>that japanese kid in school who figured out how to clip into the girls bathroom by crouch jumping into a urinal
That japanese kid in school who figured out how to clip into the girls bathroom by crouch jumping into a urinal
Other urls found in this thread:
>be me
>high skill speedrunner
>decide to do a couple runs of middle school for fun
>1 day% run
>day starts
>ask mom to drive me to school, and on the same frame, text dad I'm going with him
>get in both cars
>arrive twice
>boost myself over the fence to skip a cutscene with my friends
>pull myself up, gonna need myself later
>go to my first hour class, math
>at once
>get double math exp, multiclass into brainiac specs
>macguyver together a shiv from my pencils and a paperclip
>second hour, go to history and the bathroom at the same time
>eat shit, idiots
>since i'm in class I can't get in trouble for delinquency
>fuck up the bully now before his trigger starts
>shiv him twice in the face, lock him in a stall
>third period
>bully can't get out
>15 minutes saved there, I'm the best
>time for the lunch skip
>cafeteria lady asks me what I want
>her dialogue bugs out
>offers me the entire lunch supply
>i take it
>use the milk to wall off a teacher spawn
>change the clock on the wall to study hall, last period
>it works
>and now the finale
>3 minutes under estimate
>go to study hall, but don't open the door
>wait for someone else to open it, then backflip through while closing it
>clip into the ceiling
>crouch jump to the roof
>jump past fence
>that's time, fuckers
>upload to speedruns.com
>that's a new pb, pushing wr times
Transfer students can suck my dick.
I really enjoyed reading this. Thanks for your autism, user.
>that kid who shinesparked on the playground
You're welcome. The part with the lunch lady had a bunch of emojis but they didn't post properly. It was incomprehensible.
>that faggot kid who found out how to open the developer console
Never fucking told any of us how to do it. Fuck you Kevin.
>use the milk to wall off a teacher spawn
>that kid who reversed his own gravity and fell into the sky
I fucking lost it at arrive twice, bravo.
>That kid who air dashed to school
>That kid who wrong warped 7 years into the future
It was nice seeing Jeremy again
>that kid who figured out how to wrong warp into his crushes bedroom and got arrested
>that kid who said he had unlocked the girlfriend companion but erased the save and forgot how to unlock her
Youre full of shit taylor
>that kid who opened the console during class and set our teacher's bust size value to 9999.
Fuckin' A, Jason, you brilliant asshole.
They tried to expel him but he just toggled noclip and godmode and flew off into space. Never saw him again after that.
>that kid that backwards long jumped into the corner of the slides trying to gain enough momentum to clip into the girls bathroom
>Fucked up and got jammed in the slide itself causing him to break the slide and contort himself into various positions
>Kids scream in horror as his foot cracks a full 360 degrees and his arm bends so far his hand goes all the way around his back and touches his other shoulder from the opposite side
>Nobody saw him until the next month when he returned and explained how lucky he was he didn't crack his neck
>mfw he would've been successful if he did it on the other slide
>high skill speedrunner
Stopped right there.
>jeremys dad went to prison because everyone thought he killed him
>jeremys mom killed herself
I told jeremy to quicksave but noooooo
It's been awhile.
>tfw you jokingly bully a kid to speedrun his life and he actually does
>speedrunner lives in my neighborhood
>always clips through my fucking living room to skip the commute to work
>punched me in the dick once
>it was to draw my aggro so i'd punch him while he was midway into my wall so that he could fall through the map
It's getting real fucking annoying.
>that girl who hung out on a hill building up speed for 12 hours to transport herself to an invisible version of the school and get the answer sheet for final exams
greedy cunt could've shared but no
>that one kid who was friendly and got along really well with everyone but never got invited to raids or dungeons and completely disappeared off of the server after everyone graduated
It actually bugged out
>that kid who ran to every class because he had a cool gliding animation instead of actual running
fuck you zack
This is a high-quality post and it made me laugh like a fucking idiot.
>that one asshole who jumped up the crates and on top of a lamp post to clip through out of boundaries
>offers $50 to anyone who can find him in the cafeteria chat
>not TRANSfer students
one job
>that kid who got interrupted while he was saving and became corrupted in the middle of homeroom
Fucking Christ. At least we got that entire week off after that.
>that faggot christian kid who would start shit with people and then bubble bus back home when they wanted to fight
>that kid who used console commands to disable his sister's AI and fuck her
>nerdy kid who would bring his alt accounts to school with him
>powerleveling like ten alts at once, taking up half the classroom
>bandwidth so bad that I couldn't understand the teacher due to constant buffering
>kept farming the end of grade exam so his alts would get into nice colleges
>mfw i had to wait until summer break to do mine
do people even have fun in this game anymore
>kid challenges me to a fight
>his footsies are shit, he's just button mashing
>his moveset doesn't even have a fucking airdash
>wipe the fucking floor with his slow ass because he can't keep up with high mobility gameplay
>holy fuck this kid fought old school as hell
Honestly, why do people even bothering challenging the anime fighter kids? We win every time.
Let's not even talk about the Mortal Kombat kids holy fuck
>that kid who used an exploit to equip gear not normally available to kids or males, getting huge stat bonuses early on and looking unlike anyone else as a bonus
>that kid who used another exploit on a drink vendor to get hundreds of super cheap cans to sell for insane profits, had me help out because I had more storage space than him
>that kid who crafted hundreds of high level weapons when enhancement was temporarily bugged out, purposely enhancing his weapons to the point of destruction so that he would gain two rare materials back instead of just one
He only got a banned for a few days when he got caught doing the last one, and had their duplicate rares deleted, as did everyone else. But he had the foresight to sell off his materials at a markdown before the servers went down, they didn't touch his cash.
The guy knew how to make a profit.
>fight the marvel kid
>late for my next period due to his resets being on point
>when the two dissidia kids get into a fight
>the kid who did the backwards long jump successfully but didn't calculate his QPUs correctly
>got stuck in a parallel universe and never came back
>you can still hear him screaming if you stand in just the right spot in the playground
>quiet kid in all black brings a gun to school
>a fucking sniper rifle
>whirling around while firing, trying to get quickscopes
>only injures two people by hitting them with the barrel
>blames it on the lag as he gets gunned down by police
5 star post
>that kid who got a random crit during a fight and gibbed the other kid
>popular kid doing a livestream of his SAT
>gets a crit on the math portion
>starts screaming into his headset
>twitch chat goes ballistic
>classroom instructor sobs silently to himself as kappas fill the air
he made 2,500 in donations that day
>that one cancerous retard who can't get over the fact his shitty meme never caught on
>that one kid who prounced it "jibbed"
glad we server muted that faggot
>thatkid who bhopped everywhere he went
He looked like a retard but he was great at cross country
>when the disgaeafag gang gets into a fight behind the school
>senior jock tells homeroom full of freshmen he's doing a drop party
>fifteen people follow him into the woods
>he murders them all
>switches servers before anyone can report him
>that kid who kept switching worlds to abuse recess ticks
>recess bugged and lasted until the end of school for him
I'm glad he got PK'd, he got bus-blocked in a PvP server and I haven't seen him since.
>That one time you were able to glitch underneath the park when jumping mid climb on the ladder
>one day recess teacher catches me while playing tag
>user was kicked
>server maintenance
>both your underground park is blocked off
>even worse you can't party invite receive speed buffs anymore..
>noob school shooter shows up overencumbered with too much gear
>keeps talking shit about how everyone is gonna get raped by his mad skills
>finally enters PVP at lunch
>tries to shoot some low level kids
>gets drop shot by a 13 year old girl running akimbo glocks with quickdraw
>didn't even make the leaderboards
>cute girl gives you a note
>meet me behind the school after class I want to tell you something decide to go
>show up she’s nowhere to be found
>hear youtu.be
>that kid that actually paid for the "summer classes DLC"
>same kid also bought high marks every fucking class for years
>came to school on the last day wearing the most expensive DLC outfit
>server must have assumed he was high level, so he randomly encountered a bear at lunchtime
>got knocked the fuck out because the dumb shit spent more time buying things than actually allocating stats
>everyone refused to revive him, even the dedicated healing students and those of us that had stockpiled phoenix downs
Suck shit, Robert.
>gym teacher turns on friendly fire to teach kids discipline during dodge ball
>for 3 hours the teacher was barricaded in the equipment room
>principal gives all staff access to all admin powers from that point on
>that one teacher that admin abuse'd his way into sleeping with students
>it only got out because one student literally had a memory leak
pretty scary stuff desu
>that kid who figured out how to get nude mods to work on the 20 year old art teacher
God damn you got me
When are the fags from /agdg/ gonna makes us a dank arpgmmo that takes place in high school???
>Those two brothers who always were trying to get their combos to be longer than the other.
>One day they start to fight in the middle of Lunch.
>Both suspended for 3 days because they broke the ceiling.
>1 year later in sophomore year, a scrub ass tries to pick a fight with them.
>Mfw I got to see a person literally get stunlocked straight into the sky for 30 minutes.
>Mfw the only reason why they stopped was because one of them forgot to switch to their shotgun instead of the dual pistols.
>that kid who BFG'D the teacher
Fucker got expelled
>The one teacher caught using sex mods with students after school
>Savescummed when the cops caught her and kept doing it
>gym teacher letting us play dodgeball at lunch
>goes off to do something as we arrive, he has the keys to the equipment room where the dodgeballs are stored
>kids growing impatient after 15 minutes
>that kid yells out "BATTERING RAM!" and four students grab a bench and knock the heavy metal doors open
>it turns out the gym teacher put the dodgeballs in his office instead, making their efforts pointless
>gym teacher comes back and can't believe what happened
This actually happened in my elementary school.
>accidentally quicksaved on penis inspection day with a raging boner, 2 seconds before I have to drop my pants.
Ended up discovering an undocumented exploit on my own just to get out of that soft lock. I showed it off to the speedrunner kids the next day and was their hero for the rest of the year, literally cut 30 minutes off their any%s. Pretty sure they still use that exploit in most competitive runs, too.
>congressman comes to speak at our school for some gay assembly
>leet hacker nerd finds saurian racial traits in his files
Great post.
>foreign language class
>someone changed the language option to that language
>the class turned into english
>that kid that appeared during the summer vacations, was really cool but disappeared as soon the vacations ended
Shit, that was you? We used to have to try and crouch jump through the hallway to get around it.
>one kid actually fucking got stuck upside down in the wall and the nurse still inspected him
Pretty embarrassing desu
Isn't there a malcolm in the middle episode about this
>that kid who got held back a year several times
>he was doing a segmented run
>That cancer kid who ate all the green fungus in the bathroom to extend his life
did it work?
He was sent to the hospital and the last thing he heard was BING..BING.. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO
>that kid with the modded talkie netnavi that looks just like him
It's already weird to have a waifu navi, but that's a bit too goddamn far.
good shit
>that disgaeafag that kept resetting the class period for everyone when he was in the Nurse's Office because he was trying to get a Rarity 0 Legendary lollipop
God fuck OFF you could probably get those in the stage rewards, it's only a consumable!
>that kid on New Game+ that didn't warn anyone about 9/11
anyone play before the punchbuggy exploit was patched? used to be able to stay mounted inside hubs, so all you needed to do was equip a volkswagen in lower cafe. all the lowbies porting in got hit with the stacking dot from every 6th grader around, place turned into a goddamn toddler graveyard. loved it
He couldn't warn anyone because of the invaders.
>that kid who killed quit and saved so he could spawn back at his house
is this out-autism trying to funny?
>that kid on a 0% growths run who got molested by a pedophile in his last year of high school
Almost made it.
>that kid who telefragged his way to school
>about to shake hands with fat kid after PE
>notice cheeto hands
>roman cancel
>arrive twice
A post of exceedingly high quality. Excellent work.
>that kid who moved at 2x speed
Bolt you crazy motherfucker
>that kid who skipped every classroom cutscene and failed the exams
>that one kid who parried the teachers chalk through.
>spawn with debuff
>parents scared of me playing multiplayer
>never got to experience any of this
At least I got a lot of time to grind minigames
>that kid who never put points into Charisma and ended up permanently locked out from every romance option
>you can literally type anything into the English essay and still get an A as long as you have certain keywords somewhere in the text
>that kid who was the class clown
>turned out to be the final boss
include me in the screenshot
This shithole is still worth coming to for posts like this. Thanks user
>that guy who wore an amulet coin and got double on his paycheck