>saves a little girl from getting kidnapped in Zero
>kidnaps a little girl in Kiwami
What went wrong?
>saves a little girl from getting kidnapped in Zero
>kidnaps a little girl in Kiwami
What went wrong?
The devs had an slot a cool character to fit into the story of 0, but instead they decided to shoehorn in an already established character therefore shitting on his backstory.
I played zero last week and I still do not understand the ending. He's this calm and funny dude for 99% of the game and then all of the sudden he turns into some weird psycho that screams and dresses weird.
There's nothing to understand, it's just bad writing.
Yeah, it really came out of nowhere. Would have made some sense if he acted at least a bit crazy like he does when using his Legendary style, but for the rest of the game, he is a pretty chill dude.
I just assume that what he went through in 0 would change him and make him crazy.
Also maybe they will explain it further in Kiwami 2.
Majima's transition stems from him wanting to "live crazier" then the guys he had met in Zero. It's still hard to believe that the guy who hesitated so much on killing someone on Zero now kills his own men for no reason at all.
this. i get that in 1-6 hes le crazy wacky man but they did a piss poor job on showing the transition with 0
>i get that in 1-6 hes le crazy wacky man
He's only le crazy wacky man in 1 and 2.
I don't think so. Before 0 he was planning to murder a bunch of dudes and then spent a really long time being tortured. It seemed majima was trying to put on an act to please sagawa and get back into the yakuza. Sagawa even mentioned that he didn't think majima was the straight and narrow type. Also he still loved to fight no matter what . Also majima mentions speaking to awano that the people living a "balls first/ batshit crazy" life where the best people he knew. He probably was inspired by them.
>Also maybe they will explain it further in Kiwami 2.
i doubt it
He just wanted another fight with his husbando.
It's not like he raped the kid.
The extent of Majima's 'backstory' expanded on in Kawami 2 is as follows:
>he goes back to Sotenbori
>he drops by Wen Hai Lee's old massage clinic, finds that Makoto's still there, can see again, and has her own family going now
>he doesn't speak so she can't recognize his voice and doesn't realize it's him because she's either denser than an inebriated Shirou or because apparently one-eyed yakuza guys drop by her place all the time
>she notices him looking at her watch and talks about the yakuza guy who saved her and mentions that she prefers the straps it originally had
>as he leaves, he mutters to himself that he's been worrying about her for 18 years and feels like a weight's been lifted off his chest
>next day, he leaves an anonymous gift for her of the original watch straps
>she opens it and starts to wonder if that might have been him
That's literally it. This is in no way expanded on or alluded to ever again.
Is 4 a good entrypoint into the series? Never bought one, but that's the earliest numbered title that I have gotten from PS+
The only correct answer is to start with 1, but 4 isn't a bad start.
Well I was kind of wanting to try it out first, if I really like 4 then I'd move onto the earlier games in the series so that I'm not wasting money if I don't like it.
He takes on the crazy/flamboyant attitudes of the two Yakuza lieutenants that lost their lives saving his, as a memorial, allowing them to live on.
4's plot is so goddamn bad. If I'd started with 4, I might never have played another game in the series.
>I didn't follow his story in 0, why is he so insane?
Best boy Majima went through heaps of shit that would make most people just end themselves.
He just ended up going nuts.
And has an insane lust for KIRYUCHAN
This is the correct answer.
Majima was faking the calm relaxed persona.
Majima is batshit crazy.
Yup, it's most apparent with the extended cutscene with Saejima where he brings him the guns for their hit on the Ueno Seiwa clan leadership. He has this cheery outlook with a smile on his face and looks genuinely happy.
Quite literally almost all the way up to the end of Zero, he just seems like he is depressed and wracked with guilt. After his little talk with Sagawa, he feels like he finally assumes the role we all know him for.
It's just jarring seeing Majima save so many people and spouting cheesy, positive messages in his sidequests in Zero, to killing anyone who so much as looks at him funny.
Is like you didn't play the game.
The whole Tojo family is gunning for her head, and none of them care about her well being. He knows Kiryu cares about her, do he takes the initiative to kidnap her to prevent the rest of the families from possibly hurting her.
Him taking Haruka was the safest option for everyone, and he got to fight Kiryu as a bonus.
Brainlets will never understand the genius of Majima.
^this fucking man gets it.
Yakuza games never had good writing. They're okay soap opera/Japanese dramas at best, but the storytelling is absolute garbage.
Even the best stories in the series had a shitload of problems.
I hate how much they fucked it up when I think about how easy it seems to me. I don't understand why they didn't just make him seem more uncontrollable on his way to Makoto (don't talk to Sagawa in a friendly conversation, just punch him); and as you fight Awano, don't have a typical Yakuza "I respect you as an opponent" fight, but have him mock Majima with the things that might be happening to Makoto. Simply making Majima slowly lose it and turn into a frothing, screaming demon by the end and slowly recovering to his Y1 state when he realizes Makoto is fine would be great. Instead he's calm as fuck for the whole fight until the literal last cutscene.
>So you're crazy now?
>Ya lmao
Because Yakuza 5 showed that he was pretty normal in 1992 which is right between Yakuza 0 and 1, they couldn't really make him completely crazy.
Still think that frothing stuff would work in the moment, and he just regains his composure to be where he's at in the final 0 cutscene. Just don't get why they made him so chill in those fights.