League of Legends thread?
I'm getting really into twitch lately. I am a tristana main but it's nice having a champ with an ult that isn't just a get the fuck outta my face button
i love this game
Miss Fortune has a fat ass.
Yi buffs make my dick hard
Question, when are the next Star Guardian skins coming out? Last year they came out around August but I assume it would be sooner than later.
new champ is thiccc as fuck cant wait for lewds
League is seriously ass.
The game is trash, but it produces a lot of decent lewds. I defintly spent more time masturbating to the girls then playing this game.
I miss old Talon
I'm praying his upcoming 'buffs/adjustments' means they revery his W and R.
LoL has great characters but I don't know why anyone kept playing it after the end of Season 2.
play diana you don't need old talon.
Green: Akali
Red: Fiora
Blue: Quinn
Pink: Zoe
Purple: Taliyah
Screenshot this
I hate nu-Diana. That fucking change was such garbage. I have her at lvl 7 with all her skins too so I played her a fuck ton. Will never forgive what they did to her.
never played LoL but I love Jinx
Why do people like this fuckin sewer rat?
League is only fun when you pop off/play aggressively, thats why i play ADC and all the cool edgy champions like riven and yasuo
Cause she doubles as an ironing board Harley Quinn ripoff
They were released September so we still have a ways to go.
I have never played ASSFAGGOTS before
Can I be a support slut in this game
just reinstalled after a year hiatus and had some fun in aram
the new champ looks cool. when does she come out?
>1 shots you
>......you think this is a fuckin game kid?..... *maniacal laughter* I just like..... KILLING *sadistic grin creeps across face*
Who's the biggest paizuri queen
played lol from season 1 to season 4/5ish, switched to dota last year.
looking for a legit discussion here, what does league do better than dota?
hero viability in favor of dota
build variation in favor of dota
item variation in favor of dota
heroes in dota are much more creative
>storm spirit
>natures prophet
what does league do better than dota?
Everything. Plus, people actually play it.
Who here ll stylish?
not to add:
heroes have collision and can block eachother
-you can body block heroes from getting away if youre good
-same for minions you control
farming isn't just sitting in the lane
-stacking camps
-pulling creeps
-pull throughs
smokes allow teams to bypass ward vision
no instant back to base, have to think ahead or by tp scrolls at side shop
list one thing and i'll try to give my best rebuttal
Ali-Star Guardian
League has prettier characters and is "complex" enough to pretend it's still a competitive game.
It's a recipe for success, same shit as Overwatch.
The lewds are way more plentiful
but where does the complexity lie? i understand theres a huge difference between pro and bronze players, but is the skill difference really in last hitting, champion movement, and aiming?
Jhin is the only thing keeping me play this. He's just so perfect.
Have you played dota or are you shitposting?
actually i'll give you that, yasuo is a well designed character. the only thing league seems to have over dota is champs are designed to allow more hectic/reaction heavy combat.
In carnage I bloom, like a flower in the dawn.
League has a role queue and the playerbase to sustain it without insane queue times.
I have 2000 hours in Dota, was around 3.8k MMR when I stopped playing and I am not exaggerating when I say 90% of Dota pubs have lanes that just make no fucking sense because people blindly pick whatever they want. The game is balanced around coordinated 5v5 captain's mode but less than 1% of games are played that way.
League removes the drama of who picks what and lanes where. That means the majority of my matches will at least be playable.
Honestly the level of depth and complexity isn't important. The only thing you need is some visible separation between the bad players and the good players, no matter how small the difference is.
I need this skin so bad.
God I love the Project skins.
Makes me want to play heroes that I otherwise can't stand, just so I can have the cool neon-cyber look.
What?? Fuck Yasuo!
Zed, Zedd n' Zeddy baby!
Project Ekko makes base Ekko obsolete. Same with Project Jhin.
I like them too. They're Neo-Tokyo inspired.
i disagree that role queue is good. i mean, it helps stop people going double mid and trolling, but in dota there's more than just top, mid, and bottom.
you can trilane, you can dual lane mid, etc. lanes and roles are more fluid.
i disagree, the level of depth and complexity means theres more room to grow, there's a variety of strats to use. i remember the meta for league being summarized into poke/dive/sustain, which just pales in comparison to the dota 2 meta.
I dont think dota should have role selections due to how diverse laning can be but i agree that its pretty common to get shit lanes.
It not a problem when you play with friends, but when you solo queue there is a lot up to chance
Casuals don't care about having room to grow. They're only in e-sports for the spectacle.
zed too, also i'd say brand as well
orianna is fun too, but i wish there was more to play with in terms of your balls
Are there Any bad project skins? Its a solid design.
Project Vi is kinda meh.
but how long does the spectacle really last when you realize the flash is just superficial? when you're watching a pro game of league, what are you thinking in terms of trying to determine how the teams will react to eachother, try to counter eachother, and outplay?
Lee Sin sounds like your thing. No Lee on this planet can NOT take a landed Q under the tower, it's impossible.
What elo are you fags?
Hardstuck plat 4 here
The spectacle lasts a real long time considering how long league has been at the top of twitch. It was only recently dethroned by pubg and fortnite.
You didnt need to prefix that with Project.
Vi is kinda meh.
>Let's take Jhin's already great musical/opera motif and throw it in a cyberpunk blender with extra synths and shit
It's so fucking GOOD
>you can trilane, you can dual lane mid, etc. lanes and roles are more fluid.
Yeah but no one does this. You get 4 cores fighting for last hits and maybe 1 bitch-support. Which is another big problem, Dota is clearly balanced around having 2 support but the majority of pubs will have 1 or 0. God forbid the enemy team has *any* invis, or else that 1 support is going to have boots all game even after all the icefrog buffs.
You're bringing up design choices in Dota that are good on paper and certainly good for the competitive scene. I'm telling you that in the real world, those choices lead to pubs being a fucking nightmare. Riot is full of authoritarian commie fucks who've realized assfaggots players can't be trusted to play the game properly without literally being forced to, and thus LoL matches have a significantly lower chance of feeling like a giant waste of time despite losing, compared to Dota matches that can be 100% ruined from the pick screen.
Old Talon>Nu-Talon
Dota is objectively a better game.
And I only play LoL.
I admit this.
But you can't ignore success.
And when you get down to it, League has a bigger competitive scene, a bigger playerbase in general, and more community content as a result.
It's also a lot more accessible, which helps getting normies into the game.
I think Dota has all the advantages to being a better game and every reason to be a better game and yet I prefer league. I think it's because the pace of play is just a *little* faster.
Muh Boi is coming back
I don't care when people say he's "bad" in current metas, I play him anyway. No other ADC is as fun as he is.
I'd have more input if dota 2 was a playable game when I checked in on it in 20...14?
I downloaded it at my friends behest. Sat in queue for 20 minutes. Thought it was broken so it restarted it. Sat in queue for 15 minutes and got a game that somehow didn't end up getting played to finish. I forgot exactly what happened but I remember knocking down trees for a bit and then it was over.
I Uninstalled and that was that.
maybe in unranked games this happens, but with turbo out the people that aren't looking to tryhard have transition over to that for the most part. i mean, you stil lget games like that, but its better than it used to be.
>dota 2 is clearly balanced around having 2 supports
this is not necessarily true. the roles are described in terms of positions, pos 1-5. 1's usually require the most farm so they most orient their farming spot to areas that they may be needed, 2s require farm but not so much; as such they are middle and can roam/gank. 3s dont necessarily need gold, but rather are strong heroes that need gold up to a certain item (like blink on magnus, axe, lc), or just need a certain level to become powerful. 4s and 5s, the 'supports', dont need farm as much. 5s are literally bitches that guarantee farm to the pos 1, 4s usually buy support items like urn/vessel/blink/force staff. the 4 is usually roaming unless you're trilaning, so it can soak up lane exp/gold if your middle is somewhere else. the 5s usually buy wards hardcore and only buy items when they get the gold passively from fighting/runes etc.
my point is that you dont necessarily need 2 supports, you just cant have 3 position 1s. really, you just need someone buying wards. the carry can do this themselves if nobody is doing that as they usually have the most gold.
i loved lee sin
Miss Fortune is an actual dumping ground for cum
I like twitch in principle but I just cannot goddamn farm with his gargantuan autoattack delay
>tfw Lee Sin is finally useless
Awesome, fuck that gay ass champion, fuck WW and K6 tho.
You're just describing pro matches and how the game is designed to be played. The reality is there is never a 4 in pubs. There's a 1, another 1, and another 1, and then a 2 and then a starved-ass 8 (or just another 1).
I feel like we're going in circles so I'm gonna drop it here. I think you place too much emphasis on how Dota is played by extremely skilled players and are downplaying how the experience actually is for the vast majority.
maybe check it out again, senpai. my queues are usually less than 5 minutes, and i play during dead hours in my timezone mostly.
debatable, dota doesnt have skins but has items which can be used to mix and match for your own sets. the items are also tied to the steam marketplace and have their own economy. there's 1k rubick set.
i agree that league is more successful, but what i cant wrap my head around is WHY. TI7's prize pool was fucking 24 million dollars, and worlds still have 1 million dollar pools.
dota is just so much more interesting, but i guess people arent willing to get past the steep learning curve.
Those fucking dirty, disgusting pirate cocks are going to end up in her mouth.
No peruvians.
Farming is worth with Nasus
I want to fuck Poppy.
Overwatch’s complexity doesn’t stem from its hero design or depth, but from decision making and coordination.
You’re a silver shitter or you’d know that.
My man. I honestly wish he was in a better game, he’s the best.
Failed my Gold II promos for the 3rd time
send help
>the reality is there is never a 4 in pubs
you're right for the most part, usually in pubs people dual lane top and bottom. which is a shame because pos3 offlane is really an interesting lane.
but who you're queued with depends on your mmr and behavior score (reports/commends effect this), i've played with low and high behavior score, in low i was matched with toxic brazilians, but when i was high there were a lot of position 4s.
I stopped playing before competitive was even implemented, thanks though.
Not him, but that's 1 thing I definitely like more in LoL is their skins.
I've only ever had behavior score "Normal" (apparently that's the highest) and I've never been below 3.2k since ranked was first implemented.
I have never seen a true 4 in a pub. 1500 matches, never saw one.
new language based matchmaking works. i havent queued with peruvians since the change.
>i stopped playing before compet-
opinion discarded.
>posts what is simultaneously worst leona skin and worst project skin
I'm a main Nasus and Garen is a pain in the ass
What about you user?
I'd he all over a game with Jhin as the main character.
It's too late for me. I was only interested in trying it out cause my friend wanted me to but it was a broken mess and he's long since quit.
There's usually people in these threads who have played both games who can fairly point out the highs and lows of each game but they seem to be missing from this thread. Dedgaem?
I don't give a shit about the game but it really pumps out good girls. Post more.
>The new splash art she got
>Secret Agent and Mafia
I can't think a game is shit if I didn't play it competitively? Fuck off back wherever you came from fag.
Friends let me tell you about Raptor Cloak
Raptor cloak has +125% hp regen
Take it on any top lane with good regen,
Sion, poppy, yorick, illaoi, ornn, whoever,
and it's like a goddamn permanent potion. Nobody can outtrade vs that. Building it into banner is also good if you want a little MR, since the gold generation and lane pressure from banner is so worth it. Since the gold gen overcomes its sell cost, it's basically a free item.
Banner has become a vogue item as of recently. I'm seeing it all the time in high rank games.
Dying games general?
Rito is so desperate to bring back the korean players that they moved to have the WCS in South Korea this year.
It's kind of a shame since it will now be definitely nerfed. I've been buying it for free lane wins for months.
People use it now because baron+banner+cannon can take out a tower in 6 shots, but they forget that using banner to just force a lane to push while you pressure the opposite side of the map is one of the more powerful things you can do.
Jhin is the best character in the game hands down. Great design, voice, personality, playstyle, everything. Why is he stuck in League of Legends? I'd kill for him to have a solo work to shine in.