Are you going to play Far Cry 5? Yes or no?

Are you going to play Far Cry 5? Yes or no?

Is that Agent 47?

Probably later by the end of the year when the price goes down. I like playing coop games with my bro.

Probably not.
When I play such games I want something fantastical.

yea probably


i already played it 4 times, that was enough.

>Are you going to pirate far cry 5
Nah, not worth the bandwidth

But white guys are the villains, which is pretty fantastical in and of itself.

Just like every other game on the market.

Probably not. Might watch a playthrough just to see what the story is but I'm not really interested in beyond that.

It'll just be FC3 again, now with even more grinding, restricted content and skin-deep ""politics"" because agendas.

Fuck, they probably won't even allow local multiplayer for custom maps yet again either.

is this one of those games you have to play or should I just watch it on the youtubes

Once it's cracked, sure.

Considering I last played 3 and skipped 4, no. I'm just not interested in another boring Ubishit generic open world game where you climb towers to reveal the map and take out enemy outposts one by one. It's so fucking tired.

>But white guys are the villains
so was dr. krieger and all his mooks
so was the jackal
so was volker
what the fuck does this have to do with anything?

In co op with a friend maybe, alone no

When the full game comes out, yeah. That is, when the "awesome super mega ultra ultimate collection re-release" with all DLC comes out 2 years from now and it's $20 and I buy it pre-owned. The only way to play Ubisoft games.

lol no, I won't even pirate it, I remember that last time I played a FC game FC4 and it bored the shit out of me

I'd rather replay Far Cry 2 or 3.

I liked 3 and 4 and am excited for 5.

Every single Far Cry game to date has had white guys as the villains.

Are Neanderthals white?

My friend will probably try to get me to play it because I'm pretty sure he's a Ubi shill but no, I'd rather replay 2

Yeah, it's about the only game I'm currently looking forward to.

I don't want to because of the Sup Forums baiting marketing they engaged in, but at the same time it looks really, really nice.

Are Nepalese?
What about Vaas?

It's not really Sup Forums baiting. It's just that insecure white racist beta males are about the biggest, most easily offended pussies around.

I'd probably prefer Blood Dragon 2 tbqh.

play yes, pay no

Probs going to be a meh game but have already pre ordered since ive enjoyed everyother one. wish they would drop the drug stuff, seem really edgy and lame in this game

stop whining

No, I already played Farcry 3 and I don't need to play it again but with a new skin

Far Cry 2 sequel when?

>White rural cultists is no longer an acceptable villain archetype
R.I.P.every action B movie from the 80s-early 90s.

That's not what whining is

Probably this.

I said stop it

No, it was literal Sup Forums baiting. Countless threads on Sup Forums and Sup Forums with the same shitty marketing format trying to drum up Le Alt-Right Controversy, and it fell on it's face beacuse no one was interested.

>It's just that insecure white racist beta males are about the biggest, most easily offended pussies around

Yeah, call me when they're wearing vagina hats and crying in the streets because a centrist got elected President.

Are you a triggered Sup Forumstard?

>giving Ubisoft money for yet another copypaste game
I wish this was bannable.

You were literally whining. No one here cares about your B R A V E political stances. Stop virtue signalling to an empty room. It's annoying. Just talk about the game.

I'd like to believe that's how he spends time between missions

I said stop whining

So it's going to be a neo-marxist propaganda cesspool? Then I'm not interested.

If the cultists were commies I'd probably be interested, the whole game is gonna be little stabs at conservatives the whole way thru. Why any self-respecting straight Hwhite man would want to subject themselves to a 8hr lecture about the virtues of moral relativism is a enigma

One of these days Sup Forums is going to start saying we can't make fun of Jim Jones because he's an American hero or something

>guy sperging out about imaginary boogeymen is claiming that it's everyone else who is triggered

Le Ironing.

Calm down. It's a video game. No one cares about your dumb politics.

They cry over kids toys and commercials. They're basically worse than women. Sorry.

They're not marketing on Sup Forums retard. Sup Forums is just throwing a tantrum because white guys are the bad guy.

Yeah, when it eventually goes on sale with all the DLC.
Ubisoft haven't really done anything new or inventive with the series but they're fun enough games to fuck around in.
>But white guys are the villains
So like 90% of entertainment media for the past century.

Jim Jones is a leftist though, so they'd be okay with it.

I don't think you know what virtue signaling is either. You're very triggered. Calm down. This is a forum for kids toys.
Sorry. Didn't realize you'd sperg out.

No I have better games to play than Far Cry 3.3

yeah it's not a race issue unlike that other retard you were talking to thinks.

Old enough to remember Waco? That's the problem, you're playing a video game glorifying murdering white guys, sure practically every video game has you killing white dudes who cares. but what if those white dudes are Christians with strong traditional family values? What if the guys you're killing are caricatures of what the left believes that whites are?

Think about it, take any FPS/action game where you kill scores of white dudes: they're usually either A: not politically motivated (i.e. FEAR, Borderlands, Resident Evil, Army of Two, Mafia, Gears of War) or B: a caricature of a political movement (i.e. "ultra-nationalists" in COD, North Koreans in Homefront, Terrorists in CS, among countless other examples)

You couldn't look at the average baddie in most FPS's and assume what their political beliefs are. Try telling me what party the average Helghast would vote for. Now try telling me what party the average baddie in FC5 would vote for.

(((They))) are painting white christian males who don't live in the city and have guns as your enemy. It's glorifying mass murder of small-town church-going White Americans. So go ahead, shell out your cash to fund the propaganda machine that wants to slaughter you and your family, lol. Take a quick look at the current events in South Africa, that's what the real owners of (((Ubisoft))) want to bring here.

>Still crying about imaginary boogeymen
>Literally defending shitty shill marketing tactics

You're pretty cancerous. Are you happy you got your attention for shitting up and derailing a thread with your incessant whining about politics? Do you want an upboat?

Huh? I think you're confused. Not surprising. Youre now saying Sup Forums doesn't exist?

What's copy-pasted?

>Comes onto a forum he admits is for kids toys to impotently rage and scream about politics

Your parents must be proud.


No, I'm saying that everything that makes you upset (which seems to be a long list) isn't Sup Forums, and that there isn't a legion of Sup Forumstards gang stalking you and trying to ruin your life.



What politics? I didn't bring up politics. I think you're blinded by manchild rage.
Uh I never said anything like that. I think you should go read the posts again.

It's imposssible. How else will he get gf if he doesn't impotently screech about his political beliefs on a kids toys forum?

He's gonna smash those imaginary Nazis by shitting up video game threads with whiny conspiracy theories, and we're gonna like it.

Pirating it and having fun

>This backpedaling

At least now that youv'e been called out on your cancerous ways, you'll maybe shut the fuck up about conspiracy theories and politics for a bit.

>North Koreans
>white dudes

I'm sure I'll get around to pirating it with in a year or so.

This is literal autism.

Who thinks girls come here? You're all over the map with your "insults" . It's like you've actually broken.

yup when it's under thirty bucks

You know East Asians are honorary whites, right?

>Try telling me what party the average Helghast would vote for
Kind of a bad example to use space Nazis for

Didn't know that! Thanks for the info :>

They aren't insults?

I'm sorry you took them as such.

>Who thinks girls come here

Then why exactly are you madly screeching about politics, whining about Sup Forums and virtue signaling?

Just...for fun?

What conspiracy theory or politics? You still haven't said anything. Very telling.

eventually, when it goes on sale. I just bought far cry 4 in december.

stop whining

Good, now you know why we're allowed to trash their corner stores.

>It's glorifying mass murder of small-town church-going White Americans.
So, if a bunch of fanatical rednecks go around murdering the fuck out of small-town church-going White Americans, people should be more understanding and stop opposing them? Because you don't play as some liberal or ally yourself with them either. You're a law enforcement agent fighting to protect the people you seem to think are being targeted.

la creatura....

When are they gonna get rid of that shit? surely someone in marketing must have picked up on the fact that people don't want to install Uplay if they've already got steam. I know some many people that won't play Ubisoft games out of principle of not installing Uplay

What politics? I think you're the only one who's brought that up.

Also you post on here to impress girls? That's fucking sad dude. No wonder you're a virgin.

>What conspiracy theories?

You seem to think thousands of Sup Forums users are following you and deliberately pretending to be Ubisoft employees to upset you?

You seem to think people who don't like annoying marketing are secretly a coven of evil racists?

These seems like political conspiracy theories to me. Maybe I'm wrong.

I haven't played Far Cry since 2, give me a rundown how the series have changed since then.

Name 3 games that are better than the last 3 far cry games you cant

all me

>It's a Pro Waco game

Interdesting. I've always wanted to gas women and children in a game.

I thought it came out last year and no one cared about it. I saw a poster for it in September at Gamestop.

>triggered manchild

I thought you needed a political platform to be a centrist, not just repeating what ever the last thing you hear was.


I liked Far Cry 3, and I love the Montana setting.

Will pirate.

>buying an Ubisoft game
>after their fucking presentation

sorry, I'm not about to support the assholes who actively want to ruin the video game industry

>No wonder you're a virgin

Again with the conspiracy theories. Calm down dude - not everyone is a member of some super sekret club out to get you. This is all in your head. We're just ordinary people, like your friends on reddit. Stop thinking Sup Forums is populated by some homogenous cult of political fanatics.

And at least you're starting to understand - your political virtue signaling and incessant whining WON'T impress any females.

He's a radical centrist.

lol take a seat

Yes. I love ubi autism.

yes. ubisoft games are criminally mediocre game design at best but they look fantastic and why the hell not.

Where did I say this? I think you're delusional bro.

Like you actually think a video game company is posting here?

You need help.

Why is this thread still up?

They got rid of that "squatting in the bush" feel from 1/2 and just turned it into a 3D run and gun.