Steam remove profile pic

So a soldier is considered removable and bannable?

Other urls found in this thread:

post the pic faggot

post if faggot so we can laugh at you
I bet it was nazi crap


and they have the nerve to call niggers "dindus"

>post edgy white nat soc pic
>get removed

How is that white nationalist shit? Its literally just a soldier with a gas mask. Theres no evidence there that its a nazi

>nazi soldier pic
>wahh why cant i pretend to be ubermensch
you played yourself

anyone with even the slightest modicum of interest in ww2 would recognize that as a stahlhelm


Well, I didn't. Theres nothing there promoting "hate speech" or anything, literally just another military profile pic. Doesn't matter because I just reuploaded it immediatly after it got taken off and its been fine.
>Pre World War 2 German mask.
Maybe not Nazi, but unless you're from germany why are you wanking so hard about obscure german shit?

>gasmaske 24 and stahlhelm
>not german

you can get banned for having a picture of Elliott Rodgers, the supreme gentleman


Should of just used HUNK

>Well, I didn't.
uh huh sure kiddo

i got banned for using this pic before. i didn't care enough to fight with them about it but i still wondered why they decided to ban me for it

Finally someone who isnt just going full "lull git out Sup Forums!!1!!!!" because I liked a cool looking soldier picture.
Steam is retarded.



Come to daddy.


hahahahaha Sup Forums btfo

honestly these are the kind of jokes i come to Sup Forums for. i unironically laughed, thanks

>someone post proof that its not even a nazi pic
>not a single reply
btw I just thought it was cool lookin, yee I wanked oved it

someone got offended because that crazy guy who kidnapped someone because his name was also noid.

itt: low test boys who don't like military aesthetic

Found your problem.

no but seriously why Sup Forums is full of these faggots btw?

It's a cool pic user, it doesn't really show anything bad even if it's a soldier

Exactly what I thought. Women hate anything to do with war and can't appreciate it for the few neat things it produces

>Amerimutt Sup Forums shitters still LARPing as Germans.

>like instead of joining
kill yourself kiddo

>host and sell games where you can play as a nazi
>ban someone for have a ww2 german soldier picture
gj steam

>I like military aesthetics

>playing Verdun
>pick German side
>banned from Steam for Terms of Service violations

You people are so contrarian.

>you can't enjoy military aesthetic if you're a soldier

theres literally nothing wrong with being a school shooter

from now on i will use german soldiers as avatar.

>Well, I didn't
So you're some faggot poser
Even worse

Why does admiring German weaponry, vehicles or uniforms make you a Nazi? They were fucking cool and anyone who takes an interest in war history would likely agree. Doesn't make you a supporter of Nazi am.

Could this be the start of an epic new civil rights movement?

>having an avatar means you're live action roleplaying
How do you sleep at night with that walnut shaking around in your skull?

>that pic
this guy is right, it's WWI and on top of that there's not a single nazi insigna ANYWHERE so it could even be a finnish soldier or chinese, fucking cunts ruining everything again

No, but they look cool don't you agree soifag?


Meanwhile Steam is perfectly fine with my totally not Hitler avatar.

Does he realize the irony in whining about being "persecuted" himself while being a stormfer?

post german soldiers

Doesnt even have a swastika or anything

>Making shit up.
Link us to that profile, if you're so great.

no, europeans
saving this combination of 0's and 1's in germany is illegal

so hes a soyboy hating nazi?

>If it's german, it's nazi

Kill yourselves, retards. That's a pre-WW2 gas mask and the Stahlhelm was introduced in WW1.

Hitler never wore sunglasses, so it can't be him.

nice vac ban sperg

it doesn't have to be nationalist to be in poor taste dumdum

Yeah that would make sense. Fucking fat cunts ruin everything on this earth. They were a mistake.

Hilter never looked that rad, can't be him

>reverse image search
>Bill Nye The Nazi Guy SCP picture
>Hungarian Gasmask
>German Stahlhelm
>Luger P08
>WW2 Nazi Uniform
>n-n-ot German at all g-g-uise!

steam is starting to get really draconian
they always had these sorts of rules but they werent enforced unless you were a fucking attwhore going full hitler, if you had an edgy pic but as a joke or whatever they would leave you alone unless there was nudity
now since last year the hired a bunch of SJW trained monkeys to remove stuff in large quantities because some journos smeared them with articles, like it happened with hatred but now they caved in


>Told to take down the avatar.
>He keeps it up.
Time to file a steam report. Hee-hee~

What's pour taste about it gayboy?

>start doing the harlem shake at a funeral
>"wtf why was i banned?????"

who ? OP ? no he's just a guy with a soldier wearing a gas mask, like someone with a "gay pride world wide" avatar, it's just a picture of someone's profile, just the fact that people can feel offended so much by a picture or words already make me feel disgust

once again

I was banned from playing DoD on Steam because I "looked like I enjoyed playing an Axis soldier too much."

I wish I was kidding

>posting caricatures of Greeks
Hey man, not cool. Greeks have enough to deal with without you poking fun at them

What the fuck is with all the people in the comments. What did that guy do to cause such a reaction among so many people?

you know someone is truly brainwashed when they fetishize military equipment and romanticize war.
either brainwashed or just turbo American

tunnel camped obv

Games called Dead by Daylight
1 Killer vs 4 survivors, survivors cry if you kill them


how fucking edgy of a url

>this garbage taste in games
jesus christ these are the people that post on Sup Forums

Check out those profile comments. Sounds like a real stand up guy.

>proud to be a hated, suicidal ass
Yeah OP. We know.

>literally banned by a game dev for disruptive behaviour
Let me guess, you started screeching about jews and mudslimes and other crap?

No, you idiot, I'm citing the SCP entry. Which is where the image is from, look at the filename he posted, it says Bill Nye, which is the name of the SCP. It's a Nazi Uniform as per the description of the SCP. Now if you want to go 'b-b-but it's just a German guy :

>literally one of the first pictures that come up for ww2 german gas mask

and heres this disgusting tasteless faggot

As stupid as he may be the MMO still gave him legitimacy.

i have a strong hunch my vocabulary is much larger than yours if you wanna go blow for blow

>VAC banned for hacking
>spends his time griefing people in games
>wonders why steam is sick of his shit

>40 hours in hatred
kill yourself op

You do realise that's from a Simpsons episode, right? From like 1998.

I honestly hate GTA 5, used it as a benchmark and left it on alot.
PUBG is easy to make money off of
Rust was like 3 years ago, dont play it at all anymore

I literally had a picture of a bare ass with a hand giving a thumbs up sticking out of it for my profile picture for several months and never got banned.

What a gay

Thats really not that bad

You must not play too many multiplayer games on Steam, people get fucking furious over the smallest shit. And since they have some kind of page to rant about it, they do so. Though I don't really understand why since the profile's owner can just delete those posts, but okay.

>literally citing the scp wikidot as proof
Now that's comedy gold user

reminder that this is how your average ro2 shill's profile lopks

I have a strong hunch you're an enormous faggot to pays to post on Sup Forums.


also this. I have no sympathy for you after seeing what games you enjoy

enjoy your ban ;)

so tell me exactly whats wrong with nazis? oh nazis are only ok when you're killing them. So tolerant and it's almost like authorities are not biased.

fucking retards dont realise they are fascist when they want to censor shit like this.

>muh feels

grow up, nazis happened almost 100 years ago

Pretty sure it's just a Simpsons reference

>hungarian is now german
>used by finland, china and many other countries during WWII
>most copied bolt action rifle in the world some can only be differencied because of the rear sight
>>luger P08
>no being in service even prior WWI
>>WW2 nazi uniform
>again, something used by litteraly anyone close to germany even when not affiliated to germans

0/10 mutt, next time you are going to say "because a polish soldier is wearing french helmet and uniform that mean he's french and not polish" ?