>chase after the main villain since the end of the first disc 1
>finally face him
>defeat him
>then suddenly, another final boss out-of-nowhere shows up

Explain this...

I can't explain it. I don't think anybody can.

From what I gather, he's some manner of abstract entity related to death and the end of the universe. Apparently, since Kuja was about to destroy the source of life in the universe, this was a signal to him that the universe's time was over so he was going to finish what Kuja started.

It's pretty weak reasoning to have a super secret final boss, and I'm certain his motivations were probably more than a little lost in translation.

But it basically boils down to, "Oh, this one guy was about to destroy all life. I guess the beings of this universe are tired of living, better go ahead and end it all for them."

Maybe if he was being purposely summoned by Kuja for this purpose it wouldn't have been so out of left field, but what are you gonna do?

I haven't played it, but this seems to be the only complain anyone has on the game. If having an asspull final boss is the only flaw, then it must be a pretty good game then.

he's the materialization of nothingness, is it so hard to understand?

It is pretty good, yeah. The final boss isn't its only flaw, but it's a solid game overall.

Isn't it same with FF4? You chase bad guy, learn he is your brother and you are alien. At the end it turns out your brother was just trying to get stronger to defeat space monster. He fails and now you have to defeat it.

That's not really the question, the question is why he shows up

>play FF4 chasing Golbez as the big bad the whole gane
>End up fighting some rando named Zeromus as the final boss

Explain THIS

People don't really complain about it. It's just "wtf, who's this guy?"

The only real drawback the game has, is it's insanely slow battle system.
It's a shame, cause the setting, story, characters and side quests are among the best in the series.

>game has themes of life and death throughout entire story
>finally beat the villain of the game
>an avatar/manifestation of death suddenly takes his place
>be so confused i have to make a retarded thread on some anonymous shit posting site about it

Explain this...

It does have flaws. The fights take forever to start, the ATB specifics can be kinda fiddly, and so on. But it being a mostly Fantasy game is a breath of fresh air only the MMOs performed too since like, FF5. And it's well handled, the protagonist is cool rather than brooding, the atmosphere is charming, the Steiner/Vivi duo is one of the great bromances of our times, and Garnet's soft ass is a miracle of the PS1.

Then it's like said
>"Oh, this one guy was about to destroy all life. I guess the beings of this universe are tired of living, better go ahead and end it all for them."
I prefer neutral entity bosses like necron to edgy faggots like sephiroth or even kuja

Reminder that Hades was initially the final boss.
It actually makes sense that the "eternal darkness" is the god of the underworld himself. Maybe it was changed later in development in order to tie in the final bosses connection to the story.

Your thoughts?

I think the main difference is that FF4 has that team-up scripted fight with Golbez and Tellah. If FF9's final fight had you fight Necros with Kuja in your team, it'd have been better. Then again, the Beatrix/Steiner duo was already great.

>The only real drawback the game has, is it's insanely slow battle system.
This is fixed in the Steam version right?

If they had called him death, no one would question his existent.
>beat final-boss
>true final boos appears
>normal people
>"awesome, another boss. glad this game is not over yet"
>Sup Forumsedditors
Stop making this thread everyday, you cancerous faggot

>Explain this...
DEATH awaits

>first playthrough
>this guy comes out of nowhere
>just refuses to go down, I'm on my last legs
>only Vivi remains with exactly 1HP
>go for a hail mary and double-cast flare
>it works
That was satisfying

Garnet was a whore

Does the 3rd disc suck like most FFs?

FF9’s devs stopped giving a shit after Disc 2. Dungeon design takes a nosedive.
every battle taking forever is a negative

it was a metaphor user. the entire game there was a looming motif and theme of mortality. kuja being afraid of the world continuing to exist after he died. vivi coming to grips with his own mortality. memories... carrying on after you pass... the last boss is called NECRON, literally the concept of death incarnate

>fearing death
just use a phoenix down

His presentation makes complete sense. Why would anyone know about him, or why would anything hint at his existence when the crystals were never broken before?

It wouldn't be a jRPG if the protagonists didn't battle a godlike entity at the end, so they fixed it posthaste.

The in-universe reason is that he's literally the concept of death. One of the games main themes is death, so Necron's a very in-your-face allegory for the characters' internal struggles.

The real reason is that FF9 is cobbled together from references to every game in the series, so it ends with a Cloud of Darkness/Zeromus-esque final boss. It might as well be a gaiden game with how reliant its story is on fan-service.

It may have been fan-service for older fans, but after the radical departures 7 and 8 took it was somewhat welcome. even though 8 is my favorite

Did you all forget that Kuja actually beat you at the end? You got to the end of the fight, but then he Ultima'd everyone. Christ I swear everyone here had a brain clot.

I honestly did forget this

not only that he KILLED THE PARTY

you fight Necron in some sort of Limbo-near-afterlife area.

FF9 a game chock full of throwbacks to 8 and 16 bit era of Final Fantasy. At least twice in previous entries, the final boss has been a manifestation of an abstract concept rather than a main character in the story. Cloud of Darkness in FF3 and Zeromus in FF4 are both examples of this.

I don't really think it needs to be explained in literal terms. It's not a character so much as a symbolic representation of the deepest evil player the player has been fighting against the entire game. The player had beaten everything else in the game and redeemed the main antagonist, Kuja. The only thing left is to fight death itself.

FF4 is about redemption and how evil can corrupt a human soul.

Cecil was weak and mislead, but redeemed himself early with the help of friends, overcomes great evil and lives happily ever after.

Golbez was mostly corrupted and was only redeemed at the very end. It's explicitly pointed out that either Cecil or Golbez could have been corrupted this badly but it was Golbez who had committed more evil deeds and was thus more susceptible to the corruption. Golbez' soul is saved but he cannot return to live a happy life and goes to sleep with the lunars.

Zemus was completely corrupted and the only choice was to kill him.

Zeromus was the ultimate source of all that corruption-- is the pure essence of hatred that any person can have. Zeromus says exactly this after you beat him.