This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is how 100% Swadian perfection looks like.
This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is how 100% Swadian perfection looks like
Why do we care what men look like?
No, he has way too little fat.
He looks somewhat starved or dehydrated.
emaciated is the word.
cause we're the most closeted board outside of /fit/
btw this is what peak performance looks like whether you like it or not
nice bulge
post more like this
as you pack on more muscle you're basal metabolic rate goes up and becomes "harder" to keep as much fat on if you eat the same. Plus the amount of energy spent working out of maintain that physique. I would say this is both realistically attainable and easy to maintain given the year or two it would take to get there from auschwitz mode. For all OP's attempts at shitposting it is probably the ideal physique.
you need to repent
i do and ill also need the source on that picture
nigga that's dsharp
>lethal injection
Pick two.
what is going on in this thread
OP here... I have not a fucking clue
no idea
Good job Sup Forums
first for superior Rhodok spears penetrating Swadian women and men
would love to know if women actually find any of this gayposting attractive
If they have money and aren't manlets then yes.
I thought this was going to be an M&B thread D :
Maybe it's not what OP wanted but he literally phrased it like other gay threads on Sup Forums.
bara is for men
shota is for women
can confirm most women's priorities are often
face>youth>height=skinniness=money=status>sexual acumen>muscle mass
Post non humans
>this thread
older women who have aged and look busted desire money/status the most, whereas young girls value face/height/muscles in that order
How would women feel about this
did we get new based mods or something?
I would argue their relationship choices are often made for reasons wholly separate their their sexual preferences.
I've seen a lot of threads recently stay up a while with only the lewds being deleted. That is until it becomes too degenerate
Looks fucking disgusting.
If we did then that previous furthread wouldn't have been deleted.
usually vidya men threads get pruned almost immediately despite being tamer than a majority of zelda/pokemon/star fox lewd threads
the gays can't catch a break anywhere
That shit was full of cropped porn
I'm just happy they stay a little longer now.
>from mount&blade
>to this
fucking faggots I swear
Idk what that game is.
Why was he so great
He wasn't. He was a major douchebag to Noctis and the fucker shoved best boy(Prompto)
Step aside, son.
Sorry you don't like perfect men
Damn daddy Harlaus now I wanna farm your lands for butter