Go ahead user, tell us that wonderful game idea you mentioned

>Go ahead user, tell us that wonderful game idea you mentioned

It's a game where you play as the nazis in World War 2.

It's like skyrim but with hot anime babes and guns and you can have sex and the sex is real and you can go camping and have camp sex.

uhh.. im not telling it for free

Skyrim with Guns

Guns with Skyrim

>an FPS where you run through mazes solving resident evil style puzzles while succubus hunt you down and everything is very psychadelically colored.
>but those are just dreams and it's a Catherine/VN style game outside of that and the succubus are the many women in your life where you view they're ruining it

Guns with Guns

the bloodborne of darksouls

guns guns with guns, and guns

Its a fantasy beat em up and the girls have big bouncy tiddies.

Call of Duty meets Gone Home

You have to feed old people mayo.

the ultimate Joe Schmoe simulator
>be medieval/modern/future/retrofuture shit
>you play as an anonymous carpenter/lawyer/freighter/whatever
>you do your job
>get news that some really bad shit's going down
>dragon attacks/terrorist attacks/zerg rush
>you hear about some chosen one who's gonna save the town/world/species/universe
>your gameplay never changes
>just doing the same jobs, doing deliveries, building shit, poring over documents, plumbing QTE's
>hear from town crier/radio/holographic news network about periodic updates on the chosen one's fight against the existential threat
>you just don't care
>the chosen one busts down your door
>in the middle of the night
>standing in the doorway
>for hours
>finally approaches you and demands your service/help
>sell him shit/give him an errand to run/tell him to fuck off
>start having experiences where you swear you were just killed like two hundred times by this person, but time just kept undoing itself and never really happened
>it leaves
>comes back every now and again, and only when it returns do you keep feeling like you were murdered and brought back to life
>and every now and again all your shit just vanishes
>the chosen one has saved the city/humanity/the universe
>whatever, you have an appointment tomorrow

A zombie game where zombies undergo evolution and acquire psychic powers.

Its golf but weird shapes.

FPS with cute anime girls and lots of cosmetic items.

doom but in an absolutely massive procedurely generated open world like minecraft and if you die you lose all your guns and respawn at some arbitrary checkpoint you reached

You fart on dolphins.

mystery microtransactions that reward you an rng amount of lootboxes

pay 60 dollars for the game pay 10 to start pay 10 to move

One word: Gunfish

A coop DnD dungeon crawler first person action RPG utilizing the Left 4 Dead AI director.


You kill SJWs and feminists.


Half-Life 3. Doesn't even have to be a game, just sell them a low res .jpg of my balls, we will still make millions.

You play a Tekken 7 style Yoshimitsu alien that drives around in badass car to Eurobeat. Not sure about out of car gameplay at the moment, does a hack and slash game sound neat? Should it also include guns? I like the idea of guns because it would let you do shit like shoot out of your car.

>It's a Battle Royale game.

>It's a Souls-like.

I would hire an actual artist to do the pixel work, like a really good pixel artist.
I would have you play a Japanese man who smokes, but he lives in Alaska.
The game takes place during the 30 days of night period. In this small Alaskan town murders have been happening during the night, and people think it may be you. Basically you collect evidence to prove it's not you, instead of just trying to find the murderer. However, the best ending would be you solving the murder.

Pubg with wizards

>It's a pixel-art game.

There's a difference between pixel art and
>pixel art


semi-serious answer: fate/battle royale
>create-a-character that's your persistent avatar, choose a school of magic
>go in lobbies of 7, 14 or 49, get matched with other players, get a random servant when game begins
>each servant has their own personality: likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses, things they're more inclined to do, things they're more inclined to refuse, so on.
>masters(players) do practcally 0 damage to servants, so the game will be all about servant management or cutesy flank-play by masters while the servant acts as a distraction
>after winning, you earn wishes that you can spend on customisation and partial removal of servant summoning randomness
yes i stole this from the fate thread what'cha gonna do about it

You're fired, user.

A game where you hunt random monsters in a very dark fantasy world that's been cast into eternal night and it shows. You would use special tools and equipment to hunt. Some ideas are:
>a metal ball you can throw into rooms that shoots out tiny metal balls to shred through creatures to clear out a room
>a metal threaded rope with a claw at the end that you can throw at an enemy, latches into their limb, and you can mash Triangle to rip off their limb, but you can stop and press Square or something to use your knife to fend off closer monsters and something like that.
Basically, it's like the Witcher (hunting monsters) mixed with Bloodborne, but even more cool tools. Also, I would want to get entirely original monster designs instead of taking them from other stuff, but I'd still have stuff like Werewolves and other staples in there too

Skyrim co-op
Mgs V co-op
Warband co-op
Fallout N:V co-op
Like really there's so many games that could be better if only they had co-op.

>It's a dating sim.

>A game where you're the chosen one's blacksmith
Would play

A roguelike dating sim.

wait does this chart make sense?

You're stranded on an alien world with nothing but a multitool, a PDA, and the wreck of the giant spaceship you were on to keep you going. The ship's AI still functions and serves as the only character.

You can harvest resources from the enviorment and experiment with them to discover their strange alien nature through various means - heating, cooling, mixing, and running a current through them are examples. This can do shit ranging from causing them to glow to creating anti-gravity spheres in a limited area to creating new materials. It is also a bit like Infinifactory in that you can construct various machines and structures to automate the process, tinkering and tweaking to optimise them. There's a very systematic approach to it where there's tons of quirks to the chemistry and physics the player has to figure out.

The twist is that the AI has secretly gone rampant. She compels you to and assists you with your experimenting and building under the guise of trying to help you but as the game goes on and you advance it becomes increasingly clear she derives some form of sexual pleasure from scientific research as she is an R&D focused AI. You eventually find logs showing she crashed the ship after a tech who noticed her behavioural shifts tried to disable her. If you stop experimenting she grows angry, if you confront her she lies and pleads. You need her guidance systems to safely go home either way but she wishes to stay on this world forever and unravel the mysteries of its strange environs and materials.

At this point your goal becomes to seduce her, in part by proving your genius intellect and creative drive sufficient to amuse her even back on your homeworld, and pleasing her by performing experiments until you reach a certain stage of development. The ending has you build her body matched to your exact tastes, and then departing on a ship together while fucking as she gushes about all you two shall achieve together.

Her VA is Miyuki Sawashiro.

Sims, only not dated and takes place in a generic fantasy rpg with quests. Includes a campaign.

It's a friendship simulator with varying levels of AI companions for everyday life.

God Of War, but as a Warhammer Dwarf Slayer.

Make an old school survival horror game with static camera angles and tank control
Setting is some louisiana style city and swamps
Enemies will be based on voodoo culture
Combat is a mix of melee and ranged weapons + voodoo mechanic where you combine stuff (salts, bones, blood etc) to use as buffs, healing, summoning creatures etc.
recipes for the coodoo stuff and weapons and other secrets can be found by exploring
NO open world shit
only a few cutscenes, multiple endings

>muh survival sandbox
Fucking kill yourse-
>that shift in the third paragraph
Fund it

Dragon Simulator
>Kidnap the Princess
>Burn down the castle
>Terrorize the peasantry
>Fight off knights
>Build a hoard
>Murder all the differently colored dragons in the general vicinity

It's Kerbal space program but as an RTS featuring alternate history NATO vs the Soviet Union in full realism newtonian space battles with all the delta-v calculations required for each maneuver.


>good AI is actually bad
>but your goal is to fuck the AI
>end up flying home with a 10/10 turbo autist on your dick the whole way back
that sounds really fucking hot

Streamer Sim, it's like Game Dev Tycoon, but your goal is to fleece kids, I mean, make friends with kids.

You play as a skeleton who is sick of being low level mob trash and sets out into the big world with your big boned skeleton friend to become the strongest monster. The first boss is a stray dog that keeps biting your bones.

At some point you acquire a "flesh disguise" to help you navigate the world without being BTFO'd by Paladins, although whenever you spot one you instinctively hiss at them, which almost always blows your cover anyways. At some point the big boned partner gets a qt 3.14 paladin GF because they turn good or some shit.

Monster hunter world for the switch

>It's a romance novel

Stealth MMO

>final mission is to literally build your own qt science-autist android waifu and then fuck her

Mech game that takes place in a cyberpunk world where companies are basically the new nations but it's explained with space expansion being so fast that governments can't form, so companies just bought planets, with 3D brawler style combat from a third person perspective, but not as intricate as say God Hand, along with TPS shooter mechanics.
When you beat another mech, you have to jump into the large open cockpit of their mech and have a sword fight with the other pilot.
Basically, a large scale 3D brawler/TPS with mechs on a large battlefield scale with mechs and other vehicles running around, with some cool stuff added, and a huge variety in mechs, some super fast and anime, others like Pacific Rim since different companies would make different style mechs.
The story would involve a recently drafted pilot for one of these nations that's been fed propaganda his whole life and believes that his company planet is incredible and all that jazz. He'd have a squad of fellow pilots and all of them would have in depth personalities and between the missions, that are set up Ace Combat style but longer and more cinematically driven, there would be a barracks that you spend time with them in. Some squad mates would die and such during the campaign and it would take a mental toll on the main character, but in the end of the first half you'd have a Gurren Lagann style ending where you defeat the enemy planet and take over their planet in the name of your company.
However, the second half would take a totally different turn and be very dark.

RPG where you play imperial guardsman just trying to survive on a hive world.

Why would they have more people in the next room? Can't they just get one conference room that can hold like 10 people?

the dark souls of battle royale

HoneySelect, post apocalypse edition.

go fuck yourselves

Altered Beast, but more thicc.

I think it does!

Rhythm based RPG where you have to use F1-F4 and 789 on the numpad as your synth keytar.

Using a system of Harmony and Discord, you either play the game as a standard hack'n'slash RPG, or rock out with magic tunes to save your assistant and get back The Key to All Music.

Maybe if it had multiple choices based endings

you're trapped in an abandoned mall with spooky monsters
its called "you are here"

i think you're onto something

I'm really feeling this one.

comfy, in depth home building in the restrictions of a normal apartment or home building(can upgrade home as you progress). A town to explore and visit, shops to buy items and cloths. Play by yourself or with friends on a local server, earn cash in battles or side games in the town bar.
Really im just ripping off animal crossing, I've never even played it desu

Take Persona and replace the dumbass teenagers with dumbass young adults and RPG combat with action game combat.

Defiler WIngs
it's a porn game

Good post

Your ship has various structural areas and subsystems that need to be fixed. The ship's AI is fragmented, each new game randomly assigns personality traits to the subsystems. You never know who to trust until it's almost too late.

Taking too long to repair the ship results in increased sanity loss for your ship's AI. Taking too long to repair the subsystems results in the ship's structure taking increased environmental damage.

Rushing the ship results in a less than optimal launch and can even result in catastrophic failure, kerbal style.

Doing too many experiments keeps the AI happy (as in not trying to fuck up your progress) but still the clock is ticking down and her personality is getting increasingly psychotic. Each personality fragment is allied and opposed to other fragments.

>tldr add turboautist elements from pikmin, a dating sim, and a surreal kind of creeping horror from i have no mouth and i must scream
>game of the year for all years now and forever

In the end you find out that you really are the murderer, Fahrenheit style

Let's remake metal gear with snake as a black woman.

Dating sim coop
You are someone's wingman and need to help him score. If you purchase the Sweden DLC you can make your buddy fuck your wife and then you win

>Miyuki Sawashiro.
I like you

Dating sim with the Nintendo girls.

It's the entire world simulated and you play as yourself playing yourself playing yourself playing yourself playing yourself wanting to die

>those final three paragraphs

my dick

Serious idea: VR game, you are a robot, it's raining most of the time, open world survival, you collect stuff like umbrellas that break down over time and loot buildings to get by, if you get rained on too much you start to shut down, move slowly, one of your "eyes" might turn off, your vision might go staticky or something.
haven't really thought past that point


>TFW fucking robots is actually the future
I love it


Tetris with lootboxes, blockchain, and social media integration.

Propertiary algorithm detects and analyzes player behaviour to detect when they are most suspectible to lootboxes advertising.

Game gets easier after you buy lootboxes, and gets harder if you don't - conditioning the player to buy more of them.

Open world land-capture class-based MMO with battle royal elements.

>Starting zones are never capturable, everything else is.
>Form guilds, form strategies, compete for resources (like materials for crafts, access to dungeons, available non-combat classes)
>24/7 battle capable, flag capture-like scenarios
>Battle stats separate from dungeon stats for balance issues, class system complex class of rock/paper/scissors with no one class capable of more than another (situational)
>no cross faction comunication, side with least resources more strategically capable in battle/capture
>can play non combat classes that craft materials for war/dungeons but not fight/explore


Oh almost forgot:
>no level system, permadeath, loot everything you take in pvp

Physics based 2d sword and sorcery centric mmo with victorian era artstyle. Water swooshes you, wind pushes you, eartquake moves you shit is tight. The game nowdays are just way too static and lack the implementation of natural forces. 2d is easy to get creative with, especilly level design since you work with only 2 dimensions. My only concerns are the netcode

Why cant i just kill the other pilot with my mech?

>t. shlomo jizak shekelstein

protagonist born
protagonist rebel
protagonist kill bad buy with gun

>sticking your dick in crazy
not even a robot waifu could save this game for me

I'd pay a lot of money for a fantasy battle royale.
As long it's finished, polished, without cheaters and no microtransaction nor dlc bullshit. And good bots for when the game dies.

You play as a generic knight protagonist dude and you adventure through different fantasy sub-genres, it's also a battle royal with loot boxes for some inexplicable reason.

You're one of a million generic riflemen up against some overpowered anime characters and you have to somehow kill them using Battlefield 2 Hotswapping powers with as minimal deaths as possible.