>Falcon at 5th
Falcon at 5th
let this game die already
Here comes the worst fanbase of all time.
What does this tier mean? Most played? Most wins on average? Newcomer friendly?
Where's Kirby?
Assblasted FGC cuck detected. Go and post your kermit image now.
Are salymad retards still mad about Jiggs not adhering to "muh 20xx"
Biggest penis.
Most accurate one I've seen in years
>newcomer friendly
Ya fox is real newcomer friendly which is why he’s S tier
I seriously don't know. I'm not trying to act meta. Who keeps making these tiers and why do so many people obsess over them? How do they determine the tiers? Why do some tiers have "S" and then "SS" or other nonsensical labels? Why is like half the roster missing? Do people seriously not even try playing other characters?
I laugh everytime you faggots think that such a broken piece of shit game like melee is ''competitive''.
I could literally play using my ASS and it would be as sucessful.
This is such a joke. ''Tier list for melee''.
Competitive viability
Kinda. The 20XX fags are mad about both jiggly and Marth. Complaining about how those two characters are the only ones who aren’t at least a 60-40 disadvantage
>Falco above Sheik
>in 2018
Wtf is Hax smoking? SDI bait shine combos have nothing on d-throw reaction tech chasing. Just look at how far Plup went with Sheik.
>hax's tier list ranks Falcon low
Wow, what a shocker.
Thats actually high for Falcon. He isnt better than Sheik or Peach.
SS tier was a mistake from the very beginning. It was only used to describe metaknight in brawl(the only character in any fighting game history that deserved its own tier like that).
But then the fags at the melee round table thought it would be a good idea to eventually put fox in his own tier
As a completely unbiased user with the game's best interest in heart, I like that Jigglypuff is above Falco.
>why is half the roster missing
Then do it faggot. I wanna see you livestream on twitch how amazing you are
Holy fucking shit who cares what some washed up cunt puts on his Twitter?
>thinking brawl MK is the most broken Smash character
I agree user. Also would you buy Skyrim? I bought it 5 times now and it's the best game aver
Dude. It’s not even fucking close. Comparing bayonets to brawl metaknight is like comparing Saitama to Goku. They’re both fucking OP in their respective universes. But one just absolutely shits on any form of competition while the other still has challenges to overcome
Thats more or less the consensus now. There has been talks of Puff being the best character in the game.
>To put her in fgc context, she is a character that has buttons which can only be whiff punishes by jumping (horizontally challenging bair is impossible for most) and she does do badly in the corner - the opposite
>When she is juggled (universally bad spot)she can just fade to edge
>Its pretty much like not ever being punishable on knockdown as a sf char
>Laughs in shuttle loop
Bayonetta* Jesus Christ
>(the only character in any fighting game history that deserved its own tier like that)
SF2 Akuma? Petshop? i'm sure there are others.
The only people that think Bayo is better than Brawl MK are people that started with Smash 4. Anyone who actually played Brawl competitively will tell you that he's better.
>ranking bowser that high
ZeRo said Bayo is worse.
Because he lost to one
Dude. If input lag and tripping didn’t exist in brawl? Metaknight I swear would be worse than Akuma or Petshop ever we’re.
To put things into perspective. In PM, basically everyone got buffed to shit to compete with the original melee mechanics. Metaknight is the only one that got actively nerfed
>ZeRo said Bayo is worse.
He didn't say she was better. Brawl icies are generally seen as less fun to play against than Brawl Meta Knight and nobody thinks they're better than him.
Half the roster is missing because they see almost no real competitive play because of how awful they are. Ranking them at all on a personal tier list is really just wasting time.
>Metaknight I swear would be worse than Akuma or Petshop ever we’re
Then you truly do not understand how overbearing SF2 Akuma was and how purely broken Petshop is.
He’s fucking wrong. The only other character that stood a chance were Icies as an infinite chaingrabber
>Brawl Olimar
>Brawl Icies
>Brawl fucking Falco
How did that game last as long as it even did?
Hey, hey.
Stinky days.
I can do even better! I will go to a melee tourney. Win, and them complain that Nintendo doesn't accept us as a competitive scene.
Isn't that right?
I feel like Pika and Yoshi should be switched but this is actually a damn good chart.
>not viable
I'm sure all characters are viable if the people gave as much effort learning them as they have the "viable" characters. I feel like everyone ignores them because they jump on whatever the top players are using. It becomes very boring to watch when everyone uses the same 5 fucking characters.
>pikachu below yoshi
kek, no.
You are fucking stupid.
>Yoshi used to be considered in the bottom half of Melee
>I don't know shit about Melee's balancing: the post
I think it should go pika, then Luigi, then yoshi at D tier. I’ve seen amSa play and it’s nothing short of godlike. I feel as though yoshi as a character inhibits his results just a tiny bit more than the other mid tiers
Ivan Ooze shits on that babby
Melee's balancing is just that bad, user. Kirby and G&W are fundamentally broken.
It's got to be the killer soundtrack.
Melee has had over a decade of competitive play, people have explored the fuck out of these characters by this point. Sorry but some character are just fucking garbage.
Melee's just fucking broken and there's no saving the latter half of the characters.
>It's a 'smashfag pretends like he knows anything about real fighting games' episode.
Always a laugh.
I had more fun playing Brawl than any other smash game
Hes right to an extent. Leffen almost won a national with Mewtwo after only playing them for a few weeks.
Excuse me.
I haven't cares about Melee and the autism that runs rampant in it's community for a few years but when did Samus get so high on the tier list? What caused that?
Moreso, who caused that? Is this one of those things where the character works on paper but no one has ever actually done anything with her in any relevant manner?
Ok looking forward to you placing at the bottom of the next melee tournament. Reminder that every FGC cuck who tries this always gets fucking destroyed.
That's more due to the fact that the meta is so centralized that people aren't even training for those matchups anymore. It's part of the reason M2K's Pichu and HNess can clean up so hard.
A decent Fox will always beat even the best Kirby in the world.
duck and plup both performed at a top 10 level with the character
It's a solved fighter. There's a definitive "best character with no counters" and the same 4 people place the same every year for the past 10 years. Let this game die.
Nice user, who did you main in Brawl?
Did they win anything relevant with Samus?
Who is this "best character"? If it's Fox then why has Jigglypuff been winning most tournaments?
She has a relatively good matchup against the most played character, Fox, and is an uncomboable character in Melee's current punish-focused metagame.
You are both right and wrong. Every once in a while you find a god who can play some bottom tier character and beat top tiers played by professional players. This doesn't mean that every character is viable, it means that the guy playing low tiers is just that much better at fundamentals and combo knowledge than everyone else.
The most obvious example of this is a guy named Kuroda who played Q (one of the bottom-tier characters) in Third Strike and would regularly take down high profile players using top tier.
Because it's a party game.
Because Hbox is a nigger.
Sonic, I was really excited that he got in. I almost never play him in 4 though, went back to Kirby
No big wins but Plup has handed the gods fairly well and pushed Leffen's shit in consistently.
no but they were beating most other players with the character, plup switched to other characters in the last couple years though. Duck still performs well.
Why, do you play samus?
>it's this post again
Are you people capable of original thought or can you only parrot incorrect memes?
I mean. You’re not entirely wrong. Looking at how Yosh, Samus and pikachu have changed? Melee is still evolving and I wouldn’t put it past someone to make a really good run with a “bad” character.
But that being said. No. It’s not balanced. Not in the slightest
Because Jigglypuff has the best player. Fox has way more players getting results, Jigglypuff looks better because she has stronger peaks as of recently, but it's all due to one person.
>It's wrong because the majority of people believe it
That's not how facts and logic works, son
Any neutral involving Jiggs is going to force you to play in a much different and much more defensively oriented style than with any other character given the fucking insane options she has. That and Hungrybox is essentially a god.
No, it doesn't have anything to do with popularity, it's because you are objectively wrong. You wouldn't know that though, you don't play or follow the game, you just regurgitate the shit you see posted here like the sub-90 IQ mongoloid you are.
When's the last time you've placed at EVO? Oh, that's right, you didn't because you were beat out by the same 4 people topping and using the solved fighting game's best character to get there. GG no re
When's the last time anyone on Sup Forums placed well at EVO
Not defending the smelly ass Smash community, but everyone here sucks at video games
You keep forcing this meme but literally none of the top 4 main Fox.
except Nintendo is regularly a sponsor at both Smash 4 and Melee tournaments
just admit you are assblasted about melee and don't actually know anything about the game. we won't judge you, my child
Marth is only considered 2nd because people tunnel vision how well he does against Fox and Falco and ignore basically all of his other match ups.
>tier lists for a platformer
>"S-stop it! I-It's a real fighting game!"
Since this seems to be a Melee thread, or at least related, I'm gonna ask it here since 4XM is based on melee's physics.
I've been trying to get better at wavedashing but I literally can't get it right. May it be with Ike, Mac or anyone else there's always something wrong. The only way I can do it is by holding the stick to a 45 degree angle and literally crouching but then it's not really viable for follow-ups. I honestly want to give up, I don't understand why people praise melee so much when sm4sh feels so much better to control and play.
Dark Souls 2?
modern Fire Emblem?
Ah wait, you're talking about the FGC. All right then, carry on.
Imagine being this much of a retard.
>such a broken piece of shit game like melee is ''competitive''.
>Sup Forums pretends the FGC doesn't like
>Hokuto no Ken
>Alpha 3
>SF2 Turbo
>Dong Dong Never Die
Imagine being this assblasted
Yes, he may have the most limited recovery options of the top tiers and get fucked by Sheik but the tippers, edge and grab games are forces to be reckoned with.
>Hax tier list
>Captain Falcon not low tier
>Sheik above Falcon
This is interesting.
Watch as the braindead FGC cuck, having been backed into a corner, resorts to shitposting. See you at EVO, buddy.
No shit Melee isnt gonna feel good if you can't perform basic movement. I would recommend picking up the game itself since wavedashing in 4XM is buggy, especially out of shield and it's lacking a ton of mechanics in general. Alternatively Project M is pretty much 1:1 with Melee's physics and a much better mod.
Hax always thought Sheik was overrated due to losing to fox/Falco/puff/Ice climbers
Smash is great because of the salt.
Anyway, Ryu feels great in Smash 4
Well, what happens when you try? Wavedashing has a lot of feedback that tells you what you did wrong.
>Just jump
You airdodged too early
>Character goes visibly airborne before sliding
You airdodged too late
>Don't slide very far
You held the stick too far down
>Air dodge horizontally
You held the stick too far to the side
Cute animeposters in this thread