Which one Sup Forums

which one Sup Forums

if X4 then Zero

I actually played them both, but Zero was way more challenging, therefore more satisfying to win as


Megaman is trash, pick Zero!

Inafune pls go

for me, it's Zero the Maverick Hunter


>Intro stage
>That bass kicking in

ho ha ho


Zero has the superior aesthetics.
No more clown shoes.

X is cooler because he is blue and gets cool armor.

Zero is fucking broken . He can take bosses down in mere seconds if you know what you're doing.

X since only a downie would play an X game beyond X3.

I'm a classic babby, so X all the way.

X, buster only runs


X1 > X4 > X2 > X3 > X8 >Huge dip in quality > X5 > X6 > X7

I'm ok with this.


The girl.

Zero's more fun.

Zero has way more interesting stages since he doesn't need to spend meter but clears bosses easy.
But then again, X does the latter too with the right order as usual so Zero wins.

X is more balanced
Zero is more fun

Pretty much

other than that, i'd agree



Most of the time I pick X because Zero is way too easy once you know how he works. Still love playing as both of them though. X4 was a good game even if a lot of bosses suffered from spark mandrill syndrome.

There are anons in this thread RIGHT NOW that never unlocked Black Zero.

I remember X4 getting shit on for years, only recently have I seen people speak about it positively. Which is good, shit's a great game.

What are you talking about, people suck X4's dick all the time.
Is X6 the one that has been spoken positively in Sup Forums lately.

Personally I'd throw X3 behind X5 but other than that I agree with your list. Thankfully there's hacks that improve both of those games several times over.

True, user from 3 years ago. The only reason X4 gets some love it is because it was the less bad of the MM's playstation era.

Childhood is idolizing X.

Adulthood is realizing Sigma makes more sense.

the reason i don't put X4 any higher is the jet stingray level, most bosses have spark mandrill syndrome, the final stretch aside from sigma and double/iris is lame, and the controls don't feel quite as tight as the SNES games. It's not that much worse but after playing the games so many times even the more negligible things become more apparent.

Wisdom is knowing Copy X was right

Zero is easy mode for first playtrough. Megaman X for true ending.
Same as Sonic & Knuckles. The red character doesn't show the true ending. It's a japanese thing.

X then Zero
Any other choice is objectively inferior

The bosses in X4 had the longest fucking invulnerability frames ever.

frost walrus and jet stingray's was like 2 seconds.

Reminder this is (another) Sony's fault.
They paid for exclusivity so the Saturn didn't get X5.

Holy fuck this screenshot has unlocked memories from my childhood I never thought I had

What game?

>saturn games

X 5 or X 6 or some shit. I dunno. The SNES games were better

X4 is just as good as the SNES games.

X4 is faster and generally more fluid than the SNES games, the SNES games did have smaller sprites though, so you had more screen to see.

Sony fucks everything when they pay for exclusivity.
Prove me wrong, pro tip, you can't

Sword might be gayer but it's a hell of a lot more fun. I'd rather be a happy fag then a sad str8 lad any day

Zero because I'm not a pacifist soyboy

>not picking Zero and doing the black suit code

>Zero was way more challenging
In what universe? Even without shit like dash canceling, Zero can tear through enemies and stages so much easier than X.

X has an easier time avoiding damage, I beat the game with X first then with Zero years later.

and? they don't even try to attack you during those i-frames most of the time so it doesn't matter.

That theme though

X4 > X1 > X8 > X2 = X3 = X5 > Huge dip in quality > X7 > X6

>Armor lets him tank more hits than Zero.
>Fully charged and upgraded buster does more damage in one shot than Zero if you don't know about dash cancel.
>Armors give him a variety of movement options depending on the game

If you have all the armor and sub tanks, you don't have to be good at the game. You can get hit all day and still win.

you are fucking bad then
Zero is always easy mode

Zero, always Zero.

Zero can kill many enemies before they even get time to attack, avoiding damage is actually harder with X since he doesn't get as good of mobility as Zero's double jump, the hover just doesn't compare and is actually really hard to use until you full understand how it works.

>bad because I had an easier time beating the "harder" mode

>X6 worse than X7

Spotted the millenial.

>Armor lets him tank more hits than Zero.
>Fully charged and upgraded buster does more damage in one shot than Zero if you don't know about dash cancel.
Zero's saber does the same as X's plasma buster, both deal constant damage on each frame, except Zero starts with his saber, with dash canceling he just gets even better.
>Armors give him a variety of movement options depending on the game
Zero gets better movement options than the armors give X.

X6 had no excuse to be as bad as it was, X7 was just as bad, but they had the excuse of trying something new and it just not working, so X6 is worse.


zero's triple slash still hits bosses all three times even if you don't dash cancel it. The DPS is significantly higher than what X can do outside of nova strikes. In fact it's so much higher you can damage race every boss and win even with having half the durability of X.

>Making sense
He wins nothing by killing the remaining humans.

>ranking the easiest games on the top

As expected from this casualbaby stable. X6 too big of a challenge for you? Bad design aside like the donuts or unable to complete with armorless upgradeless X, X6 pushes the difficulty of the game to levels where refining your mastery for the playstation engine becomes more fun than any other X game.

The only game that still triggers me to this day is X5 with its RNG endings and constant sequence breaks.

you ar ejust bad to take years to do it with zero
lazyass who thinks "easier time" is shooting from the other side of the screen

Aaaaaactually it has:

>Capcom's jewery to milk the franchise despite inafune finishing it with X5
>Rushed development time.

X7 is beyond redemption

>X6 had no excuse to be as bad as it was

What about the unreasonably short dev cycle?

Killing all the humans was something he picked up before dying enough times to go crazy. Before that he was just forcing technological progress through constant war and given just how much reploid advancement there was between the games I'd say he got what he wanted.

You type like a moron.

>Bad design aside

gee, you think maybe that's why people rate it so low?

Well in that case they're equal.

MM7 was made in 2 months and was good, X6 had what? 6+ months? No excuse.


if you can't gitgud, then Mega Man

At least X6 has actual good gameplay and decent challenge

You mean finished it or saving all the reploids?

>zero's triple slash still hits bosses all three times

How does Xtreme 2 compare to the rest of the X games? It's the only old Megaman game I've played.

fucking casual don't know how to play megaman

Yes it does. It's why the dash cancel strategy even works in the first place.

>At least X6 has actual good gameplay
The gameplay is just a copy/paste from X4 and X5, and its bogged down by shitty level design that is infuriating to play through.
>and decent challenge
Its not a decent challenge, its just bullshit, X7 is closer to a decent challenge.

He's awful, specially on X7

Everyone who answered otherwise is Con Man using different proxies

Pretty decent if you can put up with double-tapping on the d-pad to dash.

>Actually defending X7
Confirmed X6 is the ultimate casual filter

You can also tap jump twice to dash, and yeah it's a pretty solid game.

I found that shit by accident falling down a pit. Is it just a straight costume change or did it enhance something?

I'm not defending X7, you're just trying to defend X6 because "muh difakult cashual filtur".
People like you have no taste, you should get Mario Maker and exclusively play Super Expert levels, you'll get the same level of quality that you love so much in X6.

In X5 and X6 it doubles your damage and gives a couple of chip effects for free.
In X4 it's just cosmetic.

Think he meant X4's Black Zero. X4 have black Zero, right?

Black Zero can't be unlocked in X4 though, you have to use a cheat.
So I don't think that's what he was referencing.

X4 black zero is a cheat code that does nothing besides look cool. You can't really unlock it unless you count buying a cheatbook or looking it up years later on gamefaqs as unlocking.

That's the only one I found
Well shit. I've been meaning to replay them anyway, I guess.

You had to use a cheat but you still had to find it

Don't get me wrong, X6 fucked up level design due shit conditions during it development even for being an unnecesary entry. But it was playable despite it flaws unlike the major fuck X7 was on every level.

Also, MM was always acknoledged as a "dificult games" series, the only one ended up being X6 ironically.

Not in X4. Black zero is given to you as soon as you start playing once you put the code in. It's X's ultimate armor that you still need to find. Even though any armor capsule will give it too you after you put the code in.

>You had to use a cheat but you still had to find it
No, when you use the cheat in X4 it just gives it to you, there's no finding it.

Huh no
Its like you came from another dimension
The third slash activates iframes
SDC bypasses iframes and is used to fast kill only a few bosses by canceling the combo after the first slash, theres no relation of causality with third slash iframes

X7 was playable, though. It wasn't good but I beat it with little issue.

With that slow as fuck 3D gameplay and VA that's real torture.

X6 is no more playable than X7, you either get >fast gameplay with shit level design that will slow you down for hours because of all the deaths you'll suffer
>slow gameplay with meh level design and bosses with too much HP
Its literally a matter of picking your poison, both are equally terrible for their own reasons.

>Also, MM was always acknoledged as a "dificult games" series, the only one ended up being X6 ironically.
The X series is difficult though, maybe not to the extent of classic, but just because you can get used to a game and play through it with ease doesn't mean its not hard.
For example I could fucking blast through X1 and X4 both within the span of 3 hours, but when I was younger and first played these games I'd be lucky to have killed one boss within the span of an hour.

I don't think you understood what I was saying.
The first two hits of zero's saber don't cause I frames. The third does but you still get all three hits doing that on bosses which about 3 times the damage that charge shots can do. Dash canceling just skips ever doing the third slash and giving the bosses I frames but you can still throw out the second hit if you want and it will still work. In fact it does slightly more damage per hit on sigma's head in the final fight if you do.

>shit level design that will slow you down for hours because of all the deaths you'll suffer

This is on few places with few conditions. Like beating the Gate stage 1 with no armor X and the mother virus. Also MM as a whole is an easy series.

t someone who completed it on xtreme with all characters.