What a fucking disaster

What a fucking disaster

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I'll wait for the ultimate ancient royal arcade edition to be on sale in 2021 to get it.

thanks for beta testing again guys ;^)

More like pre-alpha testing.

XV is like having the perfect family that one day decides to go horrid with the kid shooting up a school and the mother killing themself. You're sad for what could have been great, but instead the creator of your fate was an old, talentless director who had no sense of originality or vision and only had a laughably mediocre amount of PSP spin off games made under his belt.

Upvote xd
You tried too hard

You can have the game three years from now and it will still feel like an ALPHA test. Seriously there is no substance to this game core principles so whatever DLC comes out is pointless since it won't effect the combat drastically enough as it needs to be and it won't make the barren, overtly large, thematically bankrupt environment and quests any better.

>Base game
>DLC vouchers
>Game size 90GB
Paying full retail to hit data caps.

FFXV in its entirety or the Royal Edition specifically?
I was gonna buy this shit today because I never played the base game, but my Amazon Prime ran out.

Saying it over and over again won't make it true.

XV on pc is kino

But it’s much better than XII

I don't have data caps where I live at least, but the best internet you can get here is 2-4 Mbps, so it's still pretty awful.

This, the game purely exists to be a boy band simulator
>data caps
Get a better ISP, niggy

I'm starting to regret playing games at launch.
I'd like to return to XV now that they've added so much but I don't know if I have it in me to replay it. These days I can rarely replay games

If you haven't played it before, it's starting to become worth buying it now. It's STILL an unfinished beta test a year after release, but at least it's out of alpha now.

In maybe half a year more, if they add a "hard mode" that fixes the broken combat, it might actually become a good game.

OP here
I'm talking about the Royal Edition specifically
$20 for a few new hold O to win bosses, a boat, and 30 more minutes in chapter 14

Pay up

>These days I can rarely replay games

Same here, but that's just because I've been playing a bunch of new games for the last few years and don't have time to revisit old favorites as often as I used to. But yeah, I rarely play games at launch anymore either, seems better to just wait. Heck, just waiting four months to get DQ XI saved me like, 30 dollars. The two games I did buy at or very near launch in 2017 I regretted because I didn't think they were worth 60 bucks.

Not to mention a full minute of content that was shown in the trailer 2 months ago is just not there
Taking cut content to a new level, huh Square.

>the same people whining about FFXV will be the same faggots who continue to buy every nugget of shit that SE craps out

You tsundere faggots should seek therapy.

who are you talking to.

What is royale edition? Thst the pc version name?
Does it have all the dlc thus far?

more like royally screwed edition, heheheh

Better than people who complain about things they haven't even tried. You only have the right to complain if you actually experience it yourself. Everyone else should fuck off

Luckily it was true the first time someone said it an it will always be true regardless of how many times it's repeated.

>data caps
The absolute state of The United States of America's Internet. Truly, the land of the free.

This is what happens when greedy corporations run everything and are too cheap to upgrade the infrastructure. Though the country is pretty massive

Don't be retarded.

Hard for you, I know.

More like land of the fee

Plus tip.

>not getting the Windows Edition with a beefed-up PC
>not enjoying Final Fantasy XV with improved graphics in native 4K HDR, silky smooth 60fps, and glorious CinemaScope
It's like you don't want the best version of Final Fantasy XV.

t. Square Enix shill who has SE pay for his PC and having a boner for Ultrawide because of "muh PC master race" and La La Land

Not even a 1080ti can run 4K at 60fps. It's quite frustrating actually, consider the game isn't that visually complex. Much of the environment feels more like a 7th gen game than 8th, which isn't surprising considering how long it was in development hell

The polygons are all in the characters.

Didn't they already mention that they plan on another fucking year of "support"? Holy fuck man just end it.

I use a Titan V.
Also, I run in 3840x1600 4K CinemaScope for the wider and more epic FOV, as well as a more stable framerate.
It's letterboxed, though, but it's worth it playing Final Fantasy XV with letterboxing for CinemaScope, since the same thing happens even with 4K Ultra HD discs.

Fuck is it still $20? Those jews said they would lower it

lmao, boy band simulator. hahaha.
ty user for making me literally lol.

agreed 100%.

Correct, but I'll be avoiding any Tabata crap. Fuck that corporate cuck

>not being anonymous

And the 3840x1600 resolution is for CinemaScope discs in 4K Ultra HD.

While La La Land, which was in the actual CinemaScope 55 format from the 1950s, was 3840x1504 thanks to the wider aspect ratio of actual CinemaScope.

And speaking of which, I wanna try playing Final Fantasy XV and some other games in said CinemaScope 55 aspect ratio, which is possible thanks to custom resolutions.

When does FFXV unlock on Steam?

haha yeah lol xd

>time travel back to the past
>fly to japan
>ninja my way into square enix's headquarters
>slap the jews in charge, threaten their families and tell them to make sure nomura puts his full effort into the game
>versus xiii finally comes out as it was originally intended
>muh ARTISTIC VISHUN is in the game at last!
>buy the season pass AND the overpriced special edition on day 1 at midnight
>rush home at 90 mph, can feel the precum soaking my pants from my excitement to play it
>run through my doorway, kicking my dog aside as it tries to greet me
>finally boot the game up
>here we go boys the moment we've all been waiting for
>45 minutes for the first cutscene, it's a musical wtf?
>finally get to the gameplay part, combat is the same janky shit we saw in nomura's trailers and the maps are literal corridors
>plot feels like a convoluted teenage fanfiction trying to be deeper than it actually is
>noctis is angstier than sasugay, stella is soap opera tier melodrama
>every loading screen is a shakespeare quote
>game as a whole is worse than xv
>silently turn off ps4 as the credits roll, slowly walk into my bedroom and kiss my kingdom hearts 2 box with nomura's autograph on it
>hang myself

>>versus xiii finally comes out as it was originally intended
>it's a musical wtf?
Musical didn't happen until it was xv
Your pasta is weak m8

You forgot the part where internet imageboards are full of screencaps of Stella's face, laughing about how expressionless she is and beats Mass Effect: Andromeda to the autism meme

>every loading screen is a shakespeare quote

I can actually see the game having this.


Are you perhaps upset

>game actually turns out to be a 1950s-style musical
>the vibrant color palette in 4K HDR
>film grain and jitter filter
>CinemaScope and native 4K HDR in the PC version
>game comes out in November 2016, around the same time as La La Land
>everyone starts comparing Final Fantasy XV to La La Land and vice versa thanks to the similarities in aesthetics and because both are 1950s-style musicals

Why is this a shitposting thing? It's not beta testing.
Like, If your going to shitpost why be a retard and give wrong info?

You don't have to run it in 4k. The nvidia control panel allows you to set your monitor to any hz or resolution you want. You can even overclock your monitor. A lot of 60 hz monitors can do 70-80 fps. A 1080 ti could easily do 1800p/60 fps at standard quality--not high quality though. Whereas on the PS4 Pro it's running 25-30 fps in checkered 1800p.

>Musical didn't happen until it was xv

who fucking cares, it happened when Nomura was in charge

Actually tabata was in charge at that point

what are the odds next year that they release another version with "all" the 2018 dlcs and then announce another year of dlc?

I wouldn't expect any less from SE

With Sqaure and Tabata? 100%

and yet it was Nomura's idea, fagtron

The PC version is called The Windows edition. I think it has most of the DLC, but I'm not sure. If you want a version with ALL the DLC, wait until 2020.

Someone is upset

I picked it up for 15 bucks last month and I enjoyed it. Just buy games after people have decided if they're shit or not. I don't understand the mentality of buying anything day one. Better prices and well informed reviews > Hype and expensive trash. Waiting a week or two won't kill you.

Yeah, said they're going to release 4 DLC episodes or something in 2019.

So I bought the Royal Pack and I noticed that there's a new Cindy quest. Why are the characters acting like the Type D is some new amazing thing when I'm already driving it? Does doing those redundant quests actually give good rewards?

Actually, one 1080ti can probably still do CinemaScope 4K 3840x1600 at 60fps in standard quality, and if not, then maybe CinemaScope 55 3840x1504 can suffice.

However, I have a ridiculously powerful PC and it runs in silky smooth 60fps like a dream with max settings and HDR.
The resolution is in 3840x1600 CinemaScope 4K HDR.

>Does doing those redundant quests actually give good rewards?

yes. Like driving at night

I guarantee they will. Maybe wait until VIIR or KH3 are released, then on a low quarter release XV Complete Edition.

It wouldn't be like SE to add expansions for another 9 months and then not make some sort of final mix.

I mean how many times has Kingdom Hearts been ported about the place? X/X-2 and XII got PS4 remasters that nobody asked for, and I'm willing to bet they have a Lightning Trilogy bundle ready for a rainy day.

I'm gonna check back in a year and see if they're 'finished' with XV, and then go about upgrading. No sense replaying it now when the devs are saying there's a whole extra season of DLC being worked on that they would expect people to pay for

This is the dev team that brought us not one, but *two* FFXIII sequels. What do you think?

I already have that though. It's the headlights right?

nah see actually i'm quite relieved we didn't get that

i actually enjoyed the demo, but i guess i'll wait until 2020 to buy the "complete" edition.

ok whatever you say

>and then announce another year of dlc?

They did that already siliconera.com/2018/02/23/final-fantasy-xv-will-get-4-new-episodes-2019-goal-completing-ffxv-universe/

>No more sequels, XV will just be one game
>....and a movie
>and an anime
>and mobile shit
>and 15 separate DLCs
>Ten years from now: Final Fantasy XV-2 is announced

I didn't know it was mobile shit too.

yeah those are the 2018 dlcs coming, the post you quoited is talking about even more dlc after those.

>Square enix lived and died in your life time

There's still a chance FF7 Remake will be good!


If it stays under Nomura and they don't shaft him twice in a row then yeah, I'd leave my eggs in Kingdom Hearts' basket for now.

>he actually has hope for Kingdom Hearts 3

>he doesn't
Square literally cannot jump in and fuck this up or else Disney would be on their ass faster than you can say DARKNESS. The jew may fear the samurai but everyone fears the mouse.

>just got home from work
>got some tasty mcdonalds
>gunna watch the Kingsglave movie before I go to bed
>mfw the work week is finally over


Seriously. It's crazy how people think this is a good port.