For the 4 or so people that played this, who was your favorite character?

For the 4 or so people that played this, who was your favorite character?

Pic related.
Though to be fair, most characters in Basara are fun to play with, I just like Kojuuro the most in terms of playstyle, character and design.

Isn't this basically Dynasty Warriors for fujos?

Pretty much, yeah, and with much better gameplay.

The guy that put an after market exhaust system on his horse


By the way, was the wii version good?

I picked the green dude, he's like musou Luigi. Also 2kats edgelord

It's Dynasty Warriors for pedos.

Motochika was my favorite. Too bad he spends most of his storylines being retarded.

The anchor guy who traps enemies in nets

Shame this is all they localized.

My nigga. Koj is fucking grade a bro tier.

the guy who punches and wears yellow

also the prisoner guy with the ball n' chain.

Mitsunari is a personal favorite. His VA work in both languages is a treat and his gameplay is amazing. Almost everyone is fun to play though.

I really hate that we will never get another localization.

The mecha one (have forgot his name...)

Mitsunari because of his special cancels and ability to do duels and clear waves. Least favorite was Kanbe, he was a great character but his attacks were slow pieces of shit that left you open every attack.

Tadakatsu Honda I think

>all they localized
Y-yeah lets go with that....
It's probably for the best you don't see how the first game got localized

Also I'm a Masamune main, gotta go with the most ridiculous moveset there is.

Ah,yes,it was him,thank you

>tfw no english Samurai Warriors 4 Empires for PC
PS3 emulation when?

Ieyasu. Love going ATATATATATATATATA on everything

>Dynasty Warriors for fujos
It's the best fucking musou with combat, that beats the shit out of any garbage made by PG

PS4 version runs fine and is almost universally founnd in bargain bins, senpai.