, felt... anger, joy and sorrow... these are the things I will pass on. That's what I live for. We need to pass the torch, and let our children read our messy and sad history by its light. We have all the magic of the digital age to do that with. The human race will probably come to an end some time, and new species may rule over this planet. Earth may not be forever, but we still have the responsibility to leave what traces of life we can. Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Memes! The DNA of the soul.

Nah there's nothing more important than passing down your genes.

>Colonel, this is Snake, I've reached the insertion point and you are now reading this in my voice

>dubfags keep claiming Kojima prefers the English dub over the original Japanese
>Kojima replaces Hayter, who promptly goes on twitter and starts crying, trying to drum up sympathy and pressure Kojima to hire him again
>Kojima admits he never even knew what was going on with the English dub
>the fans forget about Hayter after just one game
Next up, Cowboy Bebop fans.

If Kojima didn't care about the english dub (its really a japanese dub in 5) he wouldn't have gone out of his way to get Kiefer.

Sutherland > Hayter

Yes, Snake, the human voice consists of sound made by a human being using the vocal tract, such as talking, singing, laughing, crying, screaming, etc. The human voice frequency is specifically a part of human sound production in which the vocal folds (vocal cords) are the primary sound source. (Other sound production mechanisms produced from the same general area of the body involve the production of unvoiced consonants, clicks, whistling and whispering.)

Generally speaking, the mechanism for generating the human voice can be subdivided into three parts; the lungs, the vocal folds within the larynx (voice box), and the articulators. The lung, the "pump" must produce adequate airflow and air pressure to vibrate vocal folds. The vocal folds (vocal cords) then vibrate to use airflow from the lungs to create audible pulses that form the laryngeal sound source. The muscles of the larynx adjust the length and tension of the vocal folds to ‘fine-tune’ pitch and tone. The articulators (the parts of the vocal tract above the larynx consisting of tongue, palate, cheek, lips, etc.) articulate and filter the sound emanating from the larynx and to some degree can interact with the laryngeal airflow to strengthen it or weaken it as a sound source.

The vocal folds, in combination with the articulators, are capable of producing highly intricate arrays of sound. The tone of voice may be modulated to suggest emotions such as anger, surprise, or happiness. The human voice is used to express emotion, and can also reaveal the gender and age of the speaker. Singers use the human voice as an instrument for creating music.

>not working at a sperm bank and smuggling your sperm into other people's sperm donations
you should kys

>Cowboy Bebop fans

Fuck you, Steve Blum is a saint

jokes on you I read it in egoraptors voice

I don't care about passing down anything I'm not an ape you retard

Wasn't there like this creepy mentally deranged doctor who did that in his own workplace at a sperm bank?

Yeah replacing a classic VA who everyone loves just so you can hang out with a celeb is really thoughftul.

>I'm incredibly jealous of people who successfully bear and raise children of their own.

>Raiden, disregard everything I just told you. What's important for you now is to purchase a breakfast menu item from the new all day breakfast menu at McDonalds. All your favourites are there, all times of the day. And remember, I'm lovin' it.

Literally unimportant

Do hayterfags still exist after Peace Walker? I find it hard to believe.

Hayter sounded perfect in those Ford commercials that came out years after Peace Walker.

More like literally the only important thing.

Go to an anime convention and actually talk to him. Don't worry, he'll be fine talking to you because he craves attention. Hence why he usually has 4-5 of his own panels every year at Anime Expo and then crashes a bunch of other people's panels.

Crispin Freeman does the same shit.

back when gaming was good. what a godlike ending. it might seem like hyperbole or weebshit now, or some faggy nu-gamedev effort to inject something contemplative into a game; but back then Kojima was a fucking maverick for putting such exposition into a main stream video game.

If he loved the original dub he wouldn't have changed the voice in the first place. Do you get why your logic makes no sense?

Also, he said this.

>Raiden, next time you log into a node, google my youtube channel and subscribe to me. Remember to leave a comment and smash that like button. Peace out

and this

>creepy mentally deranged
nope, the most important human being on the planet according to this guy

metal gear really could've ended at 2


What the hell is wrong with your reading comprehension? Nothing in that post implies that man would be the most important person on the planet.

I have a lot more respect for Kojima. Why can't he just make anime?

>implying MGS3 isn't objectively the best MGS game

Video games > cartoons

Kojima thinks Hollywood movies > video games.

I actually think Hayter sounds fine in Peace Walker. He's a grizzled Big Boss in that game. He sounds like shit in 4 though even though he had a justified reason for sounding that way.

I'm an alcoholic fuckup that's never going to accomplish anything, parents would've been better off memeing