gender is a spectrum
let me crossdress in pokemon games goddammit
girl (female)
you're my rival now, if you defeat me i'll give you helpful key items
Boy if cool looking
Girl if cute looking
I am a cute anime girl.
>zero representation in games
o-okay ;_;
Your genitals aren't fluid. I mean, I hope they're not.
meme gender
Sometimes my penis is a girl's penis
>gender is a spectrum
Ya'll niggas are sick in the head
boy and boy
Yes I know
I am Pokemon
Sounds hot.
Honestly look at what im wearing and you might figure it out, jackass. Are you calling me a fucking gremlin, so disfigured you cant figure out what I identify as? Fuck you, cunt, and fuck your pokemon, theyre all rats who take massive dino sized shits in my backyard, I cant even put a tree in there because some faggot rattata is gonna use it to break my house down if I let it
Maybe he's calling you, you stupid caveman. He has a lab to run. He can't walk all the way to your house to greet you in person.
The motherfucker lives next door, its not that much trouble if he wants to waddle his faggoty ass over here
He's old, give him a break. There's a reason he's telling you to go out and catch Pokemon and not doing it himself.
Stop saying gender. The correct term is sex. If you continue to use gender then you're as bad as the mad scientist who invented it and experimented on two little boys, driving them both to suicide.
Girl (fe(male))
Ted Bundy drinks water and he killed people. Guess I should just die. Abraham Lincoln had slaves. Guess he was evil.
He's asking you if you're a boy or girl, not if you want to be a boy or girl so everyone here should pick boy
If you pick girl for any reason, consider a vasectomy
Holy shit, I just realized that soon SJWs are going to start getting angry when there is no option for not wanting to specify one's gender or no option for xe/xer.
just crossdress user
they're different things, mental illnesses like that exist and you shouldn't ignore them
Albert Einstein married his first cousin, guess his theory of relativity was worthless
Trying to push your Western degeneracy onto the Japanese has a term: Cultural Imperialism.
You better stop it you westcuck garbage, or else.
How to get a better torso though?
t. English teacher
cross dress all you want retard but there is no such thing as a female penis or male vagina
You'll never look like a girl, I'm sorry
t. Russian teacher
Ted Bundy never did anything noteworthy beyond killing people. Lincoln literally abolished slavery. Do you even know who John Money or David Reimer are? Of course you don't, you fucking millennial.
Albert Einstein basically stole the theory of relativity from Henri Ponicaré.
>male vagina
There is. It's why dilation is a thing. It's also something that shouldn't ever have been made.
That's a gaping wound, not a vagina
Yeah and Dr.money made progress in a field of science that people wouldnt touch before he did, You cant just ignore Gender Dysphoria or shove people into therapy because they dont think like you, faggot
Tell it to them, not me.
>push degeneracy onto the Japanese
hilariously redundant statement
Japanese degeneracy is Japanese culture.
Western degenerace is Western culture.
Imposing Western White culture onto foreign cultures is racist Cultural Imperialism, and therefore unwelcome.
That is an open wound. Slapping a buzzword for a forced opening doesn't make it a vagina.
Cumming in that open wound will never produce a child cause it's not a vagina.
If you call the sexual abuse of two boys which later drove them both to suicide combined with bald assertions supported by absolutely zero proof "progress", then sure. But here on Earth, we call it "insanity".
>Or else
Or else what, faggot? Your post was pointless enough but now you have to make empty threats as if you or anyone who thinks like you can actually fucking combat anything at all. Its ridiculous
Or else you gaijin garbage will get thrown out like you always get thrown out for not respecting a non-white culture by trying to bring your white cuckshit in.
>Or else this will happen
>It never happens
WOOOOAH Mr big tough guy over here sure wastes his posts
>It never happens
One of your western disrespecting cucks, Logan Paul or whatever, was already kicked out.
The rest of you with your whitecuck shit will follow suit if you try to force your degeneracy.
Keep your westcuck shit to yourself, the days of Imperialism and Colonialism are over.
Logan Paul disrespected Japan more than anyone has in recent memory, and he wasnt even kicked out, he left
Gender is a spectrum, yes.
But biological sex is not.
There's male, and female, down to the DNA.
Anybody with XXY, is neither male nor female, but truly transexual.
He was kicked out of every venue, and forced out.
There is no more tolerance left in the world for your westcuck degeneracy, none whatsoever.
if gender is a spectrum, crossdressing isn't possible
Thats what you fucking get for taking HRTs before going fully through puberty dumb shit.
aw, that's gross nigga
You would think that when people started to realize that standard binary gender is a pointless concept(socially, not scientifically) that they would just drop it altogether and focus on deciding for themselves how to live and act, but instead people are just making up a shit ton of new labels to stick on themselves. Why?
I'm neither a boy, nor a girl. I have ascended beyond gender.
why are so many speedrunners trannies
>take hormones before puberty
>able to fill out to a girl-"esque" shape
>but winky never grows enough to be able to turn into an innie so you're stuck
>don't take hormones before, have a full on man body and you just look fucking hideous, period.
dey gay
females can't play videogames so the only "girls" are going to be trans
"A genetic condition in which a male is born with an extra copy of the X chromosome"
>Anybody with XXY, is neither male nor female, but truly transexual
That's bullshit. People with Klinefelter syndrome are clearly male and only show some slight anomalies. They are usually nowhere near transsexual.
This is what the baguettes want to believe.
Nah that's the only way to look passable as a tranny.
>People with Klinefelter syndrome are clearly male
>Are born with small, sterile testicles
You mean aesthetically, they are "clearly male"
really makes me think
Speedrunning is an extremely autistic hobby (lots of repitition, extremely methodical etc). There's an increased rate of transsexuals among autists. Look it up.
>gender is a spectrum
Sexual orientation is a spectrum, gender isn't;
There's only two genders.
No such thing, you're either a man or a woman.
>the "I WANNA BE BOTH!!!" meme gender
Greedy as fuck. Be humble and choose one instead of claiming both
>pic and filename related
Oh no, 0.01% of Human society is not being pandered to and we will lose 0.01% of profits, whatever are we going to do?!
I have an idea: Not give a fuck since Pokemon rakes in money no matter what.
What do you mean by genderfluid? I'm genuinely curious, I want some real experience with this term. How does calling yourself genderfluid work for you?
But gender as a sociological concept IS a spectrum.
Gender isn't a spectrum either.
Socially you can be regarded as a male or female. You can try to stay in-between somehow, but i guarantee you EVERYONE that looks at you will mentally pin you down in one or the other category.
Sometimes I produce spermatozoa, sometimes I produce eggs, and every once in a while I produce eggs with flagella. Generally I dress as a guy though.
Yeah what the fuck is that
Reminder that the guy who coined the concept of genderfluidity was a literal fraud who falsified his findings.
That shit better shoot neon lasers and come with an electronica soundtrack
I dunno, I just kinda feel like sometimes I lean more one way or the other
I feel more girl than boy some days, and prefer to dress that way. I don't get into the whole pronoun business but those close to me don't mind using neutral pronouns
Sometimes I feel more male and dress that way. Most of the time I feel more female though
It's Benjamin Franklin, you uncultured swine.
So it's like the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle? It can be anywhere in between the two states, but once you view it, it's only one of them.
how did that dude get such nice tits
really? i've seen a couple people i couldn't place in either category
until they talk that is, they're usually females
It's a Shmanimal
good surgeon
How do you know it's a tranny google gives me nothing.
Making it public that one does not appeal to western gender-marxist freaks can only result in increased approval from the joint 3 billion potential buyer-base of Muslims and Chinese, another 300 million Eastern Europeans, and other non-western groups who find that western degeneracy abhorrent, making it a net profit considering trans freaks are as rare as phoenix feathers compared to the aforementioned groups with wallets at the ready just to see western freaks whine and rage.
I fucking love Capitalism sometimes, all one needs to do is remind companies where the money lies.