Our friends over at /vg/ are making games. This week they posted demos of their current projects...

Our friends over at /vg/ are making games. This week they posted demos of their current projects. Why not check out what they've been making?

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They are not my friends.

I forgot the link. Here is it: itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-19

Which ones aren't made in Unity?


garden game and the seizure puzzle games are cool
didn't check the rest

no they arent. like the only game that has come from agdg is RoR and he was only advertising there. agdg is full of nodevs

lack of time.

The Cavern looks nice. Subterra Alpha also looks nice.

How cute is Himawari's Garden?

it's not like a general can't be full of nodevs and have a few people actually working on their games at the same time you faggot

Not nearly as cute as the cover image may make you think
I would know, I made the game assets.
The cover art was made by someone else

I thought Monolith was agdg too.

yeah but the people who actually complete games just use agdg as advertising.

that's not true at all

>advertising on agdg of all places
you didn't really think this through

>game posted on /agdg/ dies
>haha dumb /vg/ nodev...

>game posted on /agdg/ is released
>h-he was just advertising!

K.O Mech looks fun

It's about as fun as it looks. Maybe a little more so.

lmao. whats the name of your games. let me look them up on steam

/vg/ btfo

Sure, I always check out a few on demo day. They're usually not that bad for what they are.

Oh shit, I remember this guy posting about his game here some time ago. Looked neat, glad I can try it.
Also, bump.

yeah, no

It's called Jumpdrive, weenie head.

Project Wingman is actually pretty great, if very, very far from finished.