In todays society, only 30-40% of men will reproduce

In todays society, only 30-40% of men will reproduce

Will you be one of those whose genes will pass on, whose heritage won't be lost forever?

Or will you play videogames?

Prob play videogames.

Imagine swatting the place.

Video games is better than settling down with a roastie

I'm a faggot so videogames.

play vidya of course

>will you slave away for a future you will never see nor will ever remember you?
>will you drag an innocent into this nightmare to suffer the same as you have?
>or will you have fun in the here and now without screwing over your would be progeny
Really what kind of choice is that? No guy with any sense would reproduce in this society.

My life is my life- it doesn't belong to a son or daughter that may or not exist.

Unless... some other man raised my kid. Then I can play videogames and reproduce!

>In todays society, only 30-40% of men will reproduce

This is ONLY true about whites, but only like 70% of white females even reproduce anymore. The birth rate among whites has PLUMMETED. And that's not even a bad thing. The problem is that the birth rate among every other ethnicity is too high. The earth is dangerously overpopulated and we need to start making serious decisions about how to get the population down.

Why does it matter whether I reproduce or not? I'm not wasting 18+ years of my life to take care of someone when I can barely care for myself and I damn sure don't want to deal with the bitch mother that comes with it. And no, I'm not so obsessed or insecure with my position in the universe that I rely on an offspring that likely won't even have the same values as me when it matures to be a part of me that's still around when I finally croak.

Just gonna play video games.

Earth's not overpopulated. Humans beings are just wasteful.

>whose heritage won't be lost forever
You know people have siblings and a bunch of cousins right?

In todays society, 30-40% of OPs will not post video games

Will you be one of those who post video games?

Or will you be a faggot and complain about things on Sup Forums?

I'm going to continue playing video games, as I should.

Asking other people to pick up your slack


nigger men don't have authority over the family in the west. who in their right mind wants to reproduce? do you want no custody,pay 3k per month in child support or send to prison for no paying?

I’ll be 29 in July and I haven’t had a date in like 4 years and haven’t had a girlfriend in like 7 and that was only for a month. I’m overweight, have no career and live with my mom. Unless I start doing steroids and win the lottery, my genes end with me. Though as a literal mutt from a reviled, mongrel people, I don’t think it’s all that much of a waste.

White people is dead

that's pretty good, who did you steal it from user?

I don't think I should have kids because I'm an actual autist.

The earth is dramatically overpopulated. Stop shilling. You are fooling no one.

Are you content with your place in life?

You guys need hope and someone to love you.
This thread is depressing. I'm going to go play video games while I can before my son is born.

The world is shit, no point in being a kid into it only for them to suffer.

As expected from this board, this thread shows a complete decline in masculinity, instincts, even basic humanity

Your GOAL in this life is to reproduce
By not doing that you are literally faling as an organism

Your motivation, drive, it should all go towards that goal
Instead you numb yourself on dopamine and social justice, literally killing yourself

I'd rather play videogames.

I'll play video games.
Can't stand being around women for the most part, especially if they're older than me.

>fix earth's population
>wipe out africa
>will cure aids
>will free up trillions of dollars in natural resources
>will no longer require spending billions propping up corrupt governments and millions of people who can't take care of themselves

the choice is clear

>Gets corrected
>Responds with some bullshit
? I wasn't making an excuse you moron

whoa dude its like im really on r/incel

behold the power of feminism. The US exports feminism and countries slowly die. overpopulation is not the problem but humans going extinct is the problem.

No. Absolutely not. The earth is more important and there are too many people on it. We need to find a way to convince non-whites to stop having kids.

there's plenty of ugly hoes in that vid which will be bred by those soys, bad examples

If I can't love myself, then why bother with finding anyone. I'm a burden.

Some of us above mere animalistic urges...

I thought that aerosol was destroying the o-zone layer, we're produce hundreds of tons more waste each year that has no where to go, and global warming is going to put all of our major coastal cities underwater in the next 200 years?
How could anyone be so heartless as to put kids on a dieing planet like that one?

Post a picture of yourself.

10 to 1 you are a 300 pound sweaty faggot or a 120 pound nu-pol retard.

>Reproducing in the United States
>The third most populated country in the world
>Economy held up by a quickly dying service industry
>Automation will take away most of the work in the country soon enough
>Uncontrolled immigration that none of the politicians have any real interest in reducing, not even the conservatives who harp on it so much
>Labor pool will just keep growing while the jobs disappear
>Bringing a child into a country with all of that

If you love your children, you will never have them to begin with. Passing on your genes is overrated, there's fucking billions of people on this planet as it is.

If you're some faggot worried about the future of the "white race", just wait until the other cultures settle in to good old western comfort. They'll stop fucking like rabbits too, and then it'll all balance itself out.

>Your GOAL in this life is to reproduce
that's a nigger's goal

>birth rate among whites has PLUMMETED


>Le overpopulation meme
Stop falling for Jewish lies, user. The entire world population could fit in Texas or California.

I'm a fucking gay alcoholic with BRCA2 I think I get to sit this question out

She's already 5 months in her pregnancy.

Since I have autism I think it would be better for if I didn't reproduce.

My goal in life is not for you to define, mammal.

ITT: Fatherless men.

Will you kill yourselves before you hit 30, from how meaningless your life is, or after you've hit 30, after realizing that you've wasted half your life developing zero appealing characteristics and that you're so far behind even a teenager that you may as well not even try?

>all those non-white countries that just magically stops having kids as soon as it gets to the "future" part

if they haven't stopped reproducing or even slowed down reproducing and in the case of hispantards and muslims have actually had MORE kids, then WHAT REASON IN THERE TO BELIEVE THEY'LL EVER STOP? THEY NEED TO BE FORCED TO STOP! WE NEED TO STERILIZE MOST OF THE WORLD'S POPULATION OR ELSE WE WILL RUN OUT OF RESOURCES AND EVERYONE WILL STARVE TO DEATH!

How does this have anything to do with video games?

You're fucking retarded.

No, our goal as a species is to secure the survival of the species. That seems well taken care of. My individual contribution is not required.

But I have a father.

Manchildren aren’t men. Also are you surprised Sup Forums posters arent role models? Holy fuck how new are you?

Vidya. My genes die with me.

>I'ts a Sup Forums it's oblivious at soyboys actually have friends and sex

no they couldn't

stop believing alex jones' lies

Oh fuck off. This hack preaches being realistic to yourself then refuses to confront his personal conflicts with religion.
At least he was smart enough to jump on the rightist-pandering garbage to ring some money out of complete idiots.

Let this thread serve as a mirror and a reminder to not give up on your life. Play all the video games you want, just don't settle if you're not happy.

How is this a problem? Humans aren't going to go extinct from having 1.5 children per couple, you whackjob. The world will simply be a much better place.

I'll play video games, thanks. Have fun desperately trying to justify your existence.

no way fag

>We need to find a way to convince non-whites to stop having kids.
Good luck with that m8.
Hell, I was molested by a sibling as a kid and even I plan on having at least 3 kids.

Does this also come with being so mentally challenged that you can't make threads about video games on a board which is titled "video games"?

Videos like this make me feel so uncomfortable. I will do anything to not become like this.

Good for you, I wouldn’t give up either if I had a good life. Let the people with shitty lives complain a bit.

I love kids and really want to start my own family, but first I gotta get off my ass and get a job. Then I'll start looking for someone to be the mother of my children

>Goal in life is to reproduce
The fuck no shit were animals, but as you can see we are silting our own necks and dying. Have fun and do what you want until we're all dead.

This basically. The whole family spiel sounds good to your animal brain, but as soon as you start to carefully consider it or, god forbid, actually experience it first hand, you realize that it's shit and that living for your hobbies is the rational choice.

>only culture trying to make the world a better place deliberately destroying itself to be replaced by cultures who don't give a shit
>this will make the world a better place
your brain on feminism everybody

>Humans aren't going to go extinct from having 1.5 children per couple

over time because that is below replacement levels.

Nothing I could ever make me happy at this point.

Don't you understand that you're the problem though? Don't you care about what you're doing to the planet? You're literally killing humanity by causing resource scarcity which will eventually lead to mass starvation and everyone on earth dying in resource wars and disease and famine. And it's literally 100% your fault.

Your brain on autism, everybody.

Eastern EU user here. Bringing a kid to life in this shithole would be a punishment. Why would i do that?