So after all the hootin and hollarin, is it REALLY historically accurate or what?

So after all the hootin and hollarin, is it REALLY historically accurate or what?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes. They are retarded for calling it "realism" without realizing people were going to nitpick their buggy game, though.

Yes and the game would be very enjoyable without the army of bugs to ruin it

No. Not in the slightest.


it would be if they actually patch the damn thing instead of saying "next week"

Explain what?

>modernism in medieval times

Weren't they meant to release the update this weekend just past? Have they already given up on the game?

For it to accurately represent the time a single wound should be treated like a potential death sentence that takes days to heal.

The inaccuracies. I'm no historian, but I assume you are?
Nice meme.


its very clearly delayed and something fucked up they just wont admit it.

It would take entirely too long to list everything innacurate about it. Since you aren't a historian I can point out that the hands down most potent and very widely available weapon (crossbow) of the time isn't anywhere in the game.

Depends on what you mean by historically accurate. Are there no niggers and are all the clothes and weapon models accurate to within a decade? Yes. Does what happens in the games narrative make sense, make use of and elevate the temporal and physical setting? No.


I guess that would explain why things like black people didn't make it into the game either.

Proof is a noun you stupid fuck.

>getting mad

>being retarded

Not really. Maybe just models, too bad those are really textured like shit, especially buildings. If you are searching accuracy for immersion stay away, believe me. This without counting the absolutely stupid way they managed to integrate setting and gameplay.

>taking that long to come up with a reply

no, there could have been a black guy impregnating women at the inn and some mixed race toddlers running around

>being this pathetic

The dialogue isnt at all.

Sounds like a script written by a millenial who just wrote like modern teenagers then swapped in an old-sounding word here and there.

At ajy moment it feels like theyre goibg to say yolo

what does this even mean

U mad?

There's a potion to see in the dark. What do you fucking think?

It's historically accurate in name only. the combat, alchemy, dialogue, and overall gameplay is not only inaccurate but trash as well.

Proofs of what? The game not having crossbows?

Nice try. Post some actual information.

It's really good. Best game I've had a chance to play in a long time. It's like Mount and Blade but with actual stuff to do in town and people to talk to. I've Fucked a refugee, a princess, and several bathmaids. I've killed filthy Hungarians and bandits alike. I also spent a night in jail for punching a dude who called my mother a whore. Game is good, don't miss out on an amazing gaming experience.


The dialogue is fantastic in the game. I've only seen this criticism from numale cucks that haven't even played the game.

based boob poster

It's historically accurate in terms of the events of the time but not realistic. Thank god for that though villages and cities were literally running with shit because people didn't believe in sanitation until the 19th century.

Did people not make bogus potions in the past?

I'm just going to assume you're touched in the head.

Crossbows were not the most potent weapon at that time. They were before plate came into the picture.

No facts. How hard is it to post a single fact with even a Wikipedia article for reference. I'm not asking for an academic document, just the semblance of an intelligent discussion.

Fact: KCD does not have crossbows
People aren't mind readers, newfag

Longbows were several times more effective than crossbows in that period anyways.

I don't want to have to use ad hominem, but you are playing dumb and probably are dumb as well.

>more effective
This is why I don't bother with chan-folk

This is how I know you are a fake meme historian. Crossbows couldn't pierce plate only chain mail. Longbows could pierce plate and could be fired faster than a crossbow by someone who was trained to fire it. Keep pretending you know shit about history though.

>run into this lady while exploring Bohemia
>Her name is literally Old Whore
>definitely past her prime but the name is still intriguing and I gleefully start her quest
>steal the 20 groschen and come back, not expecting anything more than a monetary reward
>There's a line of dialogue you can pick asking if there's something else she needs
>my penis is ready
>she responds that she does need someone to keep warm with at night
>tear off my pants and get into fap position
>"Sorry, I can't do that"


Huh I just told her to fuck off.

Get a better computer.

>very widely available weapon

At a time where many people couldn't afford weapons beyond an eating knife. At a time where most tools were made of wood, including shovels and hoes. At a time when people would struggle to farm enough food to survive after taxes/tithe. "At this time a can surely afford one of the many thousands of available crossbows(let alone bolts) with intricate metal parts."

Things are always "historically" available.

That has existed since before the middle ages. Fucking Lascaux is painted with pigments from berries that help your night vision.

>this is how I know
I quoted someone who said longbows were "more effective" than crossbows. To show you why this is aggravating to be bothered with:
Quarter sticks of dynamite are more effective than an AK47.
At what; we haven't defined yet but it's "more effective". You shits talk in half sentences as if you're barely a half step above YouTube Comments.

Please tell me why they should be using crossbows in that time period when they were not widely available, more expensive to make, and longbows were actually the more effective weapon anyways? It's not rocket science.

Post a single document to back up any of your claims. You ARE a historian, aren't you?




This is the only claim I have made, it is true as sourced by the game itself. I genuinely believe you're on the spectrum.

yes and no. yes to the parts of the game that are historically accurate no to the anachronisms.



Are you or are you not this poster? \
If you are, suck a dick, you disingenuous faggot; if you are not, you are literally arguing over nothing. Either way, you're retarded.

You literally called it the most potent and powerful weapon of the time which is completely wrong and then asked why it wasn't in the game when it was barely available in that time period. You lost the argument "historian" just accept it.

where do i get this armor

nexus+console commands for waffenrack


Prove it.

Not really. Swords wouldn't be able to slash through a shield and full plate armor just because my STR is 20. I'm also pretty sure I killed more bandits in side activities than peasants lived in the region, which seems unrealistic. Then there's alchemy which doesn't work IRL. Then there's also the economy, which definitely isn't how it was IRL. If it were a peasant could go on a day trip to the woods and live for a year and a half in a fancy inn. Then, obviously, there's all the bugged out and unfinished quests that aren't very realistic.

On the other hand, the 1000ft view of the main quest was pretty realistic. There's a good game in there somewhere, it's just buried in shit.

I'm going to start for the fifth time today. And this time I'm DEFINITELY not going to mug a passerby knight for his gear right at the beginning. I'll come by my groschen honorably and without crime.

>thread descends into autistic slap-fighting.

>lists quality of life things made to put gameplay ahead of realism
>bitches that the game isn't good because they didn't make it suck in favor of realism

He's just mad about bugs. I'd wager if you asked him what he thinks are good games he would list some japshit or nintendork crap.

I mean if your some gregor clegane ass guy you could probably beat a guy to death in plate with a sword.

I'm not mad that it's not realistic enough, I'm mad that retards keep fawning about how every little thing makes it realistic when it's like 60% trash. Realism in games is stupid. You should always go for something that presents the illusion of reality rather than trying to take an autistic stance on it. SWAT 4 is a good example of a game that does realism right. KCD would've been better if they either didn't try and sell it as some "realistic" game, or if they dropped the open world RPG mechanics in favor of a full on sim.

Not with the blade. No matter how strong you are, you aren't going to put a thinner piece of metal through a thicker one if they're of the same quality and composition. You could probably concuss a man to death with the flat of it or break his neck.

Completely agree with you man and I'm glad they didn't make it entirely realistic. If there was literally shit running down the streets like real medieval towns and cities I wouldn't want to play.

It's historically comfy is what it is.

Well sure it won't go through it but you could dent it I think, might be wrong. Using a hammer or mace would definitely be preferable though.

>people didn't believe in sanitation until the 19th century.

Lol what the fuck are you on about. Don't just say shit that sounds right but is utter bullshit.
Where did you get that idea?

don't even argue. You are smart enough to type what you did, just let him sperg out.

Medieval europe still used latrines that were emptied daily, they arent Indians just shitting wherever they feel like it. It would've been a horrendous smell but there wouldnt be shit everywhere

What's the difference between an illusion of reality and an "autistic stance" on things, though, you know, beyond what is just your opinion.

For the record there's an entry in the codex about sanitation

>mfw interviewing people to be the shit carriers

They literally wiped their asses with their hands and as for the sewage tossed it in rivers or threw it in the streets. This is especially true for the age following the black plague. They let animals run wild in the streets because they didn't know how to prevent disease, if anything they just got rid of shit because it smelled bad.


No matter what happens, a Kingdom Come thread will be ruined in some way, shape, or form. This time it's because of two autists arguing about crossbows.

I enjoyed how this game showed how easy it is to troll leftists and how fucking stupid and petty they are.

This game is great.

Thread theme:

But medieval weaponry is relevant to the game unlike politics.


What are you talking about? After the plague the connection was made between waste / garbage and hygiene and there was a major ordnance to keep the streets clean with heavy fines for not adhering, this goes back to 1309 in England at least.

I dunno about that but I like the fact they tried to be reminiscent of the Middle Ages.

Oh neat. I must of had my sources wrong, I was just parroting stuff I'd seen before.

If you're making a "realistic" game, your goal should be to make players forget they're playing a game. An autistic stance on realism would neglect that in favor of minutia, or in KCD's case, in favor of bugs, broken quests, and poor balancing. But to answer your question, nothing, insofar as the difference between a good game and a bad game is subjective. Play what you want to play.

>bugs, broken quests, and poor balancing
Like I said, you're mad about the technical issues. Take a chill pill, brother. :

Nigga you some kinda brainlet

This, the Duke of Bedford at the battle of Verneuil, 1424, is described as doing as follows: 'Seward noted that the Bedford's battle-axe "... smashed open an expensive armour like a modern tin can, the body underneath being crushed and mangled before even the blade sank in".' Especially deadly and talented warriors with the right weapons could deal great damage in combat.

When did technical issues stop being a legitimate complaint? Bugs aren't even the core issue. The game is basically skyrim without fantasy elements, and with a few extra armor slots and combos. The AI is horrendous, fights bigger than 3v3 are a shitshow. 1v1 is broken once you get riposte, and I don't believe Warhorse will ever fix these issues to my satisfaction. What do you want me to tell you? The HRE was real, Wenceslaus IV was real, Sigismund was real, Jan Hus was real, Jobst of Moravia was real, etc. The backdrop and setting is fine, it's just the game part of KCD is deeply flawed.

>basically skyrim without the fantasy elements
You've really made me think, lad. Anyway, I hope you can enjoy the game 5 years from now or something.

>no crossbows
>historically accurate
top kek

Assigning that annoying cunt to "carrying shit" was one of the more satisfying moral choices I've ever made in a game. She just stood there the whole time pestering me while interviewing other applicants and even had the gall to follow me into the alchemist's shop and force a dialog interaction.


>doing anything but having babbies in 15th century czechistan
top kek

haha yeah epin! agreed and amplified comrade. women should be killed, and tranny homosex is definitely the way to go! together we can bring white birth rates even lower. #hillary2020 #impeachdrumpf

Let's get real, though. Resetera really did a number on this game. It didn't help that the bugs and general complexity of it have made even those who went into it with positive expectations turn on it.