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Dead franchise.

Dead thread

No need. I'd been saying it would sell just as much if not more than Freedom Unite. Nintensoys laughed. where are they now?

I’m sorry for the future that Monster Hunter Awakening has set in motion

I'm sorry Capcom sold their integrity to attract dumb casual westerners and Twitch streamers.

What kind of arbitrary counting was applied to make games like RE5, that hit 12 million, not count anymore?

Did this really sell more than RE4?

That game is on more than 7 systems.

Has that Nintendo faggot who shitposted every day about how MHW will be failure killed himself yet?

playing skyrim on trains?

Because Unite is definitely their highest grossing game. Good job completely invalidating your statement. It still won't gross more proportionally compared to P3rd.

RE4 is somewhere in the lower 8million count. RE6 hit 10million.

>tfw the game is so good but no Guild quests make me never play online
>tfw solo is super ez baby mode
>tfw tempered G rank will be super ez baby mode solo becuase no multiplayer multiplier
WTF where they thinking getting rid of guild quests?

Digital sales of MHW are more profitable than P3rd or Any PSP or 3DS game. MHW will end up selling a few million more on pc too. The fact the game is also $20 more new and the total cost of development is so similar, nothing you said is true.

Before anyone asks. They already said there are no plans to bring it to the switch.

Wait, monsters don't scale with more players in a quest?

Dudebros and casualization

I don't need to. The people who have bought it do.

The development cost of MHW is similar to that of a PSP MH?

>implying CAPCOM won't have months of data to figure out how to make G rank and other shit work well.

RE5 had releases that don't count. Also that number isn't accurate anyway.

guild quests and relic items were cancer and I'm glad they got rid of them, stop trying to fool yourself thinking they were good

The only thing I'm mad about is how they didn't have separate quests for the gathering hub like in the old games. Makes it feel shorter and gives no real reason to go to GH aside from doing arena quests. I'm fine with them cutting out a lot of the bullshit gathering quests, but it just feels like there's very few quests in the game.

>capcoms best selling game is not the best game they have made

really jogs the cogs

Friendly reminder that angry joe gave this game a "rapid fire" review.

I would, but then again
>wasted a shitload of time and resources making a gathering hub no one goes to instead of making weapon designs more unique and varied
Really sharpens my weapon

Capcom was supposed to come back to Nintendo begging on their knees bros... this wasn't supposed to happen...

>Their best selling game at 7.5 milliong SHIPPED
You know, that's kind of sad. Good for them though, it only took ruining a franchise and turning it into "Dark Souls meets Dinosaurs".

You could solo monsters as if you were in a multiplayer game before for the added challenge, not anymore.

Literally the only thing wrong with it is lack of g rank.

not yet

People still give a shit about Angry Joe?

dead game

What about the fucked online system? The lobbies in previous MH were much more alive.

>shipped over 7.5million
>shipped not sold

this is the fucking worst timeline, bros.

i know artificial difficulty is a meme around here but soloing online was literally artificial difficulty and i'm glad it got reworked

They finally caught a whale after a decade of mediocre aaa performance, Now all the bad decisions they made over the years have been validated.

>Literally the only thing wrong with it is lack of g rank.
How would a g rank even be plausible at this time? This is the first Monster Hunter that's released worldwide at the same time. The ver. of Monster Hunter the West has is the same ver. Japan is has.

>Ship number keeps increasing

Not really, especially hunt-a-thons you were really pushed to optimize your dps as much as possible to not time out. Shit was pretty fun and challenging.

>How would a g rank even be plausible?

They add it in as dlc in the winter/fall or something?

>capcom hasn't reported the number of units as shipped ever
>they never did that
>nuh uhh

Portable 5th when

Only nips play portable games in public. Playing anything other than phone games in public is seen as autistic. I've literally never seen anyone with a 3DS or switch walking around or using public transit

shut up shut up shut up shut up SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UUUUUUUUUUUUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111one111

Wish there was an equivalent to pic related for MHW.

I wonder how much crapcum are kicking themselves now thinking about all the money they lost by imprisoning the series on handheld.


Calm down Quentin

But the 3ds/psp games sold pretty well

Nintendo Life isn't going to like this.

>selling (aka customers buying
Anyone who gloats about capcom "sales" is a retard.

You're literally playing nothing but village-difficulty quest if you solo, there is 0 insentive to play online. Have you tried Arena quests solo? That's how guild quests solo would go except with your own gear and items of course since arena quests don't have a multiplayer difficulty diffrence. Monsters would stagger way less than they currently do, making jt harder, that's one of the reasons village quests and world are so stupidly easy. Every monsters flinch threshold is incredibly low and you can just out dps them so they can barely retaliate.
This, Worlds garbage online, and it's inflated item pouch/items box in quests are it's 3 biggest flaws for me just becuase how needlessly easy they make the game.

Threadly reminder World's music is meh, post your favorite MH Music

They deserves all the kicking. They killed the Vita over their petty bullshit too.

I love how the goal post keep constantly moving. I guess World is shit now because development of World cost more than a handheld low polygon asset game. Nintensoys everyone.


The first iteration of monster hunter of that gen is without G-rank. It is because the west normally gets the G-rank version localized that is why people think G-rank is the norm. That is wrong.

>mongo/v/oids bitch and shitpost about this game
>don't realize MH has always been a big money maker
>tfw just happy there will be more HD MH

I liked it but it certainly wasn't my favorite game in the series for a lot of reasons, monster count not being one of them, hopefully capcum keeps making older style games on handheld as well as the modern style on consoles instead of going full resident evil on us

>World is a success
>More console MH
>Switch is also a success
>possible line for portable MH, at the same time
idorts truly winning

>Take most popular series outside of RE
>Make it just as casual if not more casual then RE
>Market it to the West heavily since Western cucks love a good coop game.

I mean its a 8/10 but its tragic nothing was put in place to make up for all the QoL changes that just make monsters so fucking easy.

It only goes to HR.
I don't recall older monster hunter HR being hard either.

Announce a release date for Deviljho already you fucks

Dos, 4, and X were plenty difficult at post-game, the most World has is tempered elders which are a complete pushover

Hell, Dos hit hard in the fucking VILLAGE.

Do tempered monsters only have a damage+aggression boost+faster elder effect/bazel lit bomb timers?
Doing 8 star limited bounties by regular investigations and I'm getting way lower times compared to when I was doing tempered kushala. It's probably because I'm chugging half as many potions
Also is there difference between monster stats for investigations, optionals, and assigned?

9th March. 9* quest to pick mushrooms? That is a fucking invasion bro.

>buh muh only HR
It's the easiest HR game by far.

Leaks say that the quest will come out on the 9th, for a quest about gathering mushrooms


Because you are not fighting the system 90% of the time. Sure like playing with crab hands and getting CTS.

you can freely play those games minus 4 on an emulator and they're still just as hard with proper controls, even the 3ds had proper controls if you got a cpp or used a psp stick on the n3ds

>Completely casualise and butcher the series
>Suddenly sells more

Who would have though?

>Thinks the controls made the past games challenging

>release game for unpopular system for years
>finally release it for a popular system
>see sales sore
they can't keep getting away from this marketing strategy

Yeah it was obtuse things like only being able to gather materials during quest. I remember playing MH before they introduced farms in villages on my PS2.


>Caring about Tranquilized Taquito


are the best they've been in the series minus nerg
although uragaan and bonegaan's chin slams not having a shockwave anymore is a bit disappointing imo

Idiots always win in their minds


Went back to MH4U recently, and monsters have WAY less splash damage. A fireball from every version of Rathalos looked like a slow moving basketball.

World definitely made monsters more aggressive, you just don't realize it with how mobile hunters are.

The monsters in World feel less aggressive compared to MHFU and prior.
Maybe because they took away that retard run away from most wyverns

hunters get way more positive changes than the monsters though, which why the game feels a lot less challenging

>worth is determined by financial success
FU is still the best and World is worse than Tri

>Resident Evil 6 is Capcom's third best-selling game

If being an idiot means being able to enjoy more than one console brand, then im the biggest retard ever

I agree, but I feel like Capcom is just going easy for newcomers and giving them a chance to get acclimatized before dropping the bombs with G-Rank.

I mean, they already got the casual market's money, so post game content centered around the more vetted players seems like the most common sense business decision to make, since they know the older audience will buy it.

Newfag or illiterate?

Why this is a great game. Take it from a veteran from who played the very first game

>Skyrim's tavern song is a staple of Sweden's radio orchestra
Todd does it again

I hope G rank makes changes to mission structure at least, I really think you shouldn't be able to access your item box or fast travel for 15 minutes like in older games in high rank or G rank, being able to completely negates the random drop-off mechanic in HR

G-Rank has never made any monster significantly more difficult than it already is except for a couple cases like the Great Baggi and Gravios, idk why people are acting like G-Rank fundamentally changes how the game is played.

I have seen idiots at HR50+ cart to Tempered Vaal laser beam all the time. You have to understand that majority of the players (70%+) will always be bad at this game. They don't understand the mechanics of guard point, tackle or foresight slash.


While Vaal's beam is super predictable and has a giant wind up, entering another area and seeing how far that beam goes is unreal.

doesn't even sound like a monster hunter song