All these cheap as fuck Canadian videogames

>all these cheap as fuck Canadian videogames
Holy shit's like 75% compared to USD

>8 more years of Trudeau
>they will be even cheaper

You're welcome, user.

>this will surely not devolve into politics especially not considering how OP started his thread

>Justin "If you kill your enemies, they win" Trudeau
>supporting video games

Since when?

What a sissy pose

>He thinks Justin is fine
>He thinks it is okay to be fucked in the ass

Video games

CAD is weaker than the USD, so even if it costs 60 dollars in the US, and 70 in Canada, I still pay like 50 USD compared to importing from the USD

You know that's a bad thing right?

Bad for canucks, good for me

>implying he isnt going to jump on the ban of violent video games train

I can't believe people voted for this putz just to get weed legalized

I voted for him so I could marry my boyfriend

>wanting Trudeau for another year, let alone 8

Nuke this shitty country.

Explain? As a Canadian games are expensive as all heck.


>north americans

>I am happy that this guy is crashing my countries economy

Fuck jobs, income, wealth and whatever.
Everything is okay as long as i can get weed and videogames for cheap

>my country
No, I'm european

>who keeps saying "fuck you"? this is a family stream

I have to move to Canada, America is completely insane.

Was your boyfriend a goat?

Based Trudeau

That makes no sense because for a $60USD game I end up paying $86CAD + tax

You could already do that you stupid fag

I'm importing from canada

In that case yes you are correct.