Why are so many Switch users soyboys?

why are so many Switch users soyboys?

Because underage retards force soy buzzword.

>t. soyboy

>le soy xD
fuck off reddit

What does this "soy" buzzword even mean?

hi, r3ddit!

someone needs to post the soy crow

This isn't the funny version. Where's the shoop da whoop?


it means "thing i dont like" in Sup Forumsspeak

Actual, literal retards thinking estrogens in good have anything to do with the actual hormone estrogen.

if you eat tons of soy your body produces more estrogen

soy is great if you want to become a trap

But what does THAT even mean?

Make sure to report threads like these. Click the sideways triangle to the right of the post number or the 3 vertical dots to the left of the post if you’re a dirty phone poster

Not even Reddit stoops this low, this is just another unfunny, forced Sup Forumstard meme.

It's basically a hipster product.

Effeminate male members of Homo sapiens or

Not true this is bullshit pseudoscience.

It means anyone manlier than the alt-right

>le Sup Forums boogeyman
what the fuck was even political in this thread before you brought it up?

reddit also means thing i don't like

Reminder to report any threads that have anything to do with soy, make Sup Forums a better place, kill all soyposters

So what exactly compels them to open their mouths?

This is what happens when you get science from Sup Forums

>SOYBOI isnt a Sup Forums meme
how new are you?

The whole soy meme stems from Sup Forums, you twat.

Announcing reports is against the rules.

Reminder there is nothing wrong with being a soyboy look at me I turned out okay

He didn't say he reported it though

the whole soy meme is a pol thing, bro.

>le Sup Forums obsessed boogeyman boogeyman

He wasn't directly announcing a report. He was asking for others to do so.

t. soyboy

Always anons. Gonna make Billy proud

They took it from /fit/ actually. It's understandable that people think it's from Sup Forums because they ran it into the ground in the same way they did cuck.

Do people hate soyboys because they get laid?


look at the newfag

To hide the insecurity and/or sociopathy in their faces.

t. retard

This is the reason why I hate the soy meme so much, retards actually begin believing in a shitposting meme

Same thing happened with cuck, some people actually began to believe the shitty fetish was the government's new way of brainwashing people

that board needs to be deleted badly so they can all fuck off back to r/thedonald

Acting like chads is just as bad as screeching soyboy like a retard. Let's all just go back to being fucking losers

vapid, soulless, usually left leaning (in the sense that they want more government control over every aspect of daily life) manchildren who latch onto some form of consumerism as a hobby as not to offend anyone, usually noted for their mindless zombie eyes (also called bugmen for this reason) or soylent grins.

t. good goyim

Shit, you're right. I forgot it was /fit/izens who started going off on them. Sup Forums ran it into the fucking dirt for some reason.

What's wrong with being a soyboy?

>So what exactly compels them to open their mouths?

If someone does a happy open mouth for a picture it likely means that they have a shitty smile and are self-aware enough to do something else to avoid doing it in pictures. Happy open mouth is the easiest thing to do instead. Hope this helps user

cute girl bro got a name?

t. Sup Forumsboi

>>le Sup Forums boogeyman
i wish using this particular phrase would get you auto-banned, it's overused and obvious


Deleting Sup Forums would be pointless, the fucktards would start migrating to other boards and then attempt to "redpill" them, it would be an annoying mess and it'd probably make most anons quit using the site for a while, I wish they'd just fuck off to reddit or cripple chan

>Call /fit/ meme Sup Forums and whine about Sup Forums
>Get called out on making a boogeyman
Go back to Resetera.