Let's talk about Nintendo Switch's port problem.
Let's talk about Nintendo Switch's port problem
My asshole is better than the nintendo switch
If you even watched the video it's complaining about the prices, not the ports themselves
fucking idiot baiter
Who gives a shit.
It's not really a "problem" when you consider how few people bought a Wii U or its games.
I don't have a switch but is it because the Wii U software sales were that bad? Maybe they have little to lose by re-releasing them.
Nintenbabies being insufferable again
>names a price problem while arguing about a problem
I know that you’re a company slave but jesus user. Defending full priced remasters is downright stupid
every console has a port problem. remasters are the only games that come out these days.
Are you saying almost 15 million people payed to fuck your asshole?
No, that's not what he said you retard. Learn to read.
Nintendo fanboys will buy full price anyway, so why sell lower?
I don't have a problem with the remasters, but they need a lower price
Drop the price to $19.99 and I'd buy them
I just think it's silly how DKCTF retailed at 50 dollars on Wii U but it's 60 dollars on Switch.
This is a Nintendo console, not Steam. Don't expect cheap price.
I did. Well worth it.
>My asshole is better than the nintendo switch
>Sup Forums's logic is more users = better
Learn how to lurk more newfag
nintendo fans are absolutely brainless. Paying full price for 4 year old games slightly remastered is just their cup of tea.
>between 100 millions and 500 millions people played Super Mario Run
Does it mean Super Mario Run is the best Mario game ever made?
The people buying these remasters aren't "Nintendo fans" though
They're people who missed out on the Wii U and/or these games
Sup Forums's logic is yes
>over 100M people own Pokemon GO
Are you not back to lurking yet?
According to /nintengaf/
The switch's problems stem from Nintendo's mentally ill fanbase. Obsessing over the same franchises, if the game has some familiarity then they will comfortable playing it. Like the babies they are. I feel sorry for non-children who bought this and have to sit through the constant releases of ports and shovel to get decent games.
>didn't have any of these games for WiiU
>They are all essentially new games for me
I'm most looking forward to Tropical Freeze
Says the manchild.
stop posting
the both of you
>resorts to reddit insults because he can't read
no one wants to pay full price for the same game a second time, but most of the people here are buying it for the first time so its not a problem. get it?
Perfect example is bayonetta. How much is it on PC vs switch? Nevermind the frequent 50% off sales that have already occurred, better resolution and framerate
The only way I'd consider paying 60 for DK is if it came with Returns.
Truth hurt, huh?
ebic post my dude
I never played pong, best buy a fucking pong machine at full price cause it'll be the first time playing it.
This is why Nintendo is leaving you hungry because you will literally eat anything they shit at full price.
It's portable and has extra content whats the problem
Why do we get some autistic shitfit every time a remaster/port gets announced? It costs the publisher virtually nothing to make so no, games don't die for remasters, and it's great for people who didn't own the previous system or want it on the new one. It's either a gain or something that doesn't affect you at all so stop bitching.
That being said charging $60 is a fucking scam. Bayonetta 2 is over 3 years old, it should be $20 max. Same with Doom 4 and Skyrim and most other Switch ports. The Switch "community" will eat it up though because a lot of them are literal children or manchildren and almost all of them are Nintendo fanboys. Which is why you see shovelware like Arms, Splatoon 2, and Mario + Rabbids getting huge praise despite them being basically dogshit (although this is a problem with every console "fanbase")
t. idort
Let's not shill your channel.
the worst thing about these last gen ports are that they're $60
not even sony remasters are that expensive. uncharted remaster collection was $40, so why nintendo charging $60 for mario kart 8 again
Nintendo fans are dying of thirst and will drink any old piss if it's bottled with their favourite childhood faces on it. Sad really.
Only absolute retards buy things just because they need to buy something. Talking from experience, I assume?
>so why nintendo charging $60 for mario kart 8 again
Because Switchlets will buy it. Nintendo knows their fanbase is retarded enough to buy an $80 cardboard box with Nintendo logo on it
Prices won't matter once it's hacked
>Why do people get autism attacks about ports and Remastered
You just proved his point you fucking dumbass
I love the starved argument because the list of games they claimed it for keeps getting bigger
yes the problem is they arent porting good games like Pokemon Colluseum/XD or Metroid prime trilogy
What upcoming NON PORT releases does Shitch have? Kirby and.... fuck.... nooooooooooooooooooooooo
>dying of thirst and will drink any old piss if it's bottled with their favourite childhood faces on it.
let's start listing Sony's game release in the past 12 months... o wait.
Literally every system in its first year gets ports.
The PS4 had God of War 3, GTAV, Resident Evil 4 and Last of Us in its first year.
How quickly people seem to forget.
All the new games are in development you idiots.
What are you, 12? I'll answer you when you stop acting like a retard.
>let's talk about the 'random shut that's bugging me as I sit down to write a twenty minute article for no reason' problem
fuck off
It will be if Bayo 2 and Tropical Freeze don't outsell the Wii U versions.
Nintendo drones will literally buy anything overpriced.
It's basically the Apple of video games.
Why do you think the Wii was white?
>telling blunderfag to stop acting retarded
That's some biblical tier shouting into the wind. Might as well ask the earth to stop spinning.
ITT: triggered manchildren
Go shill your video somewhere else
Who is this, and why should I care?
>Switch's port problem.
When have ports even been a problem?
If you already own the original just don't buy the port.
Not an argument. I have absolutely won this debate
Anyone notice that after the soyjak meme died, bait has gotten even lazier?
>Implying all Soynegros aren't in Life support with the Cum of Kratos and Nathan Drake
idk if youre baiting, but the sequel has XD in the title
I can't tell if you're baiting either
>It's portable
portable games have always been cheaper, asshead
That's cute.
go back
>It's portable
Also, if it is portable, shouldn't it be priced lower like all the other handheld games in the last few years?
Fuck you
Here's your controller bro.
Do you seriously not understand why portable games have historically been cheaper?
Why is this game $60? It was $50 when it came out new on Wii U.
And no, adding an easy mode for literal babies does not justify a $10 price hike for a 4 year old game.
>hurr ports should cost less because they came out years ago
Wine doesn't become cheaper the older it is.
Games don't lose their value over time. Why should they cost less only because they were released a while ago?
I spilled a small amount of water on it, now I can't use it anymore,
>buy pc games 20 years ago
>can run it on any system with any settings and mods and blbalbalbala
>buy console
>have to buy game again and again to play it on new system for that 1080p60fps(tm)
You say that like all of gaming isn't like that. New franchises struggle.
How Nintendo does ports:
>lazy upscale with built in easy mode for babies
>costs $10 more than original release
How Sony does ports:
>beautiful full remake with additional content
>$10 LESS than original release
There's a reason Sony won 4 gens in a row.
No worries I can make new ones!
Sony didn't win gen three silly
Neither did Nintendo for that matter. Mobiles did.
Sony only won the current gen, Nintendo trounced them all others.
its a huge problem if you consider the people who felt burned by the wii u and went to a switch expecting better support
im not some kind of retard that continues to support a company that burns me, but they exist
Nintendo are the only ones competing on the 9th gen. Sony won the 8th.
Not Nintendo. Wii. Wii was barely a game console. It was a gimmick toy.
I challenge you to name 10 good games on the Wii.
Going by this logic, there's nothing wrong with charing $60 for NES and SNES games on VC.
So does that mean mobiles are still on top or do they not count anymore?
I'm pretty sure Nintendo made the Wii user.
If you can get away with selling the thing at a high price then by all means go for it. The market will only pay what they feel the item is worth.
Okay, so why do so many people on Sup Forums bitch about PS+ prices? The market has clearly shown they're willing to pay for it.
Name 10 memorable Wii titles. Protip, you can't.
What? Did Apple or Google win this gen?
Source: user ass
You keep bolstering my argument that you're a retard.
Cause no one likes it when the price goes up, clearly it must have been worth the outrage as sony didn't back down or anything
>game doesnt get ports
>lol dead system
>game gets ports
>lol port machine
Make up your fucking minds
Why does mobile not count anymore?
Nintendo burned themselved with WiiU. Much in the same way Sony had no fucking idea what they were doing with the Vita, Nintendo went full retard with WiiU to the point where people didn't even know the damn thing existed. WiiU might've had a shot in hell if Nintendo just didn't do literally EVERYTHING wrong with trying to sell it.
>Cause no one likes it when the price goes up,
But it's okay when Nintendo charges more for a last gen game than they did when it first came out.