What would be Sup Forums's equivalent of Code Geass season 3?

What would be Sup Forums's equivalent of Code Geass season 3?

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Blazblue central fiction and the next mainline game that comes out.
Fuck ArcSys anf fuck CG s3 both are garbage

Half Life Episode 3
Cory in the House 2
Take your pick.


Elder Scrolls VI

Shit I've been out of the scene for a while.
>started to write:
>You mean something a lot of retards want that isn't happening?
Luckily then I actually looked and god damn it they are in fact making another one, sorry OP.

I guess in that case dunno, it'll depend on whether it's any good or not. Obviously the odds are it'll be bad, in that case the Sup Forums equivalent would be, I dunno, maybe the later EA C&Cs? Or even DNF? It's been 12 years (holy shit) since the original, reviving a popular IP from forever ago to try to squeeze more out of it and having it fucking suck or just plain be mediocre could fit a TON of vidya actually.

If it's actually kind of decent then the number of possible vidya shrinks a lot. Maybe Deus Ex HR, it wasn't remotely as brilliant as the original but everyone thought it'd be fucking horrible and instead it was actually alright. If CG3 ended up like that it wouldn't be so bad.

>Half Life Episode 3
That's never happening though.

No one expected a third season of CG either, though.

Expected? Wait, CG S3 is actually happening?

Max Payne 3

See what I mean?

Still entirely different. HL3 definitely is not happening now after the entire plot got put out there. We know it's dead. Simultaneously it was in fact actually expected and teased before Valve gave up on developing vidya themselves in favor of Steam and hats.

That's different from something a lot of people WISH would get a sequel (and equally lots of people wish wouldn't of course) but nobody has any expectation of, there are tons of anime and vidya like that. Sure people gave up on HL3 in the end but it was in fact an actual announced project in production at one point before entering development hell.

Come to think of it I can't think of that many vidya franchises in general where over a decade passed between one game and the next. That's a long ass time for a break and revival. Wonder if someone has made a list somewhere of ones like that? Most of the examples I can think of that are even close to that long were garbage cash grab franchise rapes though, usually done cheap too.

It's just so unnecessary, CG had such a good ending in season 2. They are gonna fuck it up

That STALKER Battle Royale came coming out.
Nobody thought it would happen, nobody asked for it to happen, nobody wants it to happen, and it'll most likely be shit.

season 2 was a clusterfuck

Code Geass never really STOPPED though so much as it went to a slow burn, that's easier to come back from. There's been those OVAs and various manga spinoffs and shit over the years that at least kept a few coals hot. Them going back to full production at this point is different from reviving from total cold I actually liked some of those crazy manga AUs even.

Duke Nukem Forever

>Code Geass S1&2 were 9/10, almost 10/10s in my book
>Saw the Akito movies because I liked the anime so much
>the Akito series is 1/10 shit literally not even worth watching
why were they so bad bros

The World Ends With You 2

I agree with you completely user but then again I can think of one or two examples where I thought that and was wrong, so guess I'll at least give it an episode or 3. Maybe this will just be for retards who didn't like S2 instead though.

Can you recommend me anything cool if you remember? I used to love Code Geass, but never really checked out the manga and whatnot.

R2 was garbage, so it isn't surprising.

Metroid Prime 4

Dunno, weird feel there. I'm not sure exactly why things didn't quite gel, maybe too much of a lack of an overall vision? Wrong mixture of ridiculous and tech? I don't agree with 1/10 it was at least a 3 or 4/10 but yeah, there were cool pieces yet somehow it just felt blah and blurry. I guess they were kind of going for this little side war thing but maybe that really just doesn't fit the Geass universe and ethos, it really needs the huge overall plot to drive all the crazy and allow enough ham.

Season 2 of Geass is trash. Youre a pleb.

dragon's dogma 2

Nigger you have ten seconds to vanish from this website or I will find you.

Note how I said it had a good ending, I agree completely though is was a clusterfuck

Nightmare of Nunnally might be a place to start, it was a pretty fun alternate take, as in actual alternate universe playout that's more Nunally focused and where Geass is something that affects the body and physical world rather then the mind more. It's only 5 volumes and fully translated so it's easy to get through, it had some pretty hilarious ham and general arc. Not going to be blow anyone away but it was an amusing twist on the same basic forces as CG.

Some of the other ones get wackier, like Renya sets the whole thing in old japan era.

>millions of anime that are left hanging at a cliffhanger due to it being a manga or LN adaptation that only ran for 12-24 episodes
>no new seaaon
>Code Geass was ended perfectly, with all plot threads tied up and it being left to the audience's interpretation whether Lelouch lived or died
>new season

Life isn't fair.

yeah non was fun. be warned first like chapter or two or something are pretty close to cg start. goes off to its own thing after tho. determined nunnally a cute, a amazing, 10/10 would serve and protect


Yes it is user. And Lelouch is alive and well.

Diablo 3.

No. No it is not.

I'm not even ashamed Sup Forums I will be sad about this forever

>Lelouch is alive and well.
You're being sarcastic right?

Its called Hunt Down The Freeman


Brainlet spotted

Dude the subtitle is Lelouch of the Resurrection as far as I know, but info is scarce so far


it's not even a decent /m/ show

this thing was so boring holy shit, literally nothing interesting happened in the first fucking 12 eps, super boring

If it actually happened?
God Hand 2

>He thinks lelouch died in S2
Lmaoing at your delusions


>not only are they going to rape the ending

Just enjoy the ride user.


Diablo clones are pure garbage, glorified slot machines more than games. Only Diablo 1 was OK because it was made with very little resources.
Diablo 3 must have copied japanese ARPGs (which are actually good) like Monter Hunter, Souls or Dragon's Dogma, and the success Souls and Monster Hunter World are having, even as little polished they are, would be tons bigger under Blizzard's hands if they had put their money and care on them (not to mention their marketing).

That sounds retarded but at the same time that's not all that surprising either. I only started watching like 4 anime in the last 8 years and I dropped them all within 4 episodes. Geass might just be the one to make me stick around. That show was entertaining as fuck, both the suspenseful early S1 and the trainwreck late S1 and S2 in their own way.

Can't fucking wait. And a new Full Metal Panic anime is coming too. Maybe Japan is getting its shit together.

>not only are they going to rape the ending
>he didn't see the real ending after credits
I pity you


Get out


damn /m/ contrarians, R1 was a good show and you know it

I'm skeptical of revivals anyway but
>lol actually none of that even mattered
This is literally the worst way to go about it. That fucking fan doujin revival short from forever ago even made more sense, at least then they had Lelouch get the Code and thus have the curse of immortality and purposefully seal himself away, then be reawoke like centuries later for like an interstellar war or something like that. That seemed crazy but it could be good crazy and it doesn't shit on the old one even if it's bad.

This way is just fucking stupid though. It gives zero creative freedom and is an obvious total cash grab, like, even more then it would be anyway. They don't even make anyone any older. If it had even been at least a few decades so people were grown up and had changed that could be kind of interesting but no. God damn it.

I can't even begin to imagine having that much shit taste in cartoons.

Dumb niggers, watch this

>damn /m/ contrarians, R1 was a good show and you know it
I think you misunderstood us, we aren't arguing at all that R1/R2 were fun and R1 in particular was great mecha. We were talking about Akito, that more recent OVA they made focusing on the European theater but sucking at it. It was oddly bad and even the mecha really didn't work that well or fit the feel of the the series at that point either for some reason.

Akito is weird in that it is worse then it should be.

The Answer

i disliked lelouch dying when i was first watchin it, but what did i know - i was a 14 year old virgin. now i think it's a good ending and code of geass was piece of shit with good openings

Code Geass is analogous to Gundam 00. Decent 1st season, shit 2nd season.

Final Fantasy 10 = Code Geass
Both are masterpieces no question

Final Fantasy 10-2 = Code Geass R2
Both are masterpieces, but some low IQ people claim they're shit

Final Fantasy 10's next sequel = Code Geass R3

neither is what you posted

Fucking room temperature IQ retard the trailer doesn't suck because OMG HOW COULD BE ALIVE everyone saw that 11 years ago. The trailer sucks because it's is showing everything going back to shit and like, at most a few months has gone by.


>he thinks Lelouche faking his death is anything but a worse ending than Lelouche dying for his sins.

Lelouch never died you muppet, he's riding in the back of CC's cart in the post credits scene.

>imagine being this stupid

Everyone is flipping their shit about that tho
But I don't care, I enjoyed this show as a dumb kid, but now I see it as a retarded anime as any modern garbage from it, still all you niggers are fucking dumb shit taste faggots

What will the conflict even be this time? The entire earth was literally this harmonious united nations consortium at the end.
So Nippon now gets invaded by the united nations which it is a part of in the first place?

What are some games that have one of the best waifus ever?

that's just artistical approach to "the end?" trope, it shouldn't have a 3rd season

You haven't even seen it, casual.

man i wanted real resurrection with geass or something

I could accept it if Lelouch 100% intended to die for his sins and end things but then CC forced immortality on him for her own reasons and then died of old age or something instead, and Lelouch chose to be sealed. That'd fit his sense of duty and personality, he'd still be "alive" but it wouldn't negate anything and he'd still choose to suffer and carry the burden he'd earned.

What's the best Code Geass OP?

>Only an OP for two episodes
>Ends up being the best OP of the series
>A lot of people don't even know it exists


>Everyone is flipping their shit about that tho
If you had actually bothered to glance at any of the posts you'd quoted you'd see that wasn't what a lot of complaints are about.

Gunparade March

>tfw no more anime or even vidya about some random nobody forging an empire and taking over the world by starting from nothing
Recommend me things, /va/. I'm starved for this sort of story but there's previously little of it out there. 4X and Grand Strategy games are technically all about this but I wanted something with a more guided plot.

Season 3 better have lots of pizza

I've been rewatching the show recently. Almost at the end of R1. It's still an entertaining batshit crazy series.

Why are they making a season 3? From what I remember everything was concluded, from the family assassination, defeating Britannia, to his goal of creating a better world, even though he had to die in the process. What is there left to tell? Am I forgetting something? Someone please refresh my memory?


amazing some shitty artist fanwork can get this more right then goro. fucking risk aversion ruins sequels

her farts probably smell godawful, mine did, after eating pizzas straight for couple of months

DMC5 I guess

Reminder that for the past 10 years there have been people who actually thought Lelouch is dead for sure.

I fucking hate when OPs reuse footage from earlier OPs or are comprised of artwork not drawn specifically for the OP.
Except when the lord himself Fukuda does it.


Trails of Cold Steel

>Why are they making a season 3?

Am I the only one who felt sadder when Rolo died as opposed to Shirley?

Why would you do that to yourself?

Best taste. One of the best OP songs ever, didn't even care they just had panning shots and reused footage for it.

Yes Rolo is a faggot.

Colors or bust

>Why are they making a season 3?
money. anime is just like hollywood movies in some regards
>What is there left to tell?
there would probably be new britanian governemnt and another noisy and naive main character that would probably be manipulated and affiliated with lelouch or something like that, i imagine

explain to me how someone can survive this

Different feels each time, but felt bad each time. Euphemia, Shirley and Rolo basically all represented different pieces of Lelouch's humanity being cut away though.