You have to beat the last game you finished without dying or getting a fail state once. How fucked are you?

You have to beat the last game you finished without dying or getting a fail state once. How fucked are you?

Pretty fucked since I just started a new game in Bloodborne.

Ogre battle 64, I'm fine.



not much if I can choose the difficulty

>How fucked are you?
not in the slightest

mfw it's Ikaruga

>Dark Souls
I'll be alright

>100% Orange Juice
i guess i've a chance if the RNG doesn't feel like fucking me.

Learn to read, moron.

Half life 2

D:OS so pretty easy

>Mass Effect 3
NG+ on Easy, should be fine.

>darkest dungeon
bring it on faggot i've done a deathless run

Into The Breach. My last game ended on the final battle of the desert island. Still haven’t beaten it once.

I'll just play it on safe mode


>dark souls 3
pretty easy

How do you "finish" Minecraft?

>Dragon's Crown
I'll be fi
>Support-spec Sorceress

Its been so long I don't even remember the last game I beat. I think I'm addicted to buying vidya.

I might die of boredom. Or quality Obsidian programming.

DotA 2
Went 12/0/25 in my last match.
tfw I can't play ranked match making because you need a phone number for it

oh dear

Dragon age on nightmare. It's all ogre boys

>Life Goes On

Literally impossible.

>Into the Breach
If I can pick the team pretty easily

Bloodborne. Pretty fucked.

i can't even remember what it was



Probably won’t be that hard unless I glitch out of the map or something.

I can't possibly lose since I last played Mario Odyssey

Final Fantasy 1

Dwarf Fortress


>The Ultimate Doom on Ultra-Violence
I'm fucked (formerly chucked).

>HoI 4 Ironman
EZPZ, just play Facist Venezuela with mods. That, or Japan while influencing the US to become Facist.

>re3 nemesis
challenge accepted

>fallout 4


Looks like I'm surviving

>Deus Ex

>Arx Fatalis
Pretty fucked

>Hollow Knight
It's basically steel soul mode anyway. Depends on how well I do the White Palace

>Yakuza 0
I'm good.

Beat the end dragon?

>stalker clear sky
heh, ea-
>lmg nest part
pull the trigger piglet

If they stop releasing patches it might be doable

>Digital Devil Saga
Might as well pull that trigger now.

>Mega man 1
I probably can pull it off, but will be hard.

>Ouendan 2
I got this

Beat end dragon and enter in that hole

Metal Gear Solid 2

With it's shitty mechanics i don't think i can

>Turok 2
Might be doable since I'm playing the PC port. Just so long as I don't fuck up one of those countless bottomless pit jumps. Oh who am I kidding? I know damn well I'll make the jumps just fine, but I'll fall off an edge while being unnecessarily hasty.
Get bored and quit.

Uh...assuming by "dying" you mean "wiping"? I should be okay.

Dead Rising I think??? It's been a bit since I actually finished a game. Would be pretty ez since my character is maxed and I have the mega buster

Bloodborne. So I'm basically fucked. Its not a hard game by any means, but I certainly couldn't get through the whole thing without dying at all.

Animal Crossing.

I automatically win, I guess, but Ill be stuck playing for eternity, so I might die first

>Ace Attorney
Pretty easy considering I basically can’t forget all the answers so easily

>Monster Hunter World
Fuck me, indeed.

what if thats what I did with GTAV? game is piss easy and only crashed badly in the first franklin mission because I forgot to use his ability.

Stalker SoC.

>Yume 2kki
Would take fucking forever though
Does getting trapped count as a fail state?

Thank fuck it's Sonic Adventure.

>mandatory death scene in game

Shouldn't be much trouble if I can put it on very easy.

Fuck any game that does this.

>Days of Ruin
>that last stage
Well, Mohammed, make it quick at least.
I'm not even sure how I managed to do it once.

>Fatal Bullet
Dying is actually a game mechanic to raise affection.

Contra Shattered Shoulder practically requires you to die at least once.

Serious Sam 3 becomes a mouse clicker when you disable head bobbing.

Trails in the sky The 3rd on Nightmare mode


no problem at all

All the way fucked. I'm not good enough at RTS games to not fail at least once.

Devil may cry 4

NetHack as a Valkyrie? Easy ascension, easy life.

>Into The Breach

Not fucked at all. In fact I think I'm straight up OK.

dark messiah did it good
>die cinematically in first person
>revive even closer to the supreme succ waifu
>become a demon bitch and fuck shit up

dying done right

The last game I finished was the original army of two with my best friend because he was terminally ill and wanted to play something coop and that's all I had at the time. He passed away last month. Fuck it, just go ahead and kill me, faggot.