Is Subnautica basically Minecraft underwater?

Is Subnautica basically Minecraft underwater?

It's basically Dark Souls of underwater games.

it’s a la creatura aquatico simulator

la creatura...

el goblino de los aquaticos...

La abominacion

Triunpho, salvanós.


Are you going to keep making this same thread every day? Kys


It's actually less than minecraft.

At least in minecraft you can also dig out or build terrain.


I see this thread everyday and the outcome is still so le funny

why is the main character brazilian

Why do you think he keeps making it? It's not to talk about Subnautica and Minecraft.

la luz extinguido.....

Don't stop user, don't ever stop.

El chupagen.

El ogro des Americanos

El mal que reside en la oscuridad...

Is La Luz Extinguido the most powerful? All the other mutts are born here on earth, but La Luz Extinguido is from beyond the void and eldritch in nature.