Recently picked up this game and it's amazing. What are other good licensed games for the GB, GBA and DS?

Recently picked up this game and it's amazing. What are other good licensed games for the GB, GBA and DS?

Legacy of Goku 2 and Buu's Fury
Naruto Path of a Ninja 1 and 2 on DS (2 is better, more party members, and original story)
One Piece for GBA

Also DBZ Attack of the Saiyans if you want an turnbased RPG with DBZ characters

I didn't know the One Piace game for the GBA, I'll have to try it out.

I've also heared that there's a good TMNT for the GBA

If you liked Advanced Adventure, then go play Omega Factor, both of these games were done with a lot of love.
GBA in paticular has a lot of good licensed games of things you wouldn't even think of, like Kim Possible.

From what I understand, Revenge of King Piccolo on the Wii is a remake to the game in the pic you are posting. I haven't played the GBA game but I can assure you the one on the Wii is really good for what it is.

Play DBZ Supersonic Warriors 2 and Jump Ultimate Stars for the DS. I also heard good things about the Shaman King GBA games but I haven't tried them properly because of sound issues when emulating.

You could call it a remake for having pretty much the same premise, but Advanced Adventure is a far better game, and also has more content too.
>can play as virtually every character in the game

>Naruto Path of a Ninja 1 and 2 on DS
oh yes, motherfucker, that shit was my jam
>Legacy of Goku 2 and Buu's Fury
Legacy 2 is more challenging, but Buu's Fury has way more options and is just better in my opinion
>DBZ Attack of the Saiyans
Easily the best Dragon Ball RPG and def in the top 3 of DB games

Its very similar to Dragon Ball Advance Adventure. Dont know about the TMNT game.

>You can play as the fucking security camera

fucking these

Play fucking Supersonic Warriors 1, 2 is shit
done by the same director of FighterZ

Grab yourself DBZ Supersonic Warriors. Easily the best fighter on GBA

Master of Spirits games are basically Castlevania, so they are pretty good too.
I remember the Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith beat em up being okay too.

>become so good you beat Mercenary Tao, then Cyborg Tao with a fifth of a healthbar while he has five full healthbars

2 is better than 1 tho

Does Pokemon Trozie for DS count? Its not made by Game Freak and its a pretty good puzzle game. Too bad the mobile game butchered the fuck out of it

It's good and full of modes and extras, but a little too repetitive. Try One Piece, also on GBA, it's very similar.

Shaman King on the GBA is also interesting, Metroidvania-lite.

Batman: The Brave and the Bold and Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions for the DS are also decent for licensed games.

Star Wars Episode III (both on GBA and DS) is unironically one of the best 2D beat'em ups released in the 2000s.

>Kim Possible
Best one is on the PS2 though, "What's the Switch?"

The Medabots games

Zoids Legacy was good.