hello anons did you like fallout 3 or new vegas more?
Hello anons did you like fallout 3 or new vegas more?
I liked New Vegas more
Anyone who liked 3 more was most likely a child when 3 came out, and it was their first Fallout.
So their opinions are worthless.
I liked new vegas more, that being said I don't think fallout 3 is a bad game
Okay grandpa
Walking home, I noticed a dead squirrel lying on the corner of a street. It was just behind a car, the lower part of it's body was a bit crushed, but the top half was ok. It was laying with it's eyes closed, it looked peaceful. Life is precious bros.
Fallout 3
>Everything else
New Vegas
roaming a vast empty desert was nowhere near enjoyable than Metro DC
wrong thread? also saw a dog get thrown off a bridge one time and it hurt
Fuck off, underage.
He was obviously talking about the subject matter of OP's pic, retard.
that is true
t. fallout 3 first
The same could be said for vegas, as the only difference between them is that one released after the other, much like shit.
Played Fallout 3 first and didn't like it very much
Played New Vegas after that and loved it
i was just making sure chill
t. brainlet
are you smoking some weedle dee deed my man?
if not, sorry brah you don't have to preface your posts with questioning an obvious fact just to flesh yours out
I played 3 first and then new vegas, and new vegas is definitely the better of the two. That being said I don't get the wild praise it receives, it's not much better than the "bethesda game" they've been making since Oblivion
Why was Dead Money so shit? Did anyone like this DLC?
DM had some cool ideas but it was a pain to play through.
Honestly the more I play NV the less I like any of the DLCs.
Vegas. You have to be brain dead to like 3 more.
Sup Forums loves the shit out of DM because DOOD MUH DIFFICULTY AND LIMITED WEAPONS
It was an absolute slogfest to trudge through that it sucked any enjoyment out of playing through it. Played it once and actively avoid it
New Vegas is better overall, but the DLCs are way worse than 3's.