When did discussing fucking mobileshit become acceptable on Sup Forums?
What the fuck happened to this place?
When did discussing fucking mobileshit become acceptable on Sup Forums?
What the fuck happened to this place?
Other urls found in this thread:
>stop talking about video games PLEASE
1 (you)
there are people on Sup Forums right now who've grown up with a smartphone as their only gaming device
O I am laffin
>When did discussing fucking mobileshit become acceptable on Sup Forums?
I think I've seen maybe 2 mobileshit threads within the last 6 months. Haven't seen any today.
People were reminisicing about Halo and CoD modern warfare years ago on Sup Forums. As the popular market gets more and more casual, you're going to see a lot more people who grew up playing these games. Gaming is such an accessible hobby that it's going to be close to impossible to keep casuals out of Sup Forums, sorry user but that's the truth
No there aren't if your on v/ you at least had a Wii or 360
Name 5 good mobile games
When was it unacceptable? Every mobileshit thread I've seen was "what is actually worth playing out of the android/>iphone store", or is this just one of our time-honored games of "i AM the board and i don't like it, so Sup Forums never liked it"
Sup Forums discusses video games?
Angry Birds
Pandemic is good
Since phone posters became the majority here
You mean like you are doing right now?
you wish
>implying people actually wait until they're 18 to shitpost online
Gaslighting and generally being a bullshit artist is a time-honored Sup Forums tradition
>I don't like mobileshit
>So no-one is allowed to discuss it on MY BOARD
Just fucking filter and stay out of the threads retard
Literally around the time the Fire emblem mobileshit came out.
I sure wonder why.....
Time honored 2016fag tradition*
>We never liked Harmony
>We never liked Aniki
>We always liked mobile games shut up shut up shut up
When the mobile game versions became a better game than the mainline
O I am laffin
I unironically think that mobile devices are the future for personal computing, as well as for video games.
Of course sonyfriends are phoneposters
nu-Sup Forums only plays waifu gachashit
So you've only been browsing this board for what, a year or two max?
Pokemon GO
Granblue Fantasy
Fire Emblem Heroes
Fate Grand Order
Clash Royale
I don't play them but they can't all be bad.
They're games?
Supposedly Sup Forums is for discussing about video games, but it wasn't used for that until recently
Need a board merge for April Fool's again to finally slay the newfags
Why is mobileshit your concern over
>Ironic Fetishes
>Furries that aren't Sonic
>Facebook memes
>Ironic Wigger Speak
>Unfunny macros for opening posts
Gachashit is the future of Japan, just accept it white piggu
Battle Cats, The
>defending mobile shit
It really is the end of the board
Civ 6
Binding of Isaac
Invisible Inc.
Darkest Dungeon
Just play good games ported to mobile.
>No there aren't if your on v/ you at least had a Wii or 360
LOL well that explains it. Sup Forums is flooded with casuals. It has been for at least the past 10 years if not more.
Because being anti mobileshit was a pretty big thing at the start of the generation. I can't fucking tackle everything at once
>You at least had a Wii or 360
I love how booty blasted newfags get when you call them out on their shit.
Why did we ever stop doing this?
>Op starts a thread thinking others will dickride him
>He gets absolutely btfo
>lists ports
Cool now name some actual mobile games.
What confuses me is why people bother with cheap gacha stuff when you can emulat actual games on your phone without any trouble. Android has a bunch of emulator apps and you don't even need to jailbreak your iPhone to play games either.
Why play FE Heroes for Eirika when you can actually try out her game?
>OP makes a post calling out newfags
>Gets a thread full of newfag tiers
>Newfags try to declare themselves the victors
There's tons of FEH threads every week.
>p-ports don't count!
Super Mario Run is pretty okay, along with Toss the Turtle and Sonic Dash or whatever it was called
Most people don't play involved games on their phone, partly because of bad specs and no physical controls and partly because if "main vidya" is their interest they've got a handheld device or console at home. They're more interested in something you can play on the shitter like Pokemon or Temple Run
>Granblue Fantasy
>Kingdom Hearts Union Cross
>Pocket Mortys
Because muh animu waifus
Playing games meant for a handheld on a touchscreen is awful, the lack of feedback ruins it for me.
For years mobile shit was always laughed at as being as casual as you could possibly be. Now there are nonstop threads for awful p2w gacha "games".
It's actually the present. It's already taken over boorus and doujin sites too.
>I wonder what new doujins got uploaded on sadpanda today
>Azur Lane
they've been in the business before your mother was born
you lost you're claim to the board when you let redditors roam free
GBA emulators run perfectly on mobile phones. GBA Fire Emblem autosaves after every turn, so it's just as easy to pick up and play as Heroes, only it's not as barebones.
Similarly, Pokemon (both the main series and Mystery Dungeon) work fine due to being able to save/quicksave at any moment. Anything turn-based or isn't action-oriented should work just fine emulated due to how lenient saving is, and due to how simplistic controls are. It's understandable if someone can't play, say, Street Fighter or Metroid on their phone, but FE and Pokemon work fine on the phone, and are much better than their mobile counterparts.
No I mean the 14 year old they had a Wii as there first console
More like what the fuck happened to this industry. FEH is better made than most console games put out today.
The real question is how people play FEH without spending money? I spend like $1k a week and feel like it's not enough.
Most people don't feel it necessary to +10 every unit in the game.
Nice bait
>spending money on a gacha game
>implying that gets you anywhere
A friend of mine hasn't spent a single penny on it and is in the top tier of the PvP shit.
Sup Forums since they're bunch of casuals.
Since Leddit started coming here and started believing they're welcome, and since the underage faggots became old enough to legally post here and became the majority. Most of current users are too new to remember that Sup Forums used to collectively as a whole shit on mobile games, and any underage shitstain or casual posting about them would be ran out of the website (mostly "pretending to be retarded" as a cover) in tears.
Before some stain tries to say they've gotten better, no they really haven't. Mobile as a platform is still 99% garbage. Any platform, even those shitty game and watch style handhelds, have 1 or 2 shining gems among the shitpile but it doesn't mean its welcome or good.
Sup /woo/?
>everyone i don't like is pol
nigger stop
This is pretty much it.
I had a horrible moment of realization that most of this board watches and cares about eceleb bullshit.
>uses a casual as fuck game
you sure as fuck told me, filth
My waifu
>When did discussing fucking DLC become acceptable on Sup Forums?
>When did discussing Halo/CoD/AC/Overwatch/etc. become acceptable on Sup Forums?
Times change, and no amount of impotent butthurt on your part will change that.
>underages in charge of revisionism
I have seen people complaining about mobileshit more than I have seen people posting mobileshit
stay mad nerd
>DLC was ever completely unacceptable to talk about on Sup Forums
Why are newfags so bad at pretending?
Attempts Overwatch and CoD threads get crashed now/still.
It's okay when Japan does it
Just because it's change doesn't mean it's good
It was though. When did you get here? 2012?
I've been here since 07, it's always been the case that only the profoundly retarded write off all DLC.
lol sure you have
And only DLC like The Ballad of Gay Tony was acceptable, not CoD map packs.
Joking about/being upset at shit like horse armor never meant all DLC was bad stupid.
Exactly, good DLC had always been fine on Sup Forums. Most people on the board don't approve of the practice because of how often it is shit, but if it turns out to be good content only the retards continue to turn their nose up at it.
its not, every phone game thread i see gets shot down immediately. and rightly so
>"hey Sup Forums what are some good mobile games?"
>"emulators /thread"