Finally got around to finishing this tonight. How did it go so wrong?
Finally got around to finishing this tonight. How did it go so wrong?
>How did it go so wrong?
It's... difficult to boil the reason down to one word.
I honestly couldn't tell you. I mean the fact that the other two games weren't particularly popular in Japan lead to the shitty graphics I guess, but I can't tell you why everything else went to shit as well.
Honestly the "cinematic" presentation is the game's #1 weakness, it affects practically everything about the game. They should have stuck to the VN format. It's not a coincidence that the most VN-like scenes (the memories/flashbacks) are the best parts of the game.
Perhaps the word you're looking for is something more complex than meets the eye. But I could be mistaken.
remember all those complex meme threads good times bros.
Lack of budget.
Uchikoshi tried to appeal to non fans of the series and fucked up
lack of budget doesnt excuse hack writing
heard somewhere that uchikoshi only wrote team D route
>They should have stuck to the VN format.
You are very right, my friend. The cinematic experience, the fragments system overall coupled to the shitty graphics ruined any possibility of immersion. I still wonder what was the point of using this way of storytelling, because except for "the old man was always with Q team outside our field of vision" I can't see what use it had. Maybe because as and implied money was a problem on top of Uchikoshi wanting to welcome newcomers on a heavy story game.
Fuck I want to go back to that period when I had literal dreams of what would be ZTD, thinking that we would have something even better than the "Snake Is Brother" theory, that we would have the whole game in tone with the first promotional art they've shown...
And then instead of that we got "Kyle is a player meta fiction", June still being immature and not the 4Dimensional complex human being that transcended existence, aliens transporters, Q and D team being huge disappointments... Fortunately enough memes delivered
1. The PC version's graphics are much more gaudy than the original handheld.
2. They felt like they needed to keep raising the stakes. In 999, you just had a few conspiracy theory level things and then the big twist is morphogenetic field. In VLR they made it all about the power of SHIFT and "your actions in the future affect the past". So where do you go to be even crazier than that? Apparently they thought the answer was aliens and mind hacc.
3. Characters. People hated how Junpei got turned into an edgelord and so many characters were outright unlikeable.
4. The ending. Now this is one I mostly disagree with. I don't really mind the psychic powers or complex motives speech, but it's undeniable that people latch onto this as a talking point. For me the real problem was...
5. Everything except the ending! The issue can't be boiled down to one moment at the end, but rather that the whole game was shoddily made to stuff in so much pseudoscience "creepy theory" stuff as possible. It felt like they had a checklist, "Oh, let's have a reverse psychology button. Let's have a Monty Hall problem. Let's have a random chance selection that really is totally random and you have to do it multiple times. Oh, we need a room with aliens, and one that's really desperate so it can be the "timeline God abandoned". Just remembered this whole facility is supposed to be about a virus, so we need to add one (1) room for that too. No consistency and outright dumb stuff. There was no reason for the button that blows everything up at all. That doesn't create a branching future, dummy. No justification at all. And again, there was no need to make 996 dead end branches in the "roll six on all dice" room. What was the purpose other than shock value?
I quit during VLR, how much worse does it get?
>How did it go so wrong?
The spoiler for 999, led to the rest of the series being a letdown. Instead of a cute little ending, they just had to mess with time nonstop.
And so they switched from visual novel to cinematic cutscenes to save money?
Much worse. Anyway VLR was way below 999 in terms of quality, you did good giving up on VLR. Zero Escape is 999 and nothing else as it should be
since i only recently beat 999, can I get an explanation of "complex motives"? I'm in the mood for a good laugh at how stupid this must get.
I know I may sound like a retard but wouldn't be sprites used for visual novels be cheaper than using 3D animations? I never understood this
It's really long, but the short version is that the person who is Zero in ZTD gives an extremely long speech and he says "My motives are complex" multiple times because he's saying that he had more than one reason for setting up the whole game.
You should play VLR and Zero Time Dilemma by yourself instead of ruining the story. Even if I'm hateful toward this series's end it was still a good ride somehow
Only a plebeian incapable of understanding complex motives would think something went wrong. Quite frankly, everything went according to keikaku.
TL note: keikaku means plan.
Will project:Psync be good?
I like the fragments system, it's basically a twist on VLR's flowchart and is at least interesting conceptually. You're as clueless to what's going on as the characters are and have to piece things together gradually, kind of like Memento. The problem is that the game runs out of puzzles because it was rushed as fuck, and there are a lot of underlying story elements that weren't properly covered and are implied at best. Like the justification for the fragments themselves. My best guess is that it's supposed to represent the Quantum Computer Dome, and its memory is fragmented.
I just could not tolerate the dogshit presentation of the game, even the lowest budget VNs are far more pleasing to the eye than this piece of shit.
It was still tolerable in vlr, even though 2d cgs would have been better. But ZTD just went insane, and even though I loved VLR, i had to put the game down after 2 hours.
It wasn't that bad. The problem is the introduction of shifting in VLR killed any sense of investment so they needed the segment system to explain away shifting but that still leaves you without any investment in the characters of their survival. Starting off by wiping another team out didn't help because it's just a constant reminded that this shit doesn't matter because there's no way it's part of the true route.
But who was the religious fanatic?
i'm glad the first post didn't go for the more obvious meme
gave me a good chuckle, and i heard it in his voice
There isn't one, complex motives man was just lying.
no, if sprites are animated then they're almost always more expensive. costs very little to model and rig a simple 3d model because millions of people have the skills, but good sprite artists are few and far between.
Hitting you over the head with Blue Bird Lamentation till it lost all meaninng
Holy fuck this
VLR's use of it was perfect, but they really fucked it up here
I enjoyed my time with ZTD. It just wasn't a fitting conclusion to the Zero Escape series.